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cschneid/output Secret

Last active December 20, 2015 15:19
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import System.ZMQ3
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack, pack)
import Control.Monad (unless, forever)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkOS, forkIO, yield)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import ZmqConfig
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "====== Starting Up Metronome ======"
forkOS $ startMetronome 1
forkOS $ startMetronome 3
putStrLn "And now to sleep while they run"
-- And sleep for a while
threadDelay $ secondsToMicroseconds 30
startMetronome :: Int -> IO ()
startMetronome seconds = do
putStrLn $ "Building " ++ (show seconds)
withContext $ \context -> do
buildSocket context $ \socket ->
forever $ do
putStrLn $ "Running a " ++ (show seconds)
responses <- sendReceiveLoop socket
mapM_ (putStrLn . unpack) responses
putStrLn $ "Sent and received from " ++ (show seconds)
threadDelay $ secondsToMicroseconds seconds
return ()
sendReceiveLoop socket = mapM (\msg -> do
putStrLn $ "Just before sending message " ++ unpack msg
send socket [] msg
putStrLn $ "Just after sending message " ++ unpack msg
receive socket
) (messages (show seconds))
messages note = map pack [
publish "output" "hi from: " ++ note
{- ,publish "output" "ohh, yes" -}
publish channel message = intercalate " " ["pub", channel, message]
-- The configuration
defaultRouterURL = "tcp://localhost:7000"
defaultSocketName = "Haskell"
data Configuration = Configuration {
socketName :: String,
routerUrl :: String
buildSocket context f = withSocket context Req $ \req -> do
config <- readConfiguration "development"
setIdentity (restrict $ pack (socketName config)) req
connect req (routerUrl config)
f req
readConfiguration env = do
config <- parseConfig "test.yml"
let devConfig = fromJust $ descend env config
let socket = configWithDefault "name" defaultSocketName devConfig
let router = configWithDefault "routerUrl" defaultRouterURL devConfig
return Configuration { socketName = socket, routerUrl = router }
-- Convert a given number of seconds to the equivalent amount of time in
-- microseconds
secondsToMicroseconds :: Int -> Int
secondsToMicroseconds i = i * 10 ^ 6
➜ zmq_haskell git:(master) ✗ ./zmq +RTS -N2
====== Starting Up Metronome ======
Building 1
Building 3
Running a 1
Just before sending message pub output hi from: 1
Running a 3
And now to sleep while they run
Just after sending message pub output hi from: 1
Just before sending message pub output hi from: 3
Just after sending message pub output hi from: 3
Sent and received from 1
Running a 1
Just before sending message pub output hi from: 1
Just after sending message pub output hi from: 1
Sent and received from 1
Running a 1
Just before sending message pub output hi from: 1
Just after sending message pub output hi from: 1
Sent and received from 1
Running a 1
Just before sending message pub output hi from: 1
Just after sending message pub output hi from: 1
Sent and received from 1
➜ zmq_haskell git:(master) ✗
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