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Viktor Tóth csiki

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csiki /
Last active March 2, 2023 02:00
Rewrite of rom1504/clip-retrieval/clip_retrieval/ to handle webdataset filtering locally or on s3
"""clip filter is a tool to use a knn index and a image/text collection to extract interesting subsets"""
# updated it for handling webdataset tar files
import fire
import boto3
import os, sys
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import torch
import random
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import deepcopy
from controller.controller import Controller # hardware control code
from vizdoom import DoomGame, Button, GameVariable, ScreenFormat, ScreenResolution, AutomapMode
#include "zcommon.acs"
#define KILL_REWARD 100.0
#define EXIT_REWARD 500.0
// these variables are exposed to ViZDoom
global int 0:reward;
global int 1:killCount; // number of monsters killed
global int 2:xpos; // player's position
while y > 6:
if y == 5:
x += y*2
if x < 42:
x += y*3
# ... Python code that calls C extension you intend to profile ...
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
name = 'gperftools_wrapped',
ext_modules = cythonize("gperftools_wrapped.pyx"),
cdef extern from "gperftools/profiler.h":
int ProfilerStart(char* fname)
void ProfilerStop()
void ProfilerFlush()
def ProfStart(fname):
return ProfilerStart(fname)
def ProfStop():
function feature = alpha_feature(EEG)
% constants
alpha = 7 : 12;
left_channels = 1 : 4;
right_channels = 11 : 14;
% left mean alpha power for every channel
left_alpha_power_avg = 0;
for chan = left_channels