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Created October 26, 2017 13:52
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Play around with Python's Abstract Syntax Tree, to see if we can say that a function will call a specific function (and what the args to that call would be).
Brief: - Quick and dirty test code of the Python abstract syntax tree.
The big thing is the ability to (sort of) see if a function calls another
specific function.
MIT License - 2017
Charles Machalow
import ast
import inspect
import textwrap
def getSyntaxTree(func):
returns a list of abstract syntax tree nodes for a given function.
return list(ast.walk(ast.parse(textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(func)))))
except TypeError as ex:
if 'builtin' in str(ex):
return None # can't decode a builtin... that is fine
raise ex
def keywordsToDict(keywords):
takes a list of keyword objects and attempts to convert them into
a dictionary of key->value
d = {}
for k in keywords:
d[k.arg] = ast.literal_eval(k.value)
except ValueError:
d[k.arg] =, None # variable name?
if hasattr(k.value, 'n'):
d[k.arg] = k.value.n
elif hasattr(k.value, 's'):
d[k.arg] = k.value.s
elif hasattr(k.value, 'func'):
d[k.arg] = + "(%s)" % (argsAndKeywordsToString(k.value.keywords, k.value.args))
elif hasattr(k.value, 'keys') and hasattr(k.value, 'values'):
d[k.arg] = "<dict>"
elif hasattr(k.value, 'elts'):
d[k.arg] = '<list>'
elif hasattr(k.value, 'id'):
d[k.arg] = # named variable?
raise NotImplementedError("Huh?")
return d
def argsAndKeywordsToString(keywords, theArgs):
takes the keywords and args for a function call and converts them to a string.
s = ''
for i in theArgs:
s+= str(ast.literal_eval(i)) + ', '
kDict = keywordsToDict(keywords)
for key, value in kDict.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
value = '\"%s\"' % value # add quotes
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
value = value[0] # ignore the others in the tuple
# the tuple means that this is a variable name not string
s += ('%s=%s, ' % (key, value))
return s.rstrip(', ')
def getThisCallThatArgs(this, that, objs=None):
check if this function calls that one.
objs is a list of common objects to scan through
Returns the list of args/kwargs as strings
syntaxTree = getSyntaxTree(this)
retList = []
if syntaxTree:
for thing in syntaxTree:
#if hasattr(thing, 'name') and == that.__name__:
# return True
if hasattr(thing, 'func') and hasattr(thing.func, 'id') and == that.__name__:
# thing is a Call ?
args = thing.args
kwargs = thing.keywords
retList.append(argsAndKeywordsToString(kwargs, args))
elif hasattr(thing, 'func'):
if objs:
for obj in objs:
if hasattr(obj,
retList += getThisCallThatArgs(getattr(obj,, that, objs)
retList += getThisCallThatArgs(eval(, that)
except NameError:
return retList
def thisCallThat(this, that, objs=None, quiet=False):
check if this function calls that one.
objs is a list of common objects to scan through
Returns the True if this calls that.
retList = getThisCallThatArgs(this, that, objs)
if not quiet:
for i in retList:
print ("%s might call %s(%s)" % (this.__name__, that.__name__, i))
return len(retList) > 0
# Test Code #
def lowLevelFunction(id):
return True
def wrapper(id):
if False:
s = set()
return lowLevelFunction(id=s)
return lowLevelFunction(id=[1,2,3])
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert thisCallThat(wrapper, lowLevelFunction, quiet=True)
# Test Code #
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