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ctford / cdr_police.clj
Created December 15, 2018 11:01
Cdr Police
(ns ture.cdr-police
(:require [ :refer :all :exclude [stop]]
[leipzig.melody :refer :all]
[leipzig.scale :as scale]
[ :as canon]
[ :as live]
[ :refer [stop]]
[leipzig.chord :as chord]
[leipzig.temperament :as temperament]))
module Data.FSM.Entropy
%default total
data Solfege = Do | Re | Mi | Fa | So | La | Ti
entropy : Solfege -> Solfege -> Nat
entropy Do Do = 1
entropy Do Re = 2
entropy Re Do = 2
entropy Re Re = 1
module Entropy
import Data.List
%default total
data Probability : a -> Nat -> Type where
Occurred : (x : a) -> Probability x bits
begin : Probability [] 0
begin = Occurred []
ctford / prism.idr
Created December 10, 2017 22:40
A non-compiling prism implementation where the applicative instance is AWOL.
module Optic.Prism
import Data.List
%default total
-- Const
data Const a b = Constant a
implementation Functor (Const a) where
map _ (Constant x) = (Constant x)
ctford / Chain.idr
Created November 4, 2017 22:26
Fuse a chain of functions
module Data.Chain
%default total
data Chain : Type -> Type -> Type
Link : (a -> b) -> Chain a b
Section : (a -> b) -> Chain b c -> Chain a c
fuse : Chain a b -> a -> b
fuse (Link f) x = f x
ctford / channel.idr
Last active October 29, 2017 21:42
A simple example of dual client/server session types.
module Data.FSM.Channel
import Data.List
%default total
data Protocol : Type
Out : a -> Protocol -> Protocol
In : a -> Protocol -> Protocol
Accept : Protocol -> Protocol -> Protocol
Select : Protocol -> Protocol -> Protocol
ctford / channel.idr
Created October 22, 2017 21:46
The totality checker thinks `dual` the last case of makes it partial - even though I would have thought the pattern matching shrinks the argument.
%default total
data Channel : (result :Type ) -> Type
Send : a -> Channel a
Receive : a -> Channel a
Finished : Channel ()
(>>=) : Channel a -> ((x:a) -> Channel b) -> Channel b
dual : Channel a -> Channel a
ctford / song.clj
Created May 27, 2017 23:47
Whilst you were
(:require [ :refer :all]
[leipzig.melody :refer :all]
[leipzig.scale :as scale]
[ :as live]
[leipzig.chord :as chord]
[leipzig.temperament :as temperament]))
; Instruments
(definst bass [freq 110 dur 1 volume 1.0]
ctford / when.idr
Created February 17, 2017 21:23
A safe test that returns different types in the if and the else branches.
when : (test : Bool) -> a -> b -> if test then a else b
when True x _ = x
when False _ y = y
ctford / locate.idr
Created February 12, 2017 16:50
A function that uses a membership proof to safely locate a tuple in a list.
locate : Eq a => (key : a) -> (entries : List (a, b)) -> {auto membership : Elem key (map Prelude.Basics.fst entries)} -> b
locate {membership} _ [] = absurd membership
locate {membership = Here} key ((key, value) :: _) = value
locate {membership = (There later)} key (_ :: entries) = locate key entries {membership = later}