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cubicleDowns / rayprojection.js
Last active December 29, 2015 11:28
Casting a ray and randomly coloring a cube with THREE.js. See full code here:
function listeners () {
document.addEventListener('click', castRay, false);
function castRay (event) {
var mouse = {};
cubicleDowns / raysprojectionwithoffset.js
Created November 26, 2013 20:16
Casting a WebGL ray with an offset.
function init() {
demo = new Demo.Scene("ray-intersection");
demo.rotateCamera = true;
// start the animation
// this also does all of the setup. i've encapsulated all of this work for brevity.
cubicleDowns / marqueeselection.js
Last active December 23, 2017 00:22
Drag and Drop Marquee Selection with THREE.js and WebGL.
function listeners () {
function resetMarquee () {
mouseup = true;
mousedown = false;
cubicleDowns / createTTTrays.js
Last active December 30, 2015 07:29
Checking for a Tic-Tac-Toe winner using Rays with THREE.js. You can find more at my blog,
function createRays() {
var setup = {
xDirection: xDirection = new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,0),
yDirection: yDirection = new THREE.Vector3(0,-1,0),
zDirection: zDirection = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1),
xy1Direction: xy1Direction = new THREE.Vector3(-1,-1,0).normalize(),
xy2Direction: xy2Direction = new THREE.Vector3(-1,1,0).normalize(),
xz1Direction: xz1Direction = new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,-1).normalize(),
xz2Direction: xz2Direction = new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,1).normalize(),
cubicleDowns / checkTTTwinner.js
Created December 4, 2013 22:16
Check for a tic-tac-toe winner with rays. This is referenced on my blog,
// loop through all the rays and look to see if all of their collisions objects show the same values.
// essentially, a ray will intersect all faces in one particular direction. 3 cubes = 6 faces = 6 intersections
// if all of the intersections show a 'selection' has take place, it'll check the selection types (ttt property)
function checkForTTT(){
var i,j,
cubicleDowns / marqueecache.js
Created December 6, 2013 01:30
Marquee selection cache demonstration for speeding up selection of 3D objects. Read about the approach on my blog,
var Demo = Demo || {};
Demo.Cache = Demo.Cache || {};
Demo.Cache = function (context) {
this.context = context;
this._cachedVertices = [];
this._cachedCentroidPoints = [];
cubicleDowns / object4d-manager.js
Last active December 31, 2015 16:49
Object4D animation and tweening. You can read more on my blog,
var Demo = Demo || {};
// This object manages all of the 4D objects.
// Between renders, it'll take the difference between the last render and the current time.
// This Time Delta is passed to each Object4D object.
// Each Object4D object will then move a distance based upon their individually set speed,
Demo.Manager = function () {
this.clock = new Demo.Clock();
cubicleDowns / clickDirective.js
Created February 9, 2014 21:44
Example of using an AngularJS directive to interact with a THREEjs factory.
"use strict";
tttApp.directive("selectcube", function(ThreeEnv){
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, element){
var offsetLeft = element[0].offsetLeft,
offsetTop = element[0].offsetTop,
cubicleDowns / controller.js
Created February 9, 2014 21:48
Example of an AngularJS controller accessing a THREEjs factory. In this example, I am simply calling the exposed API to modify the THREEjs scene.
"use strict";
tttApp.controller('TTTController', function ($scope, ThreeEnv) {
$scope.dims = 3;
$scope.usercolor = "#0000FF";
$scope.username = "Player1";
$scope.userfirst = false;
cubicleDowns / threefactory.js
Last active April 6, 2022 03:03
Example of a THREEjs factory and an exposed API.
"use strict";
tttApp.factory('ThreeEnv', function ($http, $log, $rootScope ) {
var demo,
rotateCamera = true,
canvas = document.getElementById('ttt-canvas');
* Initialize the 3D scene.