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Last active June 27, 2016 21:21
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(ns ratatosk-client.ui
(:require [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[untangled.client.mutations :as mut]
[om.dom :as dom]
[untangled.client.core :as uc]))
(defui ^:once Main
static uc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [clz params] {:id 1 :type :dashboard-tab :extra {:foo :bar}})
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:id :type :extra])
(render [this]
(dom/h2 nil "DASHBOARD PANEL")))
(def ui-dashboard (om/factory Main {:keyfn :id}))
(defui ^:once Settings
static uc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [clz params] {:id 1 :type :settings-tab :args {:a 1}})
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:id :type :args])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [extra]} (om/props this)]
(dom/h2 nil "SETTINGS PANEL"))))
(def ui-settings (om/factory Settings {:keyfn :id}))
(defui Switcher
static uc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [clz params] (uc/initial-state Main {}))
static om/IQuery
(query [this] {:dashboard-tab (om/get-query Main)
:settings-tab (om/get-query Settings)})
static om/Ident
(ident [this {:keys [type id]}] [type id])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [type] :as props} (om/props this)]
(untangled.client.logging/debug "type:" type)
(dom/div #js {:id "page-wrapper" :style {:min-height "351px"}}
(dom/div #js {:className "row"}
(dom/div #js {:className "col-lg-12"}
;; these buttons don't - they change app-state but don't trigger a re-render of Switcher.
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(om/transact! this '[(app/choose-tab {:tab :dashboard-tab})])} "Dashboard")
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(om/transact! this '[(app/choose-tab {:tab :settings-tab})])} "Settings")
(case type
:dashboard-tab (ui-dashboard props)
:settings-tab (ui-settings props)
(dom/h1 nil "NO PANEL"))))))
(def ui-switcher (om/factory Switcher))
(defui ^:once Root
static uc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [clz params] {:ui/react-key "ROOT"
:ui/app-version "2016.04"
:topbar (uc/initial-state TopBar {})
:tabs (uc/initial-state Switcher {})})
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:ui/react-key :ui/loading-data :ui/app-version
{:topbar (om/get-query TopBar)}
{:tabs (om/get-query Switcher)}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [ui/react-key ui/loading-data ui/app-version topbar tabs]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div #js {:key (or react-key "ROOT") :id "wrapper"}
;; these buttons work
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(om/transact! this '[(app/choose-tab {:tab :dashboard-tab})])} "Dashboard")
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(om/transact! this '[(app/choose-tab {:tab :settings-tab})])} "Settings")
(ui-switcher tabs)
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