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Created March 13, 2024 14:14
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Build LLVM (with Wasm) on Windows
Build LLVM (with Wasm) on Windows
Tested with VS2019 (probably works with older versions). See here for original instructions:
Make sure you have CMake (tested with 3.15.5), Ninja (tested with 1.9.0) and Git installed and on your Path.
1. Launch the "x64 Native Tools" command prompt for VS. Don't skip this.
2. Checkout LLVM:
git clone --config core.autocrlf=false \Path\To\LLVM
3. Create the CMake Ninja generator, building for 'all' targets or alternatively just for -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="WebAssembly":
cd \Path\To\LLVM
mkdir build
cd build
4. Build it! Probably best to go for lunch or something:
cmake --build .
5. Any 'host' errors, missing includes, etc., are probably down you skipping step 1.
6. Open the %HOMEPATH%\.emscripten config file and point LLVM_ROOT to the generated binaries:
LLVM_ROOT = "C:\Path\To\LLVM\build\bin"
That's it!
TODO: why aren't we building libcxx?
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