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Chris Watson cwonrails

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cwonrails /
Last active August 27, 2015 15:03 — forked from gdamjan/
Setup for an easy to use, simple reverse http tunnels with nginx and ssh. It's that simple there's no authentication at all. The end result, a single ssh command invocation gives you a public url for your web app hosted on your laptop.


A lot of times you are developing a web application on your own laptop or home computer and would like to demo it to the public. Most of those times you are behind a router/firewall and you don't have a public IP address. Instead of configuring routers (often not possible), this solution gives you a public URL that's reverse tunnelled via ssh to your laptop.

Because of the relaxation of the sshd setup, it's best used on a dedicated virtual machine just for this (an Amazon micro instance for example).


cwonrails / doinstallnode.bash
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17 — forked from mikeal/install.bash
Install node.js on an Ubuntu Digital Ocean droplet.
echo "Finding latest node version"
VERSION=`curl -s | awk '/node-v/ {print $2}' | head -1 | sed s/node-v// | sed s/-/\ / | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "Preparing to install node-v$VERSION"
echo "GET" $url
curl $url | tar -zxf -
# Clones as usual but creates local tracking branches for all remote branches.
# To use, copy this file into the same directory your git binaries are (git, git-flow, git-subtree, etc)
clone_output=$((git clone "$@" ) 2>&1)
echo $clone_output
if [[ $retval != 0 ]] ; then
exit 1
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@<HOSTNAME_OR_IP> 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ported to Python from
print "Color indexes should be drawn in bold text of the same color."
colored = [0] + [0x5f + 40 * n for n in range(0, 5)]
colored_palette = [
"%02x/%02x/%02x" % (r, g, b)
for r in colored
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ported to Python from
print "Color indexes should be drawn in bold text of the same color."
colored = [0] + [0x5f + 40 * n for n in range(0, 5)]
colored_palette = [
"%02x/%02x/%02x" % (r, g, b)
for r in colored
cwonrails / simpler
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from benizi/simpler
# Print four lines showing blocks of colors: 0-7 | 0-7bold | 8-15 | 8-15bold
perl -CADS -lwe '
my $block = shift || (chr(0x2588) x 3);
for (["", 0], ["1;", 0], ["", 8], ["1;", 8]) {
my ($bold, $offset) = @$_;
my @range = map $offset + $_, 0..7;
printf "%s %-6s ", $bold ? "bold" : "norm", "$range[0]-$range[-1]";
print map("\e[${bold}38;5;${_}m$block", @range), "\e[0m"
cwonrails / nonpmsudo.bash
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25 — forked from lukehedger/nonpmsudo.bash
Kill sudo for npm
$ npm config set prefix ~/npm
$ echo prefix = ~/.node >> ~/.npmrc
# append this to .bashrc or .bash_profile: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.node/bin"
cwonrails / rnb.erb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from romainl/
RNB, a Vim colorscheme template
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:
# This template is designed to help vimmers create their own colorschemes
# without much effort.
# You will need Ruby to generate your colorscheme but Ruby knowledge is
# not needed at all.
cwonrails /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:28 — forked from alanstevens/
Script to lock down a new Ubuntu server
# execute this script as root with:
# curl | bash -s MyAwesomeHostName
if [[ ! "root" = "$(whoami)" ]] ; then
echo -e "****\nThis script must be run as root.\n****" && exit 1