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Last active September 19, 2015 17:10
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Download all files from a GitHub repo
""" This module interfaces with GitHub. """
from os.path import splitext
from json import loads
from base64 import b64decode
from requests import get
from .murls import https
VALID_EXTENSIONS = ('.ipynb', '.md')
class PostAggregationFailed(Exception):
class Aggregator(object):
""" The Aggregator class helps collecting files in a repository. """
def __init__(self, repo, exclude, token, user, branch):
self.token = token
self.user = user
self.branch = branch
self.repo = repo
self.exclude = exclude
self.base_url = https('').query(access_token=self.token)
def request_json(url):
response = get(url=url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Aligator the Aggregator'})
if response.status_code == 200:
json = loads(response.text)
return json
raise PostAggregationFailed('The GitHub API responded with %s' % response.status_code)
def get_repo(self):
""" Return the hash of the specified branch of the repository. """
url = self.base_url.path('repos',
json = self.request_json(url)
return json['commit']['sha']
def get_files_in_repo(self, repo_hash):
""" Return the hashes of all the files in the repository. """
url = self.base_url.path('repos',
json = self.request_json(url)
for file in json['tree']:
filename = file['path']
extension = splitext(filename)[1]
if filename not in self.exclude:
if extension in VALID_EXTENSIONS:
yield file['sha'], file['path']
def get_file_content(self, file_hash):
""" Return the content of a file as unicode. """
url = self.base_url.path('repos',
json = self.request_json(url)
content_as_bytes = b64decode(json['content'])
content_as_unicode = content_as_bytes.decode()
return content_as_unicode
def get_file_commit(self, filename):
""" Return the author, the date and the message of the last file commit. """
url = self.base_url.path('repos',
json = self.request_json(url)
last = json[0]['commit']
return last['author']['name'], last['author']['date'], last['message']
def fetch_posts(*args):
""" Fetch the posts from the repository. """
a = Aggregator(*args)
repo = a.get_repo()
files = a.get_files_in_repo(repo)
for sha, filename in files:
content = a.get_file_content(sha)
author, date, message = a.get_file_commit(filename)
yield filename, author, date, message, content
except PostAggregationFailed:
if __name__ == '__main__':
""" murls (Mutable URL Strings): a concise and expressive way to manipulate URLs. """
from collections import UserString
class Url(UserString):
""" The base class for Mutable URL Strings. """
_template = ('{schema}://'
_keys = {'schema', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'path', 'query', 'fragment', 'port'}
def __init__(self, url=''):
super(Url, self).__init__(url)
self._parts = {'schema': str(),
'host': str(),
'path': tuple(),
'query': dict(),
'fragment': str(),
'username': str(),
'password': str(),
'port': int()}
def __iter__(self):
for key, value in self._parts.items():
yield (key, value)
def host(self, host):
self._parts['host'] = host = self._build()
return self
def schema(self, schema=None):
self._parts['schema'] = schema = self._build()
return self
def port(self, port=None):
self._parts['port'] = port = self._build()
return self
def username(self, username=None):
if not username:
self._parts['password'] = None
self._parts['username'] = username = self._build()
return self
def password(self, password=None):
self._parts['password'] = password = self._build()
return self
def fragment(self, fragment=None):
self._parts['fragment'] = fragment = self._build()
return self
def path(self, *path):
if path[0] is not None:
self._parts['path'] = path
self._parts['path'] = None = self._build()
return self
def query(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
self._parts['query'] = {k: v for k, v in self._query.items() if v is not None}
elif args[0] is None:
self._parts['query'] = None = self._build()
return self
def _strings(self):
return {
'schema': self._parts['schema'],
'username': self._username if self._username else '',
'colon1': ':' if self._password else '',
'password': self._password if self._password else '',
'host': self._host if self._host else '',
'colon2': ':' if self._port else '',
'port': str(self._port) if self._port else '',
'forward_slash': '/' if self._path or self._fragment else '',
'path': '/'.join(map(str, self._path)) if self._path else '',
'question_mark': '?' if self._query else '',
'query': '&'.join([str(k) + '=' + str(v) for k, v in self._query.items()]) if self._query else '',
'hash': '#' if self._fragment else '',
'fragment': self._fragment if self._fragment else '',
'at': '@' if self._username else ''
def get(self, key):
return self._parts[key]
def strings(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self._strings.items() if k in self._keys}
def parts(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self._parts.items() if k in self._keys}
def _build(self):
return self._template.format(**self._strings)
def _schema(self):
return self._parts['schema']
def _username(self):
return self._parts['username']
def _password(self):
return self._parts['password']
def _host(self):
return self._parts['host']
def _port(self):
return self._parts['port']
def _path(self):
return self._parts['path']
def _query(self):
return self._parts['query']
def _fragment(self):
return self._parts['fragment']
class Http(Url):
def __init__(self, site):
super(Http, self).__init__('')
self._parts['schema'] = 'http'
self._parts['host'] = site = self._build()
class Https(Url):
def __init__(self, site):
super(Https, self).__init__('')
self._parts['schema'] = 'https'
self._parts['host'] = site = self._build()
def http(site):
return Http(site)
def https(site):
return Https(site)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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