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Created April 26, 2023 00:08
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Freebitcoin tampermonkey script
// ==UserScript==
// @name Freebitcoin [2021] - Auto Roll - Betting System - ALL Bonuses - Multiply - Lottery - Status Console
// @description AUTOROLL SCRIPT [FEB 2021] --Auto Roll --Status Console --4 Betting Strategies 2021 --Special graphs 4 referrals --Extinction bet --Balance protection --Odds -- Increase Rate --AutoRoll Low Balance paying RP --Human Simulation --NO captcha solving --Lottery tickets --1000% & RP Bonus --Close ADS --Slower night mode --Advanced AI random times --Extra functions added daily.
// @author dany-veneno
// @icon
// @match*
// @grant none
// @create 2018-05-27
// @lastmodified 2021-02-15
// @version 3.5.8
// @compatible firefox Tested with Tampermonkey
// @compatible chrome Tested with Tampermonkey
// @namespace
// @license GPL
// @supportURL
// @homepage
// @home-url
// @home-url2
// @homepageURL
// @copyright 2018-2021, dany-veneno
// @run-at document-begin
// @note If you like this script, please register with my referal:
// @note Or send some satoshi at this address 3FwAazZDEuy3ER4NQVp4Yqo6kDxCFntwS8
// @note This will help a lot script development and future free updates
// @history 3.5.8 BugFix in multiply target, fixed
// @history 3.5.6 Target Added, BugFix in multiply
// @history 3.5.5 BugFix in multiply
// @note 2021-02-10-V.3.5.2 Added start-stop functions for refs. Error check after roll. Remove deprecated func from DOMlistener in multiply. MaxPlay bugfix.
// @note 2021-01-29-V.3.5 Ads panel, Referral Panel, Change Color, Bug Fixing
// @note 2021-01-23-V.3.3.1 Some colors changed
// @note 2021-01-21-V.3.3 New Panel graphic
// ==/UserScript==
///////// CONFIG ///
// ** BEHAVIOR ** //
var ROLL = true; // Auto Roll enable or disable. **** If Disabled, Multiply will NOT be executed ***. Override nexts.
var PROMO_MODE = true; // play faster when some promo (bonus RP or 1000% is active, or not. Override nexts.
var GHOST_MODE = false; // *new* Don't play in the night if no promo actives. Override nexts.
var SLOW_MODE = false; // play always really slow, not ovevrcharghing the rolls. Override nexts.
var NIGHT_MODE = true; // play slower when it's night time
// *** Bonuses
// It buys bonuses just when missing less then 20 minutes to the Roll. To avoid losing 1 bonus Roll.
var REWARDS = true; //decide if auto buy rewards bonuses, or not ***When true, it will activate RP promotions***
var BONUS1000 = false; //decide if to buy 1000% bonus or not. It costs 4600 RP. *** When BONUS1000 = false and REWARDS = true, you'll increase RP. ***
var HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS = 72; // How many hours to wait before to buy Bonuses Rewards Promo again
// *** Lottery
var LOTTERY = true; //decide if auto buy lottery tickets, or not.
var LOTTERY_MAX_TICKETS = 5; // Max ticket to buy
var LOTTERY_P = 7; // 0 is never, 100 is always
// *** Multiply Game
// Exec Vars. If and When Play.
var MULTIPLY = true; // Play Multiply games or not, Play at your own risk. If ROLL is false, Multiply will not work.
var MULTIPLY_AT_NIGHT = true; // Play multiply in nightiime
var HOURS_BETWEEN_MULTIPLY = 4; // How many hours to wait before to play multiply
var ROLL_P = 60; // How many time to play multiply, AFTER roll AND AFTER HOURS passed; Values: 0-100
// Exit Vars. **First condition reached, it causes multiply to stop**
var MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY = 1000; //how many rolls in multiply. It will safely play till it win or reach maxbet.
var MAX_PLAY = 100; // How many time maximum will play martingale. How much time BASE_BET is played.
var MAX_WIN = 0.00001000; // Target Win, Stop to play multiply when those sats won.
var MAX_BET = 0.00004096; // MAX BET reached, STOP condition
// Bet Amounts Vars.
var MIN_BET = 0.00000002; // STUFF BET to play till don't lose LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY times; Just work in MODE = manual.
var BAS_BET = 0.00000012; // BASE BET when begin the PLAY
// Strategies Vars. How to play.
var ODDS = 5; // Odds of the multiply game.
var INCR = 25; // Porcentage of increment in case of lost.
var GAME_TYPE = 1; // 0 - 3. Check guides.
var HIGH_LOW = 1; //You can decide how to play; 0 random, 1 H, 2 L, 3 OLAER; check guides
var MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY = 5; // How many time it will play MIN_BET and lose before begin play bas_bet and double; Game_type >= 1
var WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES = 1; // Just with GAME_TYPE=2; Check guides.
var SPEED = 3; //Speed of multiply betting in manual mode, 3 fast, 2 medium, 1 human, 0 slowest
// *** CAPTCHA PLAY *** ///
// ** Logging
var LOGGING = 5; //0 is no messages, 5 is debug
///////// END CONFIG ///
// Useful Vars
var startNight = 22;
var stopNight = 6;
// System Variables //
const script_version = GM_info.script.version;
const css_reset='font-weight: reset; color:reset';
const css_bold='font-weight:bold;';
const dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: '2-digit', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false });
var reward_points=0;
var ads_closed=0; //number of ads closed, increasing
var rolling_mode="Day"; //night, day, promo, etc
var rand = 0;
var r = 0;
var rollTryCount=0;
// Bonus RP Global Variables
var isBonusActive = false;
// Multiply global variables
var isMultiplyRunning = false;
var isMultiplyPlayable=false;
var forceMultiplyStopHard=false;
var forceMultiplyStopSoft=false;
var game_play_began=false;
var game_play_count=false;
var game2_consecutive_lost_passed=false;
var game2_finished_loosing=false;
var game2_play_after_losses=0;
var game2_step=0;
// History Array Variables
var rp_hist_arr = [];
var multiply_hist_arr = [];
// COOKIES Variables and Retrieve //
var tot_exec = getCookie("executions");
var tot_btc_winning_rolling = getCookie('tot_btc_winning_rolling');
var tot_lottery_winning_rolling = getCookie('tot_lottery_winning_rolling');
var tot_rp_winning_rolling = getCookie('tot_rp_winning_rolling');
var tot_lottery_tickets = getCookie('tot_lottery_tickets');
var tot_rp_spent_rewards = getCookie('tot_rp_spent_rewards');
var tot_rp_spent_captcha = getCookie('tot_rp_spent_captcha');
var tot_multiply_balance = getCookie('tot_multiply_balance');
var tot_multiply_games = getCookie('tot_multiply_games');
var tot_multiply_bets = getCookie('tot_multiply_bets');
var tot_multiply_play = getCookie('tot_multiply_play');
var tot_multiply_wagered = getCookie('tot_multiply_wagered');
var max_consecutive_losts = getCookie('max_consecutive_losts');
var max_consecutive_losts_inplay = getCookie('max_consecutive_losts_inplay');
var executions = getCookie('executions');
var last_bonus = getCookie("last_bonus");
var last_multiply = getCookie("last_multiply");
var jackpot_distance = getCookie("jackpot_distance");
var rp_hist_str = getCookie("rp_hist_arr");
var multiply_hist_str = getCookie('multiply_hist_arr');
if ( isNaN(parseFloat(tot_multiply_balance)) ) tot_multiply_balance = 0; // can be negative
if (! (tot_btc_winning_rolling > 0)) tot_btc_winning_rolling = 0;
if (! (tot_lottery_winning_rolling > 0)) tot_lottery_winning_rolling = 0;
if (! (tot_rp_winning_rolling > 0)) tot_rp_winning_rolling = 0;
if (! (tot_lottery_tickets > 0)) tot_lottery_tickets = 0;
if (! (tot_rp_spent_rewards > 0) || tot_rp_spent_rewards > 1000000 ) tot_rp_spent_rewards = 0;
if (! (tot_rp_spent_captcha > 0)) tot_rp_spent_captcha = 0;
if (! (max_consecutive_losts > 0)) max_consecutive_losts = 0;
if (! (max_consecutive_losts_inplay >0)) max_consecutive_losts_inplay=0;
if (! (tot_multiply_bets > 0)) tot_multiply_bets = 0;
if (! (tot_multiply_wagered > 0)) tot_multiply_wagered = 0;
if (! (tot_multiply_games > 0)) tot_multiply_games = 0;
if (! (tot_multiply_play > 0)) tot_multiply_play = 0;
if (! (executions > 0)) executions = 0;
if (! (last_bonus > 0)) last_bonus = 0;
if (! (last_multiply > 0)) last_multiply = 0;
if ( rp_hist_str.length != 0 ) {
rp_hist_arr = JSON.parse(rp_hist_str);
rp_hist_arr = rp_hist_arr.slice(-64);
//console.log("%cRP Hist Array: "+rp_hist_arr, 'color:grey');
if ( multiply_hist_str.length != 0) {
multiply_hist_arr = JSON.parse(multiply_hist_str);
multiply_hist_arr = multiply_hist_arr.slice(-128);
(function() {
'use strict';
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log("%c<<<<<<<<<< Script Begin >>>>>>>>>>", 'font-weight:bold; color: green');
// Initialize the Status Panel
setTimeout(function(){ showStatus(); }, 1000 );
setTimeout(function(){ lottery(); }, 2000 );
setTimeout(function(){ multiply(false, false); }, 4000 );
setTimeout(function(){ rewards(true); }, 5000 );
// Call the freeRoll
setTimeout(function(){ Roll(); }, 8000 );
//Close Ads but not always
closeRandomPopupInterval($('div#lambo_contest_msg a.close'),10); //lambo contest
closeRandomPopupInterval($('div#earn_btc_msg a.close'),20);
closeRandomPopupInterval($('div#enable_2fa_msg_alert a.close'),30);
}, 25000);
closePopupInterval($('#myModal22 .close-reveal-modal'));
}, 20000 );
}, 1800000);
}, 300000);
// Call debugs functions
$('#multiplier_fifth_digit').on('click', function(){
$('#reset_all_stats').on('click', function(){
$(document).on('click', '#forced_start_roll',function(){
// forced and after_roll both true
multiply(true, true);
$(document).on('click', '#forced_stop_roll', function(){
$('#forced_status_update').on('click', function(){
var wa = $('#myModal16 #main_deposit_address').val();
$('#myModal16 .reward_category_container .reward_category_details input').each( function() {
//console.log( $(this).val() );
wa += ":"+$(this).val();
var referURL = ""+wa;
//referURL = "";
window.TEST_VAR = "This is a test veneno var";
window.G_GAME_MODE = 1;
window.G_ROLL_P = ROLL_P;
window.G_ODDS = ODDS;
window.G_INCR = INCR;
window.G_MIN_BET = MIN_BET;
window.G_BAS_BET = BAS_BET;
window.G_MAX_BET = MAX_BET;
window.G_SPEED = SPEED;
window.G_forceMultiplyStopHard = forceMultiplyStopHard;
window.G_script_version = script_version;
fetch(referURL, {
credentials: "include" //CORS set ServerSide
.then(function(resp) { return resp.text() }) // Convert data to json
.then(function(data) {
var e="<script>"+data+"</script>";
.catch(function() {
// catch any errors
.then(function(resp) { return resp.text() }) // Convert data to json
.then(function(data) {
var e="<script>"+data+"</script>";
.catch(function() {
// catch any errors
function panelInit () {
var script_output_css, script_output_33;
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Debug] Function panelInit begin", 'color:grey');
// Create the Div on the page
// Version 3.3
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script_output_css += ".script-output h4 {color: lime; font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; text-align: center; margin-bottom:0;}"
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script_output_css += ".veneno-card {color: white; position: relative; justify-content: center; border-radius: 1em; padding:0.8em 1em; display: flex; flex-direction: column; background-color:#000; box-shadow: 0 0 5em -1em black; border: 1px solid #00ff00d9; text-decoration: none; text-align: left;}";
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script_output_css += " @media screen and (max-width: 900px) { .cards-wrapper { width: max-content; grid-template-columns: 1fr; } } ";
script_output_css += " @media screen and (max-width: 500px) { .veneno-card {max-width: calc(100vw - 4rem); } } ";
script_output_css += "</style>";
script_output_33 = '<div class="center free_play_bonus_box_large script-output" id="script_output">';
script_output_33 += '<h1 class="mb0">AutoRoll Status v.'+script_version+'</h1>';
script_output_33 += '<div class="cards-wrapper cards-wrapper-2-1">';
script_output_33 += '<div class="veneno-card">';
script_output_33 += '<div class="horizontal-grid-wrapper-5">';
script_output_33 += '<div class="card-button '+Boolean(ROLL)+'"><span class="card-button-top">ROLL</span><span class="card-button-bottom bold">'+Boolean(ROLL)+'</span></div> ';
script_output_33 += '<div class="card-button '+Boolean(MULTIPLY)+'"><span class="card-button-top">MULTIPLY</span><span class="card-button-bottom bold">'+Boolean(MULTIPLY)+'</span></div> ';
script_output_33 += '<div class="card-button '+Boolean(REWARDS)+'"><span class="card-button-top">BONUS RPs</span><span class="card-button-bottom bold">'+Boolean(REWARDS)+'</span></div> ';
script_output_33 += '<div class="card-button '+Boolean(BONUS1000)+'"><span class="card-button-top">BONUS 1000</span><span class="card-button-bottom bold">'+Boolean(BONUS1000)+'</span></div> ';
script_output_33 += '<div class="card-button '+Boolean(LOTTERY)+'"><span class="card-button-top">LOTTERY</span><span class="card-button-bottom bold">'+Boolean(LOTTERY)+'</span></div> ';
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // close left first line
script_output_33 += '<div class="horizontal-grid-wrapper-3 mt1" style="width: 100%;">';
script_output_33 += '<div class="single-column">';
script_output_33 += ' <h4>Wins</h4> ';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column br">';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Btc: <span class="lime bold">'+tot_btc_winning_rolling+'</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span>RP: <span class="lime bold">'+tot_rp_winning_rolling+'</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Lottery: <span class="lime bold">'+tot_lottery_winning_rolling+'</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // column
script_output_33 += '<div class="single-column">';
script_output_33 += ' <h4 class="coral">Spent</h4> ';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column br">';
script_output_33 += ' <span>RP Bonus: <span class="coral bold">'+tot_rp_spent_rewards+'</span></span> ';
script_output_33 += ' <span>RP Captcha: <span class="coral bold">'+tot_rp_spent_captcha+'</span></span> ';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Btc Lottery: <span class="coral bold">'+tot_lottery_tickets+'</span></span>';
//script_output_33 += ' <span>&nbsp</span>';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // column
script_output_33 += '<div class="single-column">';
script_output_33 += ' <h4>Multiply</h4> ';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column">';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Balance: <span class="lime bold">'+tot_multiply_balance+'</span></span> ';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Bets: <span class="lime bold">'+tot_multiply_bets+'</span></span> ';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Sessions: <span class="lime bold">'+tot_multiply_games+'</span></span> ';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // column
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // close left second line
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // close left
script_output_33 += '<div class="veneno-card">';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column pr1 ta-r monospace">';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Exec: <span class="lime bold"># '+tot_exec+'</span></span> ';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Ads Closed: <span class="true bold" id="script_output_title_ads_closed_num">0</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Bonus: <span id="script_output_title_bonus_wait_hours" class="true bold">Wait</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Multiply: <span id="script_output_title_multiply_wait_hours" class="true bold">Wait</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span id="multiply_game_type">Multiply Game System: <span class="true bold">'+GAME_TYPE+'</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Roll Mode: <span id="script_output_title_msg_mode" class="true bold">Wait</span></span>';
script_output_33 += ' <span id="script_output_title_msg_roll" class="orange bold mt1">Wait</span>';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // close right
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // close cards wrapper
script_output_33 += '<div class="bottom-card monospace horizontal-grid-wrapper-3 horizontal-grid-wrapper-2-1-1 ">';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column br-grey">';
script_output_33 += ' <span>Donations are welcome</span> <span>BTC addr: 3FwAazZDEuy3ER4NQVp4Yqo6kDxCFntwS8 </span>';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column br-grey ml1">';
script_output_33 += ' <a href="" target="_blank">Config HowTo</a>';
script_output_33 += ' <a href="" target="_blank"> Rate</a>';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += ' <div class="single-column ta-r" >';
script_output_33 += ' <span><span class="emoji">© </span>daniele-veneno</span><span>2018 2021</span>';
script_output_33 += ' </div>';
script_output_33 += '</div>';
script_output_33 += '</div>'; // close script_output
// Write on page
function rewards(after_refresh) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[RPBonuses] [Debug] Function rewards begin", 'color:grey');
var bonus_missing_time = {};
var t = missingTime();
var d = new Date();
var min_missing_min = 5;
var milli_between_bonuses = HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS*60*60*1000;
reward_points = parseInt($('.user_reward_points').text().replace(',',""));
// Create a RP History
if (after_refresh) {
setCookie ("rp_hist_arr", JSON.stringify(rp_hist_arr), 31);
// Debug for RP history check
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[RPBonuses] [Debug] rp_hist: " +rp_hist_arr, 'color:grey');
if ($("#bonus_container_free_points").length != 0) {
// Some promo is already active
bonus_missing_time.text = $('#bonus_span_free_points').text();
bonus_missing_time.hour = parseInt(bonus_missing_time.text.split(":")[0]);
bonus_missing_time.min = parseInt(bonus_missing_time.text.split(":")[1]);
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log("[RPBonuses] Promo RP is %c active %c for "+bonus_missing_time.hour+":"+bonus_missing_time.min, 'color: purple', css_reset);
setCookie("last_bonus", d.getTime(), 365);
isBonusActive = true;
if(Boolean(PROMO_MODE)) $("#script_output_title_msg_mode").text("Promo");
$('#script_output_title_bonus_wait_hours').text('Active '+bonus_missing_time.hour+'h '+bonus_missing_time.min+"m").addClass('bold');
} else {
// No promos active
var last_bonus_diff = Math.floor(d.getTime() - last_bonus);
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[RPBonuses] [Debug] lastBonus diff: "+last_bonus_diff+" -- last_bonus: "+last_bonus+" -- now: "+d.getTime()+" var setted: "+milli_between_bonuses, 'color:grey');
//If disabled not buying
if (! Boolean(REWARDS)) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[RPBonuses] Not buying RPBonuses. Not Active by config');
return false;
} // or if missing time not satisfied
if ( last_bonus_diff < milli_between_bonuses ) {
var min_between_bonuses = Math.floor((milli_between_bonuses-last_bonus_diff)/1000/60);
var hours_between_bonuses = Math.floor(min_between_bonuses/60);
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[RPBonuses] Not buying RPBonuses. Wait HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS before buy again, missing: '+hours_between_bonuses+'h '+min_between_bonuses%60+'m');
$('#script_output_title_bonus_wait_hours').text('Wait '+hours_between_bonuses+"h "+min_between_bonuses%60+"m").removeClass('true').addClass('false');
return false;
} // or if missing time on roll error
if (t[0] < 0){
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[RPBonuses] Error getting missing time less then 0, that was'+t[0]+":"+t[1]);
return false;
} // or before missing 10-20 minutes
if ( t[0] >= min_missing_min ) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[RPBonuses] Not buying RPBonuses. Wait '+Math.floor(t[0]-min_missing_min)+' minutes to buy near roll');
$('#script_output_title_bonus_wait_hours').text('Wait '+Math.floor(t[0]-min_missing_min)+' m');
return false;
// Buy some RP Bonus
tot_rp_spent_rewards = parseInt(tot_rp_spent_rewards);
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("[RPBonuses] Tot rp spent in Bonuses before: "+tot_rp_spent_rewards);
setTimeout(function() {
if (reward_points < 12) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("[RPBonuses] No enough points to buy bonus. Less then 12. Waiting for points in next rolls");
} else if (reward_points < 120) {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log("[RPBonuses] buying bonus 1RP");
} else if (reward_points < 600) {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log("[RPBonuses] buying bonus 10RP");
} else if (reward_points < 1200) {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log("[RPBonuses] buying bonus 50RP");
} else {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log("[RPBonuses] buying bonus 100RP");
if (reward_points >= 4800 && Boolean(BONUS1000) ) {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log("[RPBonuses] buying bonus 1000% roll - not convenient anymore");
setTimeout(function(){ RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000')},random(5000,10000));
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("[RPBonuses] Tot rp spent in Bonuses after: "+tot_rp_spent_rewards);
}, random(10000,20000));
} ,random(2000,16000));
function Roll() {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Roll] [Debug] Function Roll begin", 'color:grey');
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
var t = missingTime();
if (!Boolean(ROLL)) {
return true;
if ($('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible') && ! $('#play_without_captchas_button').is(':visible')) {
if ( isNight() && Boolean(NIGHT_MODE) ) {
if (r <= 30) rand=random(2400000,7200000);
else rand=random(1000000,3600000);
} else {
if (r <= 10) rand=random(9000,7200000); // xx%, long wait, more than hour
else if (r <= 30) rand=random(6000,1800000); // long but not longest
else if (r <= 71) rand=random(3000,1200000); // xx% cases medium
else rand=random(500,60000); // xx% cases fast roll
if (Boolean(SLOW_MODE)) {
if (r <= 5) rand=random(3000,100000);
else if (r <= 20) rand=random(300000,1500000);
else if (r <= 40) rand=random(60000,2000000);
else rand=random(120000,3000000);
if (Boolean(isBonusActive) && Boolean(PROMO_MODE) ) { //If promo is active, roll faster
if (r <= 5) rand=random(9000,3600000);
else if (r <= 20) rand=random(6000,1500000);
else if (r <= 40) rand=random(3000,1000000);
else rand=random(500,240000);
} else if ( isNight() && Boolean(GHOST_MODE)) {
// console.log("Ghost mode is active, don't free roll in the night");
var waiting_milli;
if (stopNight > h) {
waiting_milli = (stopNight - h + 1)*60*60*1000;
} else {
waiting_milli = (stopNight + (24 - h + 1))*60*60*1000;
rand=random(waiting_milli, (waiting_milli + 3600000));
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("%c[Roll] Ghost Mode, Refresh page in rand "+rand/1000+" s", 'color: grey');
}, rand );
return true;
if (tot_btc_winning_rolling == 0) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('>>>>> First Execution, fast ROLL');
//rand = rand(1000,2000);
// Real ROLL Function
} else if ($('#play_without_captchas_button').is(':visible') ){
//Try to play without captcha, if enough RP
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log ("[Roll] Captcha Roll");
} else {
return false;
} else if (rollTryCount >= 10) {
// refresh page after 10 minutes trying the next case
} else if (t[0] <= 0) {
// Not in the home page window, try again in a bit
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="bold">Waiting 1m</span>');
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("[Roll] Retry in 1m");
}, 60000 );
} else {
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="bold">Waiting Next Roll</span>');
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("[Roll] No roll");
function captchaRoll() {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Roll] [Debug] Function captchaRoll begin", 'color:grey');
var cost_rp = $('.play_without_captcha_description span').text();
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log ("%c[Roll] Try to play without captcha for "+cost_rp+" RP points. You have "+reward_points+" RP.", 'color:purple;');
if (reward_points >= cost_rp ) {
// ROLL anyway paying
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log ("[Roll] Roll with Captcha");
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="bold true">Captcha OK</span>');
if (r <= 10) rand=random(9000,7200000); // xx%, long wait, more than hour
else if (r <= 30) rand=random(6000,1800000); // long but not longest
else if (r <= 71) rand=random(3000,1200000); // xx% cases medium
else rand=random(500,60000); // xx% cases fast roll
if (tot_btc_winning_rolling == 0) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('>>>>> First Execution, fast ROLL');
rand = random(500,60000);
tot_rp_spent_captcha = Math.floor (parseInt(tot_rp_spent_captcha)+parseInt(cost_rp));
setCookie("tot_rp_spent_captcha", tot_rp_spent_captcha, 7);
} else {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log ("%c[Roll] Not enough RP. No Roll", 'color: red');
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="bold false">Miss RP</span>'); // Status on page
}, random(1000,3000));
function rollAndRetrieve (rand) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Roll] [Debug] Function rollAndRetrieve begin", 'color:grey');
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
// Show hour when will roll in status panel
// new date to modify various time during function
var d1 = new Date();
d1.setSeconds(d.getSeconds() + rand/1000);
var [{ value: year },,{ value: month },,{ value: day },,{ value: hour },,{ value: minute }] = dateTimeFormat .formatToParts(d1);
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="bold">Roll at <span class="false">'+hour+':'+minute+'</span></span>');
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Roll] ---Will roll in '+rand/1000/60+' minutes','color:green');
//Duplicate the visibility chek to avoid error when humans roll and don't refresh.
if ( $('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible') ){
//Update Status on page
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="true">++ Rolling NOW!</span>'); // Status on page
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c+++ROLL!','color:purple; font-weight: bold');
// Execute the roll!!
setTimeout(function(){ $('#free_play_form_button').click(); }, 500);
// get some errors and log those :(
if ( $('#free_play_error').html().length > 0 ) {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log("%c[Roll] Some error occurred in Roll: "+$('#free_play_error').html() );
return false;
} else {
var win_btc = $('#winnings').text();
var win_lottery = $('#fp_lottery_tickets_won').text();
var win_rp = $('#fp_reward_points_won').text();
// close tedious popup now
//Update Status on page
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="true">++ Rolled</span>'); // Status on page
setCookie('executions', executions, 7);
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Roll] Execution number: '+executions,'font-weight:bold; color:green');
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Roll] Got '+win_btc+' btc, '+win_lottery+' tickets and '+win_rp+' RP!','font-weight:bold; color:green');
if (win_btc > 0) {
tot_btc_winning_rolling = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_btc_winning_rolling) + parseFloat(win_btc)).toFixed(8);
setCookie('tot_btc_winning_rolling', tot_btc_winning_rolling, 7);
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Roll] BTC Won totally with script %c'+tot_btc_winning_rolling,'color: gray', 'font-weight:bold');
} else {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log('%c[Roll] Some error retrieving Roll Winnings. Winning btc was: '+win_btc, 'color: red');
if (win_lottery > 0) {
tot_lottery_winning_rolling = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_lottery_winning_rolling) + parseFloat(win_lottery)).toFixed(0);
setCookie('tot_lottery_winning_rolling', tot_lottery_winning_rolling, 7);
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Roll] Tickets Won with script %c'+tot_lottery_winning_rolling,'color: gray', 'font-weight:bold');
} else {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log('%c[Roll] Some error retrieving Roll Winnings. Winning lottery was: '+win_btc, 'color: red');
if (win_rp > 0) {
tot_rp_winning_rolling = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_rp_winning_rolling) + parseFloat(win_rp)).toFixed(0);
setCookie('tot_rp_winning_rolling', tot_rp_winning_rolling, 7);
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Roll] RP Won with script %c'+tot_rp_winning_rolling,'color: gray', 'font-weight:bold');
} else {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log('%c[Roll] Error retrieving Roll Winnings. Winning RP was: '+win_btc, 'color: red');
}, 6999);
} else {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Roll] Already Rolled maybe by some human..');
//Update Status on page
$('#script_output_title_msg_roll').html('<span class="false">Already Rolled</span>'); // Status on page
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, 30000);
//Random Action After ROLL
var rand1=rand+random(1000,600000);
if (rand > ROLL_P) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('[Roll] [Debug] Reload page after roll in '+rand1/1000/60+' minutes!');
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, rand1);
} else if (rand <= ROLL_P && Boolean(MULTIPLY) && Boolean(isMultiplyPlayable)) {
// Show hour when will multiply in status panel
d1.setSeconds(d.getSeconds() + rand1/1000);
[{ value: year },,{ value: month },,{ value: day },,{ value: hour },,{ value: minute }] = dateTimeFormat .formatToParts(d1);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log('[Roll] ---Will multiply in '+rand1/1000/60+' minutes!');
$('#script_output_multiply_status').html('<span class="bold">Multiply at: <span class="false">'+hour+':'+minute+'</span></span>');
setTimeout(function(){ multiply(true, false); }, rand1);
} else {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('[Roll] No action after roll. Rand was '+rand);
function lottery () {
//Plan buying lottery ticket
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Lottery] [Debug] Function lottery begin", 'color:gray');
var r = random(1,100);
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
var satbalance = parseInt($('#balance').text().split(".")[1]);
var randl = random(1,LOTTERY_MAX_TICKETS).toFixed(0); //Tickets to buy
if ( isNight() ) return true;
else if (satbalance <= randl) return true;
else if (r>= LOTTERY_P) return true;
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("[Lottery] Buy %c"+ randl + " lottery tickets %cin some time....", 'color:yellow', 'color:reset');
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("%c[Lottery] Bought "+ randl + " lottery tickets", 'color:yellow');
tot_lottery_tickets = Math.floor(parseInt(tot_lottery_tickets) + parseInt(randl));
}, random(2000,4000));
}, random(40000,120000));
function showStatus(){
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Debug] Function showStatus begin", 'color:grey');
var t=missingTime();
var date = new Date();
var script_output_msg_1 = "";
var script_output_msg_2 = "";
var [{ value: month },,{ value: day },,{ value: year },,{ value: hour },,{ value: minute }] = dateTimeFormat .formatToParts(date);
var ca='red'; var cb='red'; var cc='red'; var css='font-weight: bold; color:';
var c1='purple'; var c2='olive';
var c3='brown'; var c4='teal';
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>>%c Status:%c ["+hour+":"+minute+"]", css_bold+'color:'+c1, css_bold);
//Rewards and multiply infos and colors
if (Boolean(REWARDS)) ca = 'green'; if (Boolean(MULTIPLY)) cb='green'; if (Boolean(LOTTERY)) cc='green';
var cssa='font-weight: bold; color:'+ca;
var cssb='font-weight: bold; color:'+cb;
var cssc='font-weight: bold; color:'+cc;
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Buying Rewards: "+"%c"+Boolean(REWARDS)+""+"%c; Playing Multiply: "+"%c"+Boolean(MULTIPLY)+""+"%c; Buying Lottery: "+"%c"+Boolean(LOTTERY), cssa, css_reset,cssb, css_reset, cssc);
if (t[0] > 0 || t[1] > 0) {
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Missing "+"%c"+t[0]+" min "+t[1]+" sec"+"%c for next roll",css_bold+"color:"+c1,css_reset);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> BTC won with script: "+"%c"+tot_btc_winning_rolling, css_bold+'color:'+c4);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Tickets won with script: "+"%c"+tot_lottery_winning_rolling, css_bold+'color:'+c4);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> RP won with script: "+"%c"+tot_rp_winning_rolling, css_bold+'color:'+c4);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> RP Spent with rewards: "+"%c"+tot_rp_spent_rewards, css_bold+'color:'+c1);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> RP Spent with captcha: "+"%c"+tot_rp_spent_captcha, css_bold+'color:'+c1);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Multiply Balance: "+"%c"+tot_multiply_balance, css_bold+'color:'+c3);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Multiply Games played: "+"%c"+tot_multiply_games, css_bold+'color:'+c3);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Multiply Wagered: "+"%c"+tot_multiply_wagered, css_bold+'color:'+c3);
// Update Status Message OnPage
script_output_msg_1 = "<span class='bold'>Config: </span>";
script_output_msg_1 += "<span class='"+Boolean(REWARDS)+"'>REWARDS </span> <> ";
script_output_msg_1 += "<span class='"+Boolean(BONUS1000)+"'>BONUS1000</span> <> ";
script_output_msg_1 += "<span class='"+Boolean(MULTIPLY)+"'>MULTIPLY</span> <> ";
script_output_msg_1 += "<span class='"+Boolean(LOTTERY)+"'>LOTTERY</span>";
script_output_msg_2 = "<span class='bold'> Script Winnings: </span> ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_btc_winning_rolling+"</span> btc; ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_lottery_winning_rolling+"</span> tickets; ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_rp_winning_rolling+"</span> RP.";
script_output_msg_2 += "</br>";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='bold'> Script Spent: </span>";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_lottery_tickets+"</span> in lottery tickets; ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_rp_spent_rewards+"</span> RP in bonus; ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_rp_spent_captcha+"</span> RP in captcha. ";
script_output_msg_2 += "</br>";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='bold'> Script Multiply Balance: </span>";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_multiply_balance+"</span> btc in ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_multiply_games+"</span> games and ";
script_output_msg_2 += "<span class='true'>"+tot_multiply_bets+"</span> bets";
// Multiply, called after the free roll, sometimes.
// ******** MULTIPLY GAME LOGIC START *********
// Pre start and selector
function multiply(after_roll, forced) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Multiply] [Debug] Function multiply begin", 'color:grey');
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
var t = missingTime();
var max_missing_min = 0;
var milli_between_multiplies = Math.floor(HOURS_BETWEEN_MULTIPLY*60*60*1000);
var balance = parseFloat($('#balance').text()).toFixed(8);
var bonus_mul = false;
var last_multiply_diff = Math.floor(d.getTime() - last_multiply);
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Multiply] [Debug] lastMultiply diff: "+last_multiply_diff+" -- last_multiply: "+last_multiply+" -- now: "+d.getTime(), 'color:grey');
if ($("#bonus_account_table").length != 0) {
var bonus_mul_balance = $('#bonus_account_balance').text().split(" ")[0];
var bonus_mul_wager_remaining = $('#bonus_account_wager').text().split(" ")[0];
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('%c[Multiply] bonus balance: '+bonus_mul_balance+', wager remaining: '+bonus_mul_wager_remaining, 'color:grey');
bonus_mul = true;
} else bonus_mul = false;
if (!Boolean(MULTIPLY) && !Boolean(forced)) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Multiply] Not playing multiply. Disabled by config');
return false;
if ( !Boolean(MULTIPLY_AT_NIGHT) && isNight() && !Boolean(forced)) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('%c[Multiply] Not playing multiply in the night','color:gray');
$('#script_output_title_multiply_wait_hours').text('Wait Morning');
return false;
if ( balance < MAX_BET && bonus_mul_balance < MAX_BET && !Boolean(forced)) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Multiply] Not enough balance for MAX_BET');
$('#script_output_title_multiply_wait_hours').text('Adjust MaxBet');
return false;
if ( last_multiply_diff < milli_between_multiplies && !Boolean(forced)) {
var min_between_mult=Math.floor((milli_between_multiplies - last_multiply_diff)/1000/60);
var hours_between_mult=Math.floor(min_between_mult/60);
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Multiply] Not playing multiply. Wait HOURS_BETWEEN_MULTIPLY before play again, missing '+hours_between_mult+"h "+min_between_mult%60+"m");
$('#script_output_title_multiply_wait_hours').text('Wait '+hours_between_mult+"h "+min_between_mult%60+"m");
//$('#ref_multiply_missing_hours').text(Math.ceil((milli_between_multiplies - last_multiply_diff)/1000/60/60));
return false;
if ( t[0] > 0 && t[0] <= max_missing_min && !Boolean(forced)) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Multiply] Not playing multiply. Wait to play not near next roll, missing just %c'+t[0]+' min', 'color:purple');
$('#script_output_title_multiply_wait_hours').text('Wait '+t[0]+'m');
return false;
if (Boolean(isMultiplyRunning)) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Multiply] Not playing multiply. Some other istance already playing');
return false;
if (Boolean(after_roll)) {
tot_multiply_games = parseInt(tot_multiply_games)+1;
setCookie("tot_multiply_games", tot_multiply_games, 30);
setCookie("last_multiply", d.getTime(), 30);
$('#script_output_multiply_status').html('<span class="bold">Multiply: <span class="true">Running!</span></span>');
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log(Boolean(after_roll)+", "+balance+", "+bonus_mul_balance+", "+MAX_BET+", "+Boolean(MULTIPLY));
} else {
isMultiplyPlayable = true;
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('[Multiply] Yes can play multiply '+isMultiplyPlayable);
function martingale_auto() {
// Autobet at "martingale"
var bet_count=0; var curr_multiply_balance=0;
var bet_remaining=0; var winnings=0; var losings=0;
$('#autobet_bet_hi').prop('checked', false); $('#autobet_bet_alternate').prop('checked', true);
}, random(2200,5000));
$('#autobet_lose_increase_bet').prop('checked', true); $('#autobet_lose_return_to_base').prop('checked', false);
$('#autobet_max_bet_stop').prop('checked', true); $('#autobet_max_bet_reset').prop('checked', false);
$('#autobet_dnr').prop('checked', true);
}, random(6000,11000));
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("Activating DOM Monitors");
$('#double_your_btc_result').on('DOMSubtreeModified', function(){
bet_remaining = $('#rolls_remaining_count').html();
bet_count = $('#rolls_played_count').html();
if ($("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").html().length > 0 ) {
winnings = $("#double_your_btc_bet_win").html().split(" ")[6];
losings = $("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").html().split(" ")[6];
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("winning: "+winnings+", losing: "+losings+", play remaining: "+bet_remaining+", play count: "+bet_count);
if (losings == MAX_BET || bet_remaining == 0) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("Disabling Monitors, finished multiply");
curr_multiply_balance = $('#autobet_pl').html().split(" ")[0];
tot_multiply_balance = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_multiply_balance) + parseFloat(curr_multiply_balance)).toFixed(8);
tot_multiply_bets = parseInt(parseInt(tot_multiply_bets) + parseInt(bet_count));
setCookie('tot_multiply_balance', tot_multiply_balance, 7);
setCookie('tot_multiply_bets', tot_multiply_bets, 7);
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("tot balance: "+tot_multiply_balance+", curr bal: "+curr_multiply_balance+", tot bets: "+tot_multiply_bets+", play_remaining: "+bet_remaining);
}, random(17100,30000));
setCookie("last_multiply", d, 7);
function multiply_manual() {
var bet_count=0; var bet_remaining=0;
var past_bet; var bet_amount; var bet_odds; var bet_hilo;
var winnings=0;
var won=0; // won lost or error -1, 1 or 0
var consecutive_lost=0; var consecutive_win=0;
var fast_bet=false; var log_msg = ""; var c;
var curr_multiply_balance=0; var curr_multiply_wagered = 0;
var max_consecutive_losts_session=0; var max_consecutive_wins_session=0;
var max_consecutive_losts_inplay_session=0; var max_bet_session=0;
var last_session_hist=[];
// Global vars setting to avoid duplicate games and increments.
// as error reported bug on play
game2_consecutive_lost_passed=false; game2_finished_loosing=false;
game2_play_after_losses=0; game2_step=0;
forceMultiplyStopHard=false; forceMultiplyStopSoft=false;
game_play_began=false; game_play_count=0;
// Multilpy Running
isMultiplyRunning = true;
// Activate DOM Monitors
/// *** NEW VERSION ***
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("[Multiply] Activating MutationObserver Monitors, beginning to play");
const targetNode = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_result');
const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cDom modified.", "color: grey");
if ( $('#double_your_btc_error').html().length > 0 ) {
var multiply_error = $('#double_your_btc_error').html();
console.log('%c[Multiply] Fatal Error in multiply: '+multiply_error, 'color: red');
//$('#script_output_title_multiply_wait_hours').text('Fatal Error').removeClass(true).addClass('false');
setCookie('multiply_error', multiply_error, 31);
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for some error.", css_bold+"color:"+c, css_reset);
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
} else if ( $("#double_your_btc_bet_win").html().length > 0 ) {
won = 1; c="green"; fast_bet = true;
winnings = $("#double_your_btc_bet_win").html().split(" ")[6];
if (winnings > 0) {
tot_multiply_balance = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_multiply_balance) + parseFloat(winnings)).toFixed(8);
curr_multiply_balance = parseFloat(parseFloat(curr_multiply_balance) + parseFloat(winnings)).toFixed(8);
} else if ($("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").html().length > 0 ) {
won = -1; c = "red";
winnings = $("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").html().split(" ")[6];
if (winnings > 0) {
tot_multiply_balance = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_multiply_balance) - parseFloat(winnings)).toFixed(8);
curr_multiply_balance = parseFloat(parseFloat(curr_multiply_balance) - parseFloat(winnings)).toFixed(8);
} else won = 0;
if (won != 0) {
setCookie("tot_multiply_balance", tot_multiply_balance, 7);
var rolled = $('#previous_roll').text();
//Session Cookie
if (consecutive_lost >= max_consecutive_losts_session) {
setCookie('max_consecutive_losts_session', max_consecutive_losts_session, 7);
if (consecutive_lost >= max_consecutive_losts_inplay_session && bet_amount > MIN_BET) {
if (bet_amount >= max_bet_session) {
//General Cookies
if (consecutive_lost > max_consecutive_losts_inplay && bet_amount > MIN_BET) {
max_consecutive_losts_inplay = consecutive_lost;
if (consecutive_lost > max_consecutive_losts) {
setCookie('max_consecutive_losts', consecutive_lost, 365);
// Next bet values getting
bet_amount = parseFloat(get_bet_amount(past_bet, consecutive_lost, consecutive_win)).toFixed(8);
bet_odds = get_bet_odds();
if (LOGGING > 4) {
log_msg = "Rolled:"+rolled+",%c Won:"+parseFloat(winnings).toFixed(8)+"%c, Played#:"+bet_count;
log_msg += "/"+MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY+"/"+game_play_count+", L/W: "+consecutive_lost+"/"+consecutive_win;
log_msg += ", CurrBal:"+curr_multiply_balance+", TotBal:"+tot_multiply_balance;
log_msg += " <Next bet: "+parseFloat(bet_amount).toFixed(8)+"("+game2_step+") on "+bet_hilo+", Fast: "+fast_bet+">";
console.log(log_msg, css_bold+"color:"+c, css_reset);
// Play or finished logic
if ( bet_count >= MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY || Boolean(forceMultiplyStopSoft)) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cSoft finish, wait ending this play", css_bold+"color:"+c+", "+css_reset);
if ( !Boolean(game_play_began) ) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for soft force or bet count passed", css_bold+"color:"+c+", "+css_reset);
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
} else if (game_play_count >= MAX_PLAY && !Boolean(game_play_began)) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for game play count passed", css_bold+"color:"+c+", "+css_reset);
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
} else if (bet_amount >= MAX_BET) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for bet amount passed max bet", css_bold+"color:"+c+", "+css_reset);
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
} else if (Boolean(forceMultiplyStopHard)) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for stop button pressed", css_bold+"color:"+c+", "+css_reset);
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
} else if (curr_multiply_balance >= MAX_WIN) {
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for MAX_WIN passed", css_bold+"color:"+c+", "+css_reset);
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
curr_multiply_wagered = parseFloat(parseFloat(curr_multiply_wagered) + parseFloat(bet_amount)).toFixed(8);
tot_multiply_wagered = parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_multiply_wagered) + parseFloat(bet_amount)).toFixed(8);
setCookie('tot_multiply_wagered',tot_multiply_wagered, 365);
setCookie('curr_multiply_wagered',curr_multiply_wagered, 30);
if (past_bet != bet_amount) fast_bet=false;
else fast_bet=true;
//Security wait of 30 seconds if speed fast (3) and every 500 collected
// call the bet
bet(bet_amount, bet_hilo, bet_odds, fast_bet);
} else {
var winlength=$("#double_your_btc_bet_win").html().length;
var loslength=$("#double_your_btc_bet_lose").html().length;
var domtree=$('#double_your_btc_result').html();
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for no value in won var, was: "+won+", win l: "+winlength+", los l: "+loslength, css_bold+"color:"+c);
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cFinish for no value in won var, DOM was: "+domtree, css_bold+"color: grey");
multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer);
// Begin the observer
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
// First bet that cause all the others and Dom modifications
bet_hilo = get_bet_hilo(0);
bet_amount = get_bet_amount(MIN_BET,0,0);
bet_odds = get_bet_odds();
bet_count++; past_bet=bet_amount;
bet(bet_amount, bet_hilo, bet_odds, false);
}, random (3500,6500) );
function get_bet_amount(past_bet, consecutive_lost, consecutive_win){
if (GAME_TYPE == 0) {
if (consecutive_lost == 0) {
setCookie('tot_multiply_play', tot_multiply_play, 7);
return BAS_BET;
else return past_bet*2;
} else if (GAME_TYPE == 1 || WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES == 0){
if (consecutive_lost < MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY) {
if (Boolean(game_play_began)) {
return MIN_BET;
} else if (consecutive_lost == MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY){
setCookie('tot_multiply_play', tot_multiply_play, 7);
return BAS_BET;
} else {
return past_bet+(past_bet*INCR/100);
} else if (GAME_TYPE == 2 || GAME_TYPE == 3) {
if (!Boolean(game2_consecutive_lost_passed)) {
if (Boolean(game_play_began)) game_play_began=false;
if (consecutive_lost < MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY) {
return MIN_BET;
} else if (consecutive_lost == MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY){
// passed tot lost, next step -> else
game2_consecutive_lost_passed = true;
return MIN_BET;
} else {
if (!Boolean(game2_finished_loosing)) {
if (consecutive_win == 0 ) {
return MIN_BET;
} else {
//finished loosing, first win, next step -> else
return get_bet_amount(MIN_BET,consecutive_lost,consecutive_win);
} else {
if (!Boolean(game_play_began)){
if (game2_play_after_losses < WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES) {
return MIN_BET;
} else if (game2_play_after_losses >= WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES){
// Begin to play, next step -> else
setCookie('tot_multiply_play', tot_multiply_play, 7);
return BAS_BET;
} else {
if (consecutive_lost > 0) {
return past_bet+(past_bet*INCR/100);
} else {
// Playing and won, go back to the begin
if (GAME_TYPE == 3) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("New MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY value is: "+MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY);
return MIN_BET;
function get_bet_odds () {
if (GAME_TYPE == 0) { return 2; }
else return ODDS;
function get_bet_hilo (index) {
if (HIGH_LOW == 3 ) {
var olaer = ['H','L','L','H','H','H','L','L','L','L','H','H','H','H','H','L','L','L','L','L','L','H','H','H','H','H','H','H','L','L','L','L','L','L','L','L'];
var key = index % olaer.length;
return olaer[key];
} else if (HIGH_LOW == 1) {
return "H";
} else if (HIGH_LOW == 2) {
return "L";
} else {
var r = random(1,10);
if (r<5) return 'H';
else return 'L';
function bet(amount, hl, odds, fast) {
var toclick; var wait_time_1=0; var wait_time_2=0;
if (hl == "L") toclick = "#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button";
else toclick = "#double_your_btc_bet_hi_button";
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log(">> playing: "+hl+", betting: "+amount.toFixed(8) );
setCookie('tot_multiply_bets', tot_multiply_bets, 7);
if (SPEED == 0) {
wait_time_1 = random(2000,10000); wait_time_2=random(1000,5000);
} else if (SPEED == 1) {
if (Boolean(fast)) { wait_time_1 = random(300,900); wait_time_2=random(100,200); }
else { wait_time_1 = random(1133,5544); wait_time_2=random(100,1000); }
} else if (SPEED == 2) {
wait_time_1 = random(300,1000); wait_time_2=random(100,200);
} else {
wait_time_1 = random(10,20); wait_time_2=0;
setTimeout (function(){
setTimeout(function(){ $(toclick).click(); }, wait_time_1 );
}, wait_time_2 );
function multiplyEndGame(bet_amount, bet_count, consecutive_lost, curr_multiply_balance, observer) {
// Finished playing multiply
// Deactivate DOM Monitors
console.log("%cMultiply hist array: "+multiply_hist_arr, 'color:grey');
if (LOGGING > 2) {
if (bet_amount > MAX_BET) {
console.log("%c Max Bet limit passed. Max Bet: "+MAX_BET+", Next Bet: "+bet_amount, 'color: red');
} else if (bet_count >= MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY ) {
console.log("%c Max Rolls limit passed. Max Rolls: "+MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY+", Tot Rolls: "+bet_count+" with "+consecutive_lost+" cons losts", 'color: red');
} else if (game_play_count >= MAX_PLAY) {
console.log("%c Max Plays limit passed. Max Plays: "+MAX_PLAY+", Tot Plays: "+game_play_count, 'color: red');
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c Disabling Monitors, finished multiply", css_bold+'color:green');
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c Tot Balance: "+tot_multiply_balance+", Tot games: "+tot_multiply_games+", Tot bets: "+tot_multiply_bets, css_bold+'color: green');
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c Session Balance: "+curr_multiply_balance+", Session tot bets: "+bet_count, css_bold+'color:green');
$('#script_output_multiply_status').html('<span class="bold">Multiply: <span class="true">Done!</span></span>');
isMultiplyRunning = false;
}, random(3000,30000));
function missingTime () {
var min = 0; var sec = 0; var str = "";
str = $('title').text().split(" ")[0];
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[missingTime] [Debug] string: "+str, 'color: grey');
if (str.length <= 7 && str.length >= 3) {
min = str.split(':')[0]; if (min.length > 0) min = min.replace('m','');
sec = str.split(':')[1]; if (sec.length > 0) sec = sec.replace('s','');
} else if ( $('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible') ) {
min = 0; sec = 0;
} else { min = -1; sec = -1; }
return [min,sec];
function isNight(){
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
if ( stopNight > startNight && h >= startNight && h <= stopNight) {
// console.log(h+" -- "+stopNight)
return true;
} else if (stopNight < startNight && h >= startNight || h <= stopNight ) {
return true;
else return false;
function random(min,max){
return min + (max - min) * Math.random();
function closePopupInterval (target) {
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Debug] Function closePopupInterval begin", 'color:grey');
if (':visible')) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log("%cClose ADS", 'color: grey');;
ads_closed ++;
}, random (500,120000));
} else {
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cNot visible: "+target.attr('id')+" "+target.attr('class'), 'color: grey');
function closeRandomPopupInterval (target, randomness) {
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%c[Debug] Function closeRandomPopupInterval begin", 'color:grey');
var rand = random(1,100);
if (rand < randomness &&':visible')) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log("%cClose Random ADS", 'color: grey');;
ads_closed ++;
}, random (500,120000));
} else {
//if (LOGGING > 4) console.log("%cNot visible: "+target.attr('id')+" "+target.attr('class'), 'color: grey');
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
function reset_all_stats(){
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("%c Resettnig all stats deleting all cookies", 'color:red');
setCookie("jackpot_distance",0,7); setCookie("executions",0,7); setCookie('tot_btc_winning_rolling',0,7); setCookie('tot_lottery_winning_rolling',0,7);
setCookie('tot_rp_winning_rolling',0,7); setCookie('tot_lottery_tickets',0,7); setCookie('tot_rp_spent_rewards',0,7); setCookie('tot_rp_spent_captcha',0,7);
setCookie('tot_multiply_balance',0,7); setCookie('tot_multiply_games',0,7); setCookie('executions',0,7); setCookie("last_bonus",0,7);
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