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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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2ch viwer
scriptencoding utf-8
" 17, 39 行目は書き換えの必要あり.
" 39行目は、板のタイトルとURLを交互に書いたテキストファイル
" Cochの起動コマンド
com! Coch :call s:Init2ch()
com! -nargs=1 NG :call <SID>AddtoNGs("<args>")
" グローバル変数
let t:boardlist = []
let t:board_idx = 0
let t:threadlist = []
let t:thread_idx = 0
let g:coch_name = ""
let g:ngs = {}
let g:PREFIX = "~/Dropbox/Pictures/coch"
" 画像の保存先
fun! s:Init2ch()
let t:boardlist = []
let t:board_idx = 0
let t:threadlist = []
let t:thread_idx = 0
set fenc=utf-8
set nowrap
set ambiwidth=single
call s:BoardList()
fun! s:AddtoNGs(id)
let g:ngs[a:id] = 1
echo "Add ".a:id." to g:ngs"
fun! s:BoardList()
exe Conv("edit! Coch")
let fname = "/home/cympfh/Dropbox/txt/thread.txt"
echo "loading ".fname
let t:boardlist = readfile(fname)
echo "finish load"
echo "drawing.."
call setline(1, "ThreadList (cocoa/thread.txt)")
let i = 0
while i < len(t:boardlist)
call setline(i/2 + 2, t:boardlist[i])
let i+= 2
echo "keymapping.."
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> :call <SID>OpenBoard(line(".") - 2)<CR>
fun! s:OpenBoard(idx)
if a:idx < 0
let t:board_idx = a:idx
let url = t:boardlist[t:board_idx * 2 + 1]."subject.txt"
echo "connect to ".url
let curlcmd = "curl -s ".url
let t:threadlist = split(Conv(system(curlcmd)), "[\n<]")
let t:threadlist = map(t:threadlist, 'substitute(v:val, ">", "", "")')
echo "success"
echo "drawing.."
call setline(1, "Thread List")
let i = 1
while i < len(t:threadlist)
call setline((i + 1) / 2, t:threadlist[i])
let i += 2
echo "finish draw"
echo "keymapping..."
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> :call <SID>OpenThread(line(".") - 1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> :call <SID>BoardList()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> r :call <SID>OpenBoard(t:board_idx)<CR>
fun! s:OpenThread(idx)
let t:thread_idx = a:idx
echo "loading ".t:threadlist[a:idx * 2 + 1]
let url = t:boardlist[t:board_idx * 2 + 1]."dat/". t:threadlist[a:idx * 2]
echo "connect to ".url
let curlcmd = "curl -s ".url
let body = split(Conv(system(curlcmd)), "[\r\n]")
echo "success"
echo "drawing.."
let i = 0
let buf = []
while i < len(body)
let txt = body[i]
let txt = substitute(txt, "<b>", "", "g")
let txt = substitute(txt, "</b>", "", "g")
let txt = substitute(txt, "</a>", "", "g")
let txt = substitute(txt, "<a.\\{-}>", "", "g")
let j = match(txt, "ID:")
let j = match(txt, " ", j)
let name = txt[0 : j]
let line = substitute(name, "<> ", "","g")
let line = substitute(line, "<><>", " ","g")
" NG check
let id = strpart(line, stridx(line, "ID:")+3)
if has_key(g:ngs, id)
let i += 1
call add(buf, (i+1). ": ". line)
let txt = txt[j : ]
let mes = split(txt, "<br>")
for line in mes
let line = substitute(line, "<>", "","g")
let line = DecodeURI_sub(line)
let k = match(line, " *$")
if k > 0
let line = line[: k - 1]
call add(buf, line)
call add(buf, "")
let i += 1
call setline(2, buf)
call setline(1, "http://".join(split(t:boardlist[t:board_idx * 2 + 1], "/")[2:3], "/test/read.cgi/"). "/". split(t:threadlist[a:idx * 2], ".dat")[0]."/")
nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <NOP>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> :call <SID>OpenBoard(t:board_idx)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> r :call <SID>OpenThread(t:thread_idx)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <S-n> :call <SID>NextThread()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <S-w> :call <SID>WriteTextTrim()<CR>
vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <S-w> :call <SID>VWriteTextTrim()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <S-s> :call <SID>SaveFile()<CR>
normal G
fun! s:SaveFile()
let line = getline(".")
let s_idx = match(line, "http")
if s_idx < 0
let line = substitute(line, "ttp", "http", "g")
let s_idx = match(line, "http")
let e_idx = max([match(line, ".jpg")+4, match(line, ".png")+4, match(line, ".gif")+4, match(line, ".jpeg")+5, match(line, ".JPG")+4, match(line, ".GIF")+4])
let fname = line[s_idx : e_idx]
exe "!wget " . fname . " -P " . g:PREFIX . " &"
fun! s:NextThread()
let t = t:threadlist[t:thread_idx * 2 + 1]
call s:OpenBoard(t:board_idx)
let k = match(t, "[12345678901234567890]")
if k > 0 | let t = t[0 : k - 1] | endif
normal G
exe "/".t
fun! s:WriteTextTrim()
let str = getline(".")
let str = EncodeURI_sub(str)
let str = Conv2(str)
call s:WriteThread(str)
fun! s:VWriteTextTrim() range
let str = ""
for line in getline(a:firstline, a:lastline)
let line2 = line
let line2 = EncodeURI_sub(line2)
let line2 = Conv2(line2)
let str .= line2 . "%0A"
call s:WriteThread(str)
fun! s:WriteThread(str)
let str = a:str
let cookiefile = "/home/cympfh/.vim/cookie.txt"
let buf = split(t:boardlist[t:board_idx * 2 + 1], "/")
let url = "http://". buf[2]. "/test/bbs.cgi"
let bbs = buf[3]
let key = split(t:threadlist[t:thread_idx * 2], ".dat")[0]
let curlcmd = "curl -# -v -c ".cookiefile." -b ".cookiefile
let curlcmd .= " -d MESSAGE=\"".str."\""
let curlcmd .= " -d mail=sage"
let curlcmd .= " -d FROM=" . g:coch_name
let curlcmd .= " -d sid="
let curlcmd .= " -d key=".key
let curlcmd .= " -d bbs=".bbs
let curlcmd .= " -d den=bo"
let curlcmd .= " -d submit="
let curlcmd .= " -d time=1 -A cocha -e ".url." ".url
echo "curlcmd = " . curlcmd
let res = Conv(system(curlcmd))
if res =~ "2ch_X:cookie"
let i = match(res, "name=time")
let i = match(res, "value", i)
let j = match(res, ">", i)
let time = res[ i + 6 : j - 1]
let time = time - 10000
echo "time = ".time
let i = match(res, "key", j)
let i = match(res, "name", i)
let j = match(res, "value", i)
let yuki = res[i + 6 : j - 3]
let i = match(res, ">", j)
let akari = res[j + 7 : i - 2]
let curlcmd .= " -d time=".time." -d ".yuki."=".akari." -e ".url." ".url
let curlcmd = substitute(curlcmd, "\r", "", "g")
let curlcmd = substitute(curlcmd, "\n", " ", "g")
let res = Conv(system(curlcmd))
echo res
fun! Conv(str)
return iconv(a:str, "sjis", "utf-8")
fun! Conv2(str)
return iconv(a:str, "utf-8", "sjis")
fun! EncodeURI_nkf(str)
return = system("echo ".a:str."|nkf -wMQ|tr = %")
fun! EncodeURI_sub(line)
let line = a:line
let line = substitute(line, " ", "%20", "g")
let line = substitute(line, ">", "%26gt;", "g")
let line = substitute(line, "<", "%26lt;", "g")
let line = substitute(line, "~", "%26#12316", "g")
return line
fun! DecodeURI_sub(line)
let line = a:line
let line = substitute(line, "&gt;", ">","g")
let line = substitute(line, "&lt;", "<","g")
let line = substitute(line, "&quot;", "\"","g")
return line
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