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Created May 7, 2014 14:14
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import Debug.Trace
debug x = trace (show x) x
main = print $ sim "abc" "bcdef"
sim :: String -> String -> Bool
sim xs ys = n > 0
where n = last $ dp xs ys
dp xs ys = foldl lineDP zero ys
zero :: [Int]
zero = scanl (\a c -> a + gap c) 0 xs
lineDP :: [Int] -> Char -> [Int]
lineDP line y =
debug$ scanl update zero (debug ls)
zero :: Int
zero = head line + gap y
ls = zip3 line (tail line) xs
update s (t0, t1, x) =
maximum [ s + gap x, t1 + gap y, t0 + diff x y ]
fst3 (a,_,_) = a
gap c = if paren c then 0 else p
diff c d
| paren c = 0
| paren d = 0
| c == d = q
| otherwise = r
p = -3
q = 2
r = -3
paren '(' = True
paren ')' = True
paren '(' = True
paren ')' = True
paren _ = False
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