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Cyrille Le Clerc cyrille-leclerc

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"queries": [
"objectName": "cocktail:type=CocktailManager,name=CocktailManager",
"resultAlias": "cocktail",
"attributes": [
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
cyrille-leclerc / gist:5602173
Created May 17, 2013 21:39
bees app:info cyrille-leclerc/gf3-test-128mb
bees app:info cyrille-leclerc/gf3-test-128mb
Application : cyrille-leclerc/gf3-test-128mb
Title : cyrille-leclerc/gf3-test-128mb
Created : Fri May 17 23:35:47 CEST 2013
Status : active
clusterSize : 1
container : java_free
containerType : glassfish3-v2
$top -pid <<glassfish3-clickstack>>
Load Avg: 2.53, 1.99, 1.82 CPU usage: 3.82% user, 3.15% sys, 93.1% idle
SharedLibs: 11M resident, 5696K data, 0B linkedit.
MemRegions: 67883 total, 4012M resident, 66M private, 1430M shared.
PhysMem: 1880M wired, 3137M active, 3126M inactive, 8144M used, 41M free.
VM: 364G vsize, 1052M framework vsize, 15536534(14) pageins, 711557(0) pageouts.
Networks: packets: 3528976/1918M in, 1565539/244M out.
cyrille-leclerc / jenkins.xml
Last active December 20, 2015 09:49
raw jenkins.xml to variabilise for Clickstart templates
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<maven2-moduleset plugin="maven-plugin@1.509.2.5">
<logRotator class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
$ bees app:instance:list gf3-debug-1713
Instance ID : cyrille-leclerc/9ba06407-cfc37263
#proxyConfig : {"use_ssl":false,"disable_proxy_buffering":"true"}
#revproxy : stax.revproxy
#server ID : admin/stax.genapp.5412f454
#serverIP :
application ID : cyrille-leclerc/gf3-debug-1713
deployed : 2013-08-08T15:14:40+00:00
host :
nodeName : i-21e4b84e
cyrille-leclerc / Failing Remote Shell Script invocation
Created August 8, 2013 15:59
Arguments are not passed to the shell script
bees app:instance:invoke -i cyrille-leclerc/4b9ba562-cbf3ba08 --script jmx_invoker --args="-on *:* -l"
Exit code: 1
INVALID INVOCATION: Option "-on (--object-name)" is required
Arguments: --pid-file /var/genapp/apps/4b9ba562/.genapp/app_pid
--pid-file PID_FILE : PID FILE of the JVM to attach to.
--pid or --pid-file required
-attr (--attribute) ATTRIBUTE_NAME : attribute to read or to update. If a
[VAL] : VAL is passed, then it is a write
action, otherwise, it is a read action
cyrille-leclerc / gist:9964594
Created April 3, 2014 23:02
Jenkins Builds Duration over the last month
def summarize(t) {
def minutes = 0;
def now = System.currentTimeMillis();
def month = 30L*24*60*60*1000;
t.items.each { job ->
if (job instanceof Job) {
def b = job.lastBuild;
while (b!=null && (now-b.timeInMillis<month)) {
minutes += b.duration;
cyrille-leclerc / workflow.groovy
Created November 5, 2014 14:58
W-JAX 14- Pimp Your Continuous Delivery Pipeline with the New Jenkins Workflow Engine
def qaCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-qa'
def qaHttpPort = 8081
def stagingCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-staging'
def stagingHttpPort = 8082
def perfsCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-perfs'
def perfsHttpPort = 8084
def productionCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-production'
cyrille-leclerc / workflow.groovy
Created November 11, 2014 13:37 14 - Pimp Your Continuous Delivery Pipeline with the New Jenkins Workflow Engine
def qaCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-qa'
def qaHttpPort = 8081
def stagingCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-staging'
def stagingHttpPort = 8082
def perfsCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-perfs'
def perfsHttpPort = 8084
def productionCatalinaBase = '/opt/apache-tomcat-8-production'