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Created December 7, 2024 01:07
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AoC 2024 Day 6
### Day 6
### Part 1
### concise version, don't bother checking for matrix bounds!
input <- read_lines("day6_input.txt")
m <- str_split_fixed(input, pattern = "", n = str_length(input[1]))
pos <- which(m=="^", arr.ind=TRUE)
directions <- matrix(c(-1,0, 0,1, 1,0, 0,-1), nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow=TRUE)
move <- 1
while (1) {
m[pos] <- "X"
nextpos <- pos + directions[move, 1:2]
while (m[nextpos] == "#") {
move <- move + 1
if (move > 4) move <- 1
nextpos <- pos + directions[move, 1:2]
pos <- nextpos
# m
# . # X
# 11379 810 4711
### Part 2
### Yet Another Brute Force!
inbounds <- function(x) {
if (x[1,1] > 0 & x[1,2] > 0 & x[1,1] <= dim(m)[1] & x[1,2] <= dim(m)[2]) return(TRUE)
m0 <- str_split_fixed(input, pattern = "", n = str_length(input[1]))
loops <- 0
for (i in 1:length(m0)) {
if (m0[i] %in% c("#", "^")) next
m <- m0
m[i] <- "#"
pos <- which(m=="^", arr.ind=TRUE)
move <- 1
while (inbounds(pos)) {
if (m[pos] %in% c(".", "^")) m[pos] <- 0
m[pos] <- as.numeric(m[pos]) + 1
nextpos <- pos + directions[move, 1:2]
while (inbounds(nextpos) && m[nextpos] == "#") {
move <- move + 1
if (move > 4) move <- 1
nextpos <- pos + directions[move, 1:2]
if (as.numeric(m[pos]) >= 10) {
loops <- loops + 1
pos <- nextpos
if (i %% 100 == 0) print(c(i, loops))
# [1] 1562
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