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Created October 31, 2020 16:57
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Save jaraco/d099dc31ccdf685a10231d9ad8780fdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tahoe-lafs 3399.mypy $ tox -e typechecks
typechecks installed: attrs==20.2.0,Automat==20.2.0,cffi==1.14.3,constantly==15.1.0,cryptography==3.1.1,foolscap @ git+,hyperlink==20.0.1,idna==2.10,incremental==17.5.0,mypy==0.782,mypy-extensions==0.4.3,mypy-zope @ git+,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pycparser==2.20,PyHamcrest==2.0.2,pyOpenSSL==19.1.0,service-identity==18.1.0,six==1.15.0,Twisted==20.3.0,typed-ast==1.4.1,typing-extensions==,zope.event==4.5.0,zope.interface==5.1.2,zope.schema==6.0.0
typechecks run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1876895777'
typechecks run-test: commands[0] | mypy src
src/allmydata/util/ error: Need type annotation for '_poll_should_ignore_these_errors' (hint: "_poll_should_ignore_these_errors: List[<type>] = ...")
src/allmydata/test/ error: "Callable[[Python3PortingEffortTests], Any]" has no attribute "todo"
src/allmydata/test/ error: Need type annotation for 'last_stats' (hint: "last_stats: Dict[<type>, <type>] = ...")
src/allmydata/test/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "float", target has type "int")
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Cannot determine consistent method resolution order (MRO) for "IVerifierURI"
src/allmydata/ error: Interface methods should not have 'self' argument
src/allmydata/ error: Interface methods should not have 'self' argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/web/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.web.private.IToken.
src/allmydata/web/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.web.private.IToken class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/ error: 'CRSEncoder' is missing following 'ICodecEncoder' interface members: encode_proposal.
src/allmydata/util/ error: Name '_getfullpathname' already defined on line 310
src/allmydata/storage/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIBucketWriter.
src/allmydata/storage/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIBucketWriter class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/storage/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIBucketReader.
src/allmydata/storage/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIBucketReader class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/storage/ error: Name 'pickle' already defined (possibly by an import)
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.introducer.interfaces.RIIntroducerSubscriberClient_v2.
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.introducer.interfaces.RIIntroducerSubscriberClient_v2 class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: Signature of "IntroducerClient" incompatible with "subscribe_to" of supertype "IIntroducerClient"
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: Signature of "IntroducerClient" incompatible with "publish" of supertype "IIntroducerClient"
src/allmydata/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIStatsProvider.
src/allmydata/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIStatsProvider class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIStatsGatherer.
src/allmydata/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIStatsGatherer class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/ error: Need type annotation for 'GENERATED_FILES' (hint: "GENERATED_FILES: List[<type>] = ...")
src/allmydata/windows/ error: Name 'unichr' is not defined
src/allmydata/test/ error: "Callable[[ListAddresses], Any]" has no attribute "timeout"
src/allmydata/web/ error: Name 'cmp' is not defined
src/allmydata/web/ error: Name 'cmp' is not defined
src/allmydata/test/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "float", base class "CPUUsageMonitor" defined the type as "int")
src/allmydata/storage/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIStorageServer.
src/allmydata/storage/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIStorageServer class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/ error: '_DirectoryBaseURI' is missing following 'IURI' interface members: is_readonly, get_readonly.
src/allmydata/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Type[CHKFileVerifierURI]", base class "DirectoryURIVerifier" defined the type as "Type[SSKVerifierURI]")
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: '_ImmutableFileNodeBase' is missing following 'allmydata.interfaces.IFilesystemNode' interface members: get_storage_index, get_size, get_cap, get_readcap, get_repair_cap, get_verify_cap, get_uri, get_current_size.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: '_ImmutableFileNodeBase' is missing following 'allmydata.interfaces.IReadable' interface members: download_to_data, read.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: '_ImmutableFileNodeBase' is missing following 'allmydata.interfaces.IFileNode' interface members: get_best_readable_version, download_best_version, get_size_of_best_version.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: '_ImmutableFileNodeBase' is missing following 'ICheckable' interface members: check, check_and_repair.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: 'Encoder' is missing following 'IEncoder' interface members: set_size.
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 1 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 2 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, str, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 3 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 4 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, int, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 5 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, int, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 6 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, int, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 7 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: 'PeerSelector' is missing following 'IPeerSelector' interface members: confirm_share_allocation, add_peers.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIEncryptedUploadable.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIEncryptedUploadable class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIControlClient.
src/allmydata/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIControlClient class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, str, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 1 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 2 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/mutable/ error: Signature of "MutableFileNode" incompatible with "upload" of supertype "IMutableFileNode"
src/allmydata/mutable/ error: 'MutableFileVersion' is missing following 'IMutableFileVersion' interface members: get_servermap.
src/allmydata/mutable/ error: Signature of "MutableFileVersion" incompatible with "download_to_data" of supertype "allmydata.interfaces.IReadable"
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RICHKUploadHelper.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RICHKUploadHelper class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: 'LocalCiphertextReader' is missing following 'IEncryptedUploadable' interface members: set_upload_status.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.RIHelper.
src/allmydata/immutable/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.RIHelper class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/frontends/ error: Module 'types' has no attribute 'NoneType'
src/allmydata/ error: Signature of "DirectoryNode" incompatible with "set_uri" of supertype "IDirectoryNode"
src/allmydata/web/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "MultiFormatResource" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/web/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "MultiFormatResource" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "Tuple[str, None, None, str]"; expected "List[Optional[str]]"
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", base class "BaseOptions" defined the type as "None")
src/allmydata/frontends/ error: Module 'types' has no attribute 'NoneType'
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Unsupported operand types for + ("List[List[Union[Type[BaseOptions], str, None]]]" and "List[Tuple[str, None, Type[InviteOptions], str]]")
src/allmydata/scripts/ error: Module has no attribute "dispatch"
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.introducer.interfaces.RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService_v2.
src/allmydata/introducer/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.introducer.interfaces.RIIntroducerPublisherAndSubscriberService_v2 class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/test/ error: Method must have at least one argument
src/allmydata/test/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.interfaces.IFoolscapStoragePlugin.
src/allmydata/test/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.interfaces.IFoolscapStoragePlugin class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/test/ error: zope.interface.implementer accepts interface, not allmydata.test.storage_plugin.RIDummy.
src/allmydata/test/ error: Make sure you have stubs for all packages that provide interfaces for allmydata.test.storage_plugin.RIDummy class hierarchy.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'DummyStorageClient' is missing following 'IStorageServer' interface members: get_version, allocate_buckets, add_lease, renew_lease, get_buckets, slot_readv, slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev, advise_corrupt_share.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeCHKFileNode' is missing following 'allmydata.interfaces.IFilesystemNode' interface members: get_readcap.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeMutableFileNode' is missing following 'IMutableFileNode' interface members: download_version, upload.
src/allmydata/test/ error: On Python 3 '{}'.format(b'abc') produces "b'abc'"; use !r if this is a desired behavior
src/allmydata/test/ error: Need type annotation for 'introducer_clients' (hint: "introducer_clients: List[<type>] = ...")
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'NoNetworkServer' is missing following 'IServer' interface members: start_connecting.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'NoNetworkStorageBroker' is missing following 'IStorageBroker' interface members: get_all_connections, get_all_connectors, get_all_peerids, get_all_connections_for, get_permuted_peers.
src/allmydata/test/ error: Module has no attribute "maxint"
src/allmydata/test/ error: Module has no attribute "maxint"
src/allmydata/test/ error: Module has no attribute "maxint"
src/allmydata/test/ error: Name 'conch_interfaces' already defined on line 12
src/allmydata/test/ error: Name 'sftp' already defined on line 13
src/allmydata/test/ error: Incompatible import of "sftpd" (imported name has type Module, local name has type "object")
src/allmydata/test/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "ImportError")
src/allmydata/test/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "float", variable has type "int")
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeMutableFile' is missing following 'allmydata.interfaces.IFilesystemNode' interface members: get_readcap, get_repair_cap, get_verify_cap, get_readonly_uri, get_storage_index, get_size, get_current_size.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeMutableFile' is missing following 'allmydata.interfaces.IFileNode' interface members: get_best_readable_version, get_size_of_best_version.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeMutableFile' is missing following 'IMutableFileNode' interface members: get_best_mutable_version, overwrite, get_servermap, download_version, upload, get_version.
src/allmydata/test/ error: Name 'unicode' is not defined
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeServer' is missing following 'IServer' interface members: start_connecting, get_rref, get_storage_server.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeCheckResults' is missing following 'ICheckResults' interface members: get_uri, get_happiness, get_encoding_needed, get_encoding_expected, get_share_counter_good, get_share_counter_wrong, get_incompatible_shares, get_servers_responding, get_host_counter_good_shares, get_version_counter_recoverable, get_version_counter_unrecoverable, get_sharemap, get_report.
src/allmydata/test/ error: 'FakeCheckAndRepairResults' is missing following 'ICheckAndRepairResults' interface members: get_storage_index_string.
Found 142 errors in 48 files (checked 291 source files)
ERROR: InvocationError for command /Users/jaraco/code/public/tahoe-lafs/.tox/typechecks/bin/mypy src (exited with code 1)
___________________________________________________________________ summary ___________________________________________________________________
ERROR: typechecks: commands failed
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