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Last active February 26, 2019 21:07
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sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y upgrade

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip

pip3 install --upgrade pip

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv

Let’s choose which directory we would like to put our Python programming environments in, or we can create a new directory with mkdir, as in:

$ mkdir environments $ cd environments

$ python3 -m venv mapproxy

$ source mapproxy/bin/activate

sudo apt-get install python-pil python-yaml libproj12

sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev python-lxml libgdal-dev python-shapely

pip install MapProxy

tips for a test run:

To create a new set of configuration files for MapProxy call:

mapproxy-util create -t base-config mymapproxy

To start a test server:

mapproxy-util serve-develop -b mapproxy.yaml

*need to bind to to display on external clients

Test 2

created a new config file with the following (from this Github issue: mapproxy/mapproxy#239):

  #sets up how to make the source data available

    #srs sets the coordinate reference systems as which you want to make your data available. MapProxy reprojects the source data very well to these projections.
    srs: ['EPSG:900913','EPSG:3857']
    image_formats: ['image/png']

  #sets up which layers you want to make available using the services above. You can add many, but let's stick to osm data here.
  - name: osm
    title: OpenStreetmap
    sources: [osm_cache]

  #setup the cache for the open streetmap tiles. This cache is used by the layer above.
    disable_storage: true
    sources: [osm_tiles]

     #the osm_tiles source refers to the tiles. These will be downloaded upon request (if not already cached) and served by MapProxy
     type: tile
     grid: osm_grid #the grid to use for the osm tiles. This is really important. It is specified below.

    #this srs and origin specify a grid that can be used elsewhere in the configuration. In this example it is used for the osm_tiles source. These settings are correct for tiles.
    #The google mercator srs is used (also called EPSG:900913), and the origin of the tiles is north-west). If you get this wrong, you might very well get an all-blue world.
    srs: EPSG:900913
    origin: nw

  #next are some global configuration options for MapProxy. They mostly explain themselves, or can be looked-up in the MapProxy docs.
    # where to store the cached images
    base_dir: '/path_to_cache_dir'
    # where to store lockfiles
    lock_dir: '/path_to_locks/'

Then on in edit more added the following url and it worked (note: need to add the '.png' in the end):{z}/{x}/{y}.png

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