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athos/puyo.clj Secret

Created February 9, 2011 13:20
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;; ぷよぷよ19連鎖の問題(を
;; 解くClojureプログラム
(use '[ :only (read-lines)]
'[clojure.string :only (join)])
(defn value-at [field y x]
(get-in field [x y]))
(defn nrows [field]
(count (field 0)))
(defn ncols [field]
(count field))
(defn entire-block
([pos field]
(entire-block pos field #{}))
([[y x :as pos] field visited]
(reduce (fn [visited* pos*]
(if (visited* pos*)
(into visited* (entire-block pos* field visited*))))
(conj visited pos)
(for [[dy dx] [[0 -1] [1 0] [0 1]]
:let [[y* x* :as pos*] [(+ y dy) (+ x dx)]]
:when (and (not (visited pos*))
(= (value-at field y x)
(value-at field y* x*)))]
(defn all-blocks [field]
(let [blocks (atom [])]
(doseq [y (range (nrows field))
x (range (ncols field))
:let [pos [y x]]
:when (and (not= (value-at field y x) \space)
(not (some #(% pos) @blocks)))
:let [block (entire-block pos field)]
:when (>= (count block) 4)]
(swap! blocks conj block))
(defn remove-blocks [field blocks]
(let [to-be-removed (reduce into blocks)]
(vec (map (fn [col] (vec (sort (fn [x y] (= x \space)) col)))
(for [x (range (ncols field))]
(for [y (range (nrows field))]
(if (to-be-removed [y x])
(value-at field y x))))))))
(defn steps [field]
(cons field
(let [blocks (all-blocks field)]
(if-not (empty? blocks)
(steps (remove-blocks field blocks)))))))
(defn print-field [field]
(let [trans (apply map list field)
color #(str "\033[" (or ({\R 41, \G 44, \Y "1;43"} %) 0) "m" %)
hline (join (repeat (+ (ncols field) 2) "-"))
lines `(~hline
~@(map #(join `("|" ~@(map color %) "\033[0m|")) trans)
(println (join \newline lines))))
(defn solve [field]
(doseq [step (steps field)]
(print-field step)
(solve (vec (apply map vector (read-lines *in*))))
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