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Last active January 26, 2017 13:28
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fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder

fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder

Internal opts struct

opts.Field Type Default
Ansi bool false
Black bool false
Bold bool true
Case Case CaseSmart
Criteria []criterion []criterion{byScore, byLength}
Cycle bool false
Delimiter Delimiter Delimiter{}
Exit0 bool false
Expect map[int]string make(map[int]string)
Extended bool true
FileWord bool false
Filter *string nil
Fuzzy bool true
FuzzyAlgo algo.Algo algo.FuzzyMatchV2
Header []string make([]string, 0)
HeaderLines int 0
Height sizeSpec
History *History nil
Hscroll bool true
HscrollOff int 10
InlineInfo bool false
JumpLabels string defaultJumpLables
Keymap map[int][]action make(map[int][]action)
Margin [4]sizeSpec defaultMargin()
MinHeight int 10
Mouse bool true
Multi bool false
Normalize bool true
Nth []Range make([]Range, 0)
Preview previewOpts previewOpts{"", posRight, sizeSpec{50, true}, false, false}
PrintQuery bool false
Printer func(string) func(str string) { fmt.Println(str) }
Prompt string "> "
Query string ""
ReadZero bool false
Reverse bool false
Select1 bool false
Sort int 1000
Sync bool false
Tabstop int 8
Tac bool false
Theme *tui.ColorTheme tui.EmptyTheme()
ToggleSort bool false
Version bool false
WithNth []Range make([]Range, 0)

Command line options

Documented Long Short Argument Delimiter Affected field
hm (ignore-case) i opts.Case
hm (respect-case) +i opts.Case
hm algo v1|v2 opts.FuzzyAlgo
hm ansi opts.Ansi
async opts.Sync
hm bind BSPEC comma opts.Keymap
m black opts.Black
bold opts.Bold
hm color CSPEC comma opts.Theme
hm cycle opts.Cycle
hm delimiter STR opts.Delimiter
hm exact e opts.Fuzzy
hm exit-0 0 opts.Exit0
hm expect KEY comma opts.Expect
hm extended x opts.Extended
extended-exact opts.Extended; opts.Fuzzy
hm filepath-word opts.FileWord
hm filter f STR opts.Filter
hm header STR opts.Header
hm header-lines UINT opts.HeaderLines
hm height HEIGHT[%] opts.Height
hm history FILE opts.History
hm history-size UINT opts.History.maxSize
hscroll opts.Hscroll
hm hscroll-off UINT opts.HscrollOff
hm inline-info opts.InlineInfo
hm jump-labels JSPEC "" opts.JumpLabels
hm literal opts.Normalize
hm margin MSPEC comma opts.Margin
hm min-height HEIGHT opts.MinHeight
hm multi m opts.Multi
no-256 +2 opts.Theme
no-ansi opts.Ansi
no-black opts.Black
hm no-bold opts.Bold
no-color +c opts.Theme
no-cycle opts.Cycle
no-exact +e opts.Fuzzy
no-exit-0 +0 opts.Exit0
hm no-extended +x opts.Extended
no-filepath-word opts.FileWord
no-header opts.Header
no-header-lines opts.HeaderLines
no-height opts.Height
no-history opts.History
hm no-hscroll opts.Hscroll
no-inline-info opts.InlineInfo
no-literal opts.Normalize
no-margin opts.Margin
hm no-mouse opts.Mouse
no-multi +m opts.Multi
no-preview opts.Preview.command
no-print-query opts.PrintQuery
no-print0 opts.Printer
no-read0 opts.ReadZero
no-reverse opts.Reverse
no-select-1 +1 opts.Select1
hm no-sort +s opts.Sort
no-sync opts.Sync
no-tac opts.Tac
hm nth n IEXPR comma opts.Nth
hm preview CMD opts.Preview.command
hm preview-window PSPEC colon opts.Preview
hm print-query opts.PrintQuery
m print0 opts.Printer
hm prompt STR opts.Prompt
hm query q STR opts.Query
m read0 opts.ReadZero
hm reverse opts.Reverse
hm select-1 1 opts.Select1
sort s opts.Sort
hm sync opts.Sync
hm tabstop UINT opts.Tabstop
hm tac opts.Tac
hm tiebreak begin|end|length|index comma opts.Criteria
toggle-sort KEY opts.Keymap
version opts.Version
hm with-nth IEXPR comma opts.WithNth
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