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chamons/- Secret

Created November 29, 2016 16:40
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#include "registrar.h"
extern "C" {
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, void * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
void * a0 = p0;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = &a0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static id native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, bool* call_super, uint32_t token_ref)
uint8_t flags = NSObjectFlagsNativeRef;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [0];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
bool has_nsobject = xamarin_has_nsobject (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (has_nsobject) {
*call_super = true;
goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
mthis = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_method_get_class (managed_method));
xamarin_set_nsobject_handle (mthis, self);
xamarin_set_nsobject_flags (mthis, flags);
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
xamarin_create_managed_ref (self, mthis, true);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return self;
static id native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSCoder * p0, bool* call_super, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
uint8_t flags = NSObjectFlagsNativeRef;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
bool has_nsobject = xamarin_has_nsobject (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (has_nsobject) {
*call_super = true;
goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mthis = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_method_get_class (managed_method));
xamarin_set_nsobject_handle (mthis, self);
xamarin_set_nsobject_flags (mthis, flags);
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
xamarin_create_managed_ref (self, mthis, true);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return self;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_4 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSObject * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_5 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSAlert * p0, NSInteger p1, void * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
void * a2 = p2;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &a2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_6 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, AVAudioPlayer * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_7 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, AVAudioPlayer * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_8 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, AVAudioRecorder * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_9 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, AVAudioRecorder * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_10 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNotification * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_11 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, uint32_t token_ref)
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [0];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_12 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTimer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSUInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_13 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, uint32_t token_ref)
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [0];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSUInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_14 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, void * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
void * a0 = p0;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = &a0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_15 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, uint32_t token_ref)
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [0];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_16 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, void ** p0, NSUInteger* p1, uint32_t token_ref)
void ** a0 = 0;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = &a0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
*p0 = a0;
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_17 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSUInteger p0, void * p1, void * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
unsigned long long nativeEnum0 = p0;
void * a1 = p1;
void * a2 = p2;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = &nativeEnum0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &a1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &a2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_18 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSRunLoop * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSView * native_to_managed_trampoline_19 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingService * p0, CGRect* p1, NSUInteger* p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSView * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_20 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingService * p0, NSArray * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_21 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingService * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static CGRect native_to_managed_trampoline_22 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingService * p0, id p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGRect res = {{0}};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p1, false, "AppKit.NSPasteboardWritingWrapper, Xamarin.Mac", "AppKit.INSPasteboardWriting, Xamarin.Mac", &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGRect *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSWindow * native_to_managed_trampoline_23 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingService * p0, NSArray * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSWindow * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSImage * native_to_managed_trampoline_24 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingService * p0, id p1, CGRect p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSImage * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p1, false, "AppKit.NSPasteboardWritingWrapper, Xamarin.Mac", "AppKit.INSPasteboardWriting, Xamarin.Mac", &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSMenu * native_to_managed_trampoline_25 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSMenu * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_26 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_27 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSUInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_28 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSUInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_29 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSUserActivity * p1, id p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
if (p2) {
arg_ptrs [2] = (void *) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (managed_method, 2, p2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_30 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSCoder * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_31 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSString * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_32 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_33 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_34 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSObject * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_35 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_36 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSDictionary * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSUInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_37 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSArray * p1, NSDictionary * p2, BOOL p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSUInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_38 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPasteboard * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_39 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSDictionary * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_40 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSArray * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (p0) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p0;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [0] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [0] = NULL;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_41 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSData * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_42 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSUserActivity * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_43 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, CKShareMetadata * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSError * native_to_managed_trampoline_44 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSApplication * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSError * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_45 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPasteboard * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_46 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPathCell * p0, NSOpenPanel * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_47 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPathCell * p0, NSMenu * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSTableRowView * native_to_managed_trampoline_48 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSTableRowView * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_49 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableRowView * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_50 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableColumn * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSCell * native_to_managed_trampoline_51 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableColumn * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSCell * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_52 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSInteger p1, NSInteger p2, NSString * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
arg_ptrs [3] = p3 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p3 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static CGFloat native_to_managed_trampoline_53 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGFloat res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGFloat *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_54 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableColumn * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSIndexSet * native_to_managed_trampoline_55 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSIndexSet * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSIndexSet * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_56 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSCell * p1, CGRect* p2, NSTableColumn * p3, NSInteger p4, CGPoint p5, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [6];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
arg_ptrs [4] = &p4;
arg_ptrs [5] = &p5;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSView * native_to_managed_trampoline_57 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableColumn * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSView * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_58 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_59 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSInteger p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_60 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_61 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableColumn * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_62 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSInteger p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_63 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSTableColumn * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_64 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSCell * p1, NSTableColumn * p2, NSInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_65 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSEvent * p1, NSString * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_66 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTableView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSTableColumn * p2, NSInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_67 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, SEL p0, uint32_t token_ref)
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = p0 ? xamarin_get_selector (p0, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static id native_to_managed_trampoline_68 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingServicePicker * p0, NSSharingService * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
id res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_handle_for_inativeobject ((MonoObject *) retval, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_69 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingServicePicker * p0, NSSharingService * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_70 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSharingServicePicker * p0, NSArray * p1, NSArray * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj2 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj2);
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_71 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSAlert * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_72 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKCameraDeviceView * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_73 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKCameraDeviceView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_74 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKDeviceBrowserView * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_75 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSControl * p0, NSString * p1, NSString * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_76 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSControl * p0, NSString * p1, NSString * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_77 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSControl * p0, NSTextView * p1, SEL p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? xamarin_get_selector (p2, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_78 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextField * p0, NSTextView * p1, NSRange p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_79 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSControl * p0, NSTextView * p1, NSArray * p2, NSRange p3, NSInteger* p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
arg_ptrs [4] = p4;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);
NSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[sv autorelease];
mono_free (str);
buf [i] = sv;
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_80 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextField * p0, NSTextView * p1, NSArray * p2, NSRange p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj2 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj2);
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_81 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSControl * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_82 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextField * p0, NSTextView * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_83 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSControl * p0, NSText * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_84 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSound * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_85 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSStream * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum1 = p1;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &nativeEnum1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_86 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKImageBrowserView * p0, NSEvent * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_87 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKImageBrowserView * p0, NSInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_88 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKImageBrowserView * p0, NSInteger p1, NSEvent * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_89 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKImageBrowserView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_90 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSDocument * p0, BOOL p1, void * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
void * a2 = p2;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &a2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_91 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_92 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSGestureRecognizer * p0, NSEvent * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_93 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSGestureRecognizer * p0, NSGestureRecognizer * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_94 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_95 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSGestureRecognizer * p0, NSTouch * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_96 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSClickGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_97 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_98 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPanGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_99 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPressGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_100 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSRotationGestureRecognizer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_101 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, DOMEvent * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_102 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBCentralManager * p0, CBPeripheral * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_103 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBCentralManager * p0, CBPeripheral * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_104 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBCentralManager * p0, CBPeripheral * p1, NSDictionary * p2, NSNumber * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_105 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBCentralManager * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_106 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBCentralManager * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_107 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBCentralManager * p0, NSDictionary * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_108 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKSaveOptions * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_109 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSImage * p0, NSImageRep * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_110 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSImage * p0, NSImageRep * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_111 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSImage * p0, NSImageRep * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSImage * native_to_managed_trampoline_112 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSObject * p0, CGRect p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSImage * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_113 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKScannerDeviceView * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_114 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, IKScannerDeviceView * p0, NSURL * p1, NSData * p2, NSError * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_115 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, CBService * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_116 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, CBCharacteristic * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_117 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_118 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_119 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_120 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, NSNumber * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_121 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheral * p0, CBDescriptor * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_122 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSAnimation * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_123 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSAnimation * p0, float p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_124 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSAnimation * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static float native_to_managed_trampoline_125 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSAnimation * p0, float p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
float res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(float *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_126 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_127 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, CBCentral * p1, CBCharacteristic * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_128 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, CBATTRequest * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_129 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_130 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, CBService * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_131 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, NSDictionary * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_132 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CBPeripheralManager * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_133 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, SCNPhysicsWorld * p0, SCNPhysicsContact * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_134 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextStorage * p0, NSUInteger p1, NSRange p2, NSInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum1 = p1;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &nativeEnum1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_135 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_136 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, NSCoder * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_137 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_138 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, NSEvent * p1, CGPoint p2, NSPasteboard * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_139 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, NSMenu * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_140 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, CGRect p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_141 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, double p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static CGRect native_to_managed_trampoline_142 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, NSWindow * p1, CGRect p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGRect res = {{0}};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGRect *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static CGSize native_to_managed_trampoline_143 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, CGSize p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGSize res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGSize *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static CGSize native_to_managed_trampoline_144 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, CGSize p1, CGSize p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGSize res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGSize *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_145 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSUndoManager * native_to_managed_trampoline_146 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUndoManager * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSUInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_147 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum1 = p1;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &nativeEnum1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSUInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static CGRect native_to_managed_trampoline_148 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSWindow * p0, CGRect p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGRect res = {{0}};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGRect *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_149 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSObject * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_150 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSString * p1, NSString * p2, BOOL p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_151 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSURL * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_152 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_153 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_154 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_155 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSURL * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_156 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSString * p1, BOOL p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_157 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, NSURL * p1, NSError ** p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
void * handle2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = (int *) &mobj2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (mobj2 != NULL)
handle2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (mobj2);
*p2 = (id) handle2;
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_158 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSavePanel * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_159 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTabView * p0, NSTabViewItem * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_160 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTabView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_161 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTabView * p0, NSTabViewItem * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_162 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, WebFrame * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_163 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, WebScriptObject * p1, WebFrame * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_164 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, JSContext * p1, WebFrame * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_165 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSError * p1, WebFrame * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_166 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSImage * p1, WebFrame * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_167 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, WebFrame * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_168 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSURL * p1, double p2, NSDate * p3, WebFrame * p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj4 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj4 = NULL;
int32_t created4 = false;
MonoType *paramtype4 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
nsobj4 = (NSObject *) p4;
if (nsobj4) {
paramtype4 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 4);
mobj4 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj4, false, paramtype4, &created4, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [4] = mobj4;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_169 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, WebScriptObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSWindow * native_to_managed_trampoline_170 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebDownload * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSWindow * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_171 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge * p2, WebDataSource * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_172 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSError * p2, WebDataSource * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_173 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, WebDataSource * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_174 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSURLRequest * p1, WebDataSource * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_175 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSError * p1, WebDataSource * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_176 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSInteger p2, WebDataSource * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_177 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSURLResponse * p2, WebDataSource * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSURLRequest * native_to_managed_trampoline_178 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSURLRequest * p2, NSURLResponse * p3, WebDataSource * p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj4 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj4 = NULL;
int32_t created4 = false;
MonoType *paramtype4 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSURLRequest * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
nsobj4 = (NSObject *) p4;
if (nsobj4) {
paramtype4 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 4);
mobj4 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj4, false, paramtype4, &created4, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [4] = mobj4;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_179 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_180 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static WebView * native_to_managed_trampoline_181 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSURLRequest * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
WebView * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSUInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_182 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, CGPoint p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSUInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_183 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, CGRect p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static CGRect native_to_managed_trampoline_184 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGRect res = {{0}};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGRect *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_185 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSDictionary * p1, NSArray * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj2 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj2);
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSUInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_186 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, id<NSDraggingInfo> p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSUInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSResponder * native_to_managed_trampoline_187 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSResponder * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static float native_to_managed_trampoline_188 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
float res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(float *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_189 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_190 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSResponder * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_191 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSDictionary * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_192 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, WebFrameView * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_193 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, WebFrame * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_194 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_195 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_196 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, NSString * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_197 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, NSString * p2, WebFrame * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_198 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, id p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p1, false, "WebKit.WebOpenPanelResultListenerWrapper, Xamarin.Mac", "WebKit.IWebOpenPanelResultListener, Xamarin.Mac", &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_199 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_200 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, SEL p1, NSObject * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? xamarin_get_selector (p1, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_201 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSObject * p1, BOOL p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_202 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, unsigned long long p1, id<NSDraggingInfo> p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_203 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, unsigned long long p1, CGPoint p2, NSPasteboard * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_204 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSString * p1, NSURLRequest * p2, WebFrame * p3, NSObject * p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj4 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj4 = NULL;
int32_t created4 = false;
MonoType *paramtype4 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
nsobj4 = (NSObject *) p4;
if (nsobj4) {
paramtype4 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 4);
mobj4 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj4, false, paramtype4, &created4, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [4] = mobj4;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_205 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSDictionary * p1, NSURLRequest * p2, WebFrame * p3, NSObject * p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj4 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj4 = NULL;
int32_t created4 = false;
MonoType *paramtype4 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
nsobj4 = (NSObject *) p4;
if (nsobj4) {
paramtype4 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 4);
mobj4 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj4, false, paramtype4, &created4, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [4] = mobj4;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_206 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, WebView * p0, NSDictionary * p1, NSURLRequest * p2, NSString * p3, NSObject * p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj4 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj4 = NULL;
int32_t created4 = false;
MonoType *paramtype4 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = p3 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p3 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj4 = (NSObject *) p4;
if (nsobj4) {
paramtype4 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 4);
mobj4 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj4, false, paramtype4, &created4, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [4] = mobj4;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_207 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, unsigned int p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_208 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_209 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, NSInteger p1, CLRegion * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
long long nativeEnum1 = p1;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &nativeEnum1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_210 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, CLRegion * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_211 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_212 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_213 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, CLRegion * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_214 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_215 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CLLocationManager * p0, CLLocation * p1, CLLocation * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_216 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSText * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_217 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSDatePickerCell * p0, NSDate ** p1, double p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
void * handle1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = *(NSObject **) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = (int *) &mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (mobj1 != NULL)
handle1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (mobj1);
*p1 = (id) handle1;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_218 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, void * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
void * a0 = p0;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = &a0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_219 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSTextAttachmentCell * p1, CGRect p2, NSUInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_220 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSRange p1, unsigned long long p2, NSDictionary * p3, NSArray * p4, NSOrthography * p5, NSInteger p6, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj5 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj5 = NULL;
int32_t created5 = false;
MonoType *paramtype5 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [7];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
if (p4) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p4;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 4);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj4 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj4 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj4);
arg_ptrs [4] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [4] = NULL;
nsobj5 = (NSObject *) p5;
if (nsobj5) {
paramtype5 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 5);
mobj5 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj5, false, paramtype5, &created5, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [5] = mobj5;
arg_ptrs [6] = &p6;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_221 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, SEL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? xamarin_get_selector (p1, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_222 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSTextAttachmentCell * p1, CGRect p2, NSEvent * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_223 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSRange p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_224 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSArray * p1, NSRange p2, NSInteger* p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
arg_ptrs [3] = p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);
NSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[sv autorelease];
mono_free (str);
buf [i] = sv;
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_225 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSArray * p1, NSRange p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSUndoManager * native_to_managed_trampoline_226 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSUndoManager * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_227 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSTextAttachmentCell * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);
NSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[sv autorelease];
mono_free (str);
buf [i] = sv;
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_228 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSObject * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSMenu * native_to_managed_trampoline_229 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSMenu * p1, NSEvent * p2, NSUInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSMenu * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_230 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSRange p1, NSString * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_231 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSArray * p1, NSArray * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSDictionary * native_to_managed_trampoline_232 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSDictionary * p1, NSDictionary * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSDictionary * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_233 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_234 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSInteger p1, NSRange p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_235 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);
NSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[sv autorelease];
mono_free (str);
buf [i] = sv;
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSRange native_to_managed_trampoline_236 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSRange p1, NSRange p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSRange res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSRange *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_237 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSArray * p1, NSArray * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj2 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj2);
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSDictionary * native_to_managed_trampoline_238 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSRange p1, NSDictionary * p2, unsigned long long p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSDictionary * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_239 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSString * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_240 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTextView * p0, NSTextAttachmentCell * p1, NSUInteger p2, NSPasteboard * p3, NSString * p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
arg_ptrs [4] = p4 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p4 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_241 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSDrawer * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static CGSize native_to_managed_trampoline_242 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSDrawer * p0, CGSize p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGSize res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGSize *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_243 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, AVCaptureFileOutput * p0, NSURL * p1, NSArray * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj2 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj2);
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_244 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, AVCaptureFileOutput * p0, NSURL * p1, NSArray * p2, NSError * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj2 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj2);
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSArray * native_to_managed_trampoline_245 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSToolbar * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSArray * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (retval) {
int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);
int i;
id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);
NSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[sv autorelease];
mono_free (str);
buf [i] = sv;
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];
free (buf);
[arr autorelease];
res = arr;
} else {
res = NULL;
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
mt_dummy_use (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSToolbarItem * native_to_managed_trampoline_246 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSToolbar * p0, NSString * p1, BOOL p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSToolbarItem * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_247 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSUserNotificationCenter * p0, NSUserNotification * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_248 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSUserNotificationCenter * p0, NSUserNotification * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_249 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CAAnimation * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_250 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, CAAnimation * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSTouchBarItem * native_to_managed_trampoline_251 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSTouchBar * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSTouchBarItem * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_252 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, MKAnnotationView * p1, NSUInteger p2, NSUInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
unsigned long long nativeEnum3 = p3;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &nativeEnum3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_253 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_254 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, MKAnnotationView * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_255 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_256 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, BOOL p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_257 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_258 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, MKUserLocation * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static MKAnnotationView * native_to_managed_trampoline_259 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, id p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MKAnnotationView * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p1, false, "MapKit.MKAnnotationWrapper, Xamarin.Mac", "MapKit.IMKAnnotation, Xamarin.Mac", &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static MKOverlayRenderer * native_to_managed_trampoline_260 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, MKMapView * p0, id p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MKOverlayRenderer * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p1, false, "MapKit.MKOverlayWrapper, Xamarin.Mac", "MapKit.IMKOverlay, Xamarin.Mac", &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_261 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKGameCenterViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_262 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKAchievementViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_263 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetListViewController * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_264 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetListViewController * p0, NSUInteger p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSViewController * native_to_managed_trampoline_265 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetListViewController * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSViewController * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_266 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetListViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_267 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetListViewController * p0, NSUInteger p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_268 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKFriendRequestComposeViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_269 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetSearchViewController * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_270 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetSearchViewController * p0, NSString * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_271 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NCWidgetSearchViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_272 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSCache * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_273 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, SKPhysicsContact * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_274 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPageController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_275 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPageController * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static CGRect native_to_managed_trampoline_276 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPageController * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGRect res = {{0}};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGRect *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_277 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPageController * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSViewController * native_to_managed_trampoline_278 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPageController * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSViewController * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_279 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSPageController * p0, NSViewController * p1, NSObject * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_280 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKLeaderboardViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_281 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSString * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_282 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSData * p1, NSString * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = p2 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p2 UTF8String]) : NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_283 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSData * p1, GKPlayer * p2, GKPlayer * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_284 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSData * p1, GKPlayer * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_285 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_286 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, GKPlayer * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static BOOL native_to_managed_trampoline_287 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
BOOL res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(BOOL *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_288 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, NSString * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_289 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatch * p0, GKPlayer * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_290 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_291 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
if (nobj) {
mobj1 = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj1);
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_292 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, GKMatch * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_293 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, NSArray * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
if (p1) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p1;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [1] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [1] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_294 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, GKPlayer * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_295 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, NSString * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_296 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, GKMatchmakerViewController * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_297 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSRuleEditor * p0, NSInteger p1, NSObject * p2, NSUInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum3 = p3;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &nativeEnum3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_298 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSRuleEditor * p0, NSObject * p1, NSInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSInteger native_to_managed_trampoline_299 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSRuleEditor * p0, NSObject * p1, NSUInteger p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
unsigned long long nativeEnum2 = p2;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSInteger res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &nativeEnum2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(NSInteger *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSDictionary * native_to_managed_trampoline_300 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSRuleEditor * p0, NSObject * p1, NSObject * p2, NSInteger p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSDictionary * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &p3;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_301 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSSearchField * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_302 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedArchiver * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_303 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedArchiver * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_304 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedArchiver * p0, NSObject * p1, NSObject * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_305 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedArchiver * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static Class native_to_managed_trampoline_306 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedUnarchiver * p0, NSString * p1, NSArray * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
Class res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
if (p2) {
NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p2;
MonoClass *e_class;
MonoArray *marr;
MonoType *p;
int j;
p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));
marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);
for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {
NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];
mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));
arg_ptrs [2] = marr;
} else {
arg_ptrs [2] = NULL;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
res = xamarin_get_class_handle (retval, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_307 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedUnarchiver * p0, NSObject * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_308 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedUnarchiver * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_309 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSKeyedUnarchiver * p0, NSObject * p1, NSObject * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_310 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, SKRequest * p0, NSError * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_311 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, SKRequest * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_312 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, SKProductsRequest * p0, SKProductsResponse * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_313 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetService * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_314 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetService * p0, NSInputStream * p1, NSOutputStream * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_315 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetService * p0, NSDictionary * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_316 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetService * p0, NSData * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static Class native_to_managed_trampoline_317 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, Class p0, uint32_t token_ref)
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
Class res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = p0 ? xamarin_get_class (p0, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
res = xamarin_get_class_handle (retval, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_318 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, PDFSelection * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_319 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, PDFView * p0, PDFActionRemoteGoTo * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_320 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, PDFView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSString * native_to_managed_trampoline_321 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, PDFView * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSString * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);
NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];
[nsstr autorelease];
mono_free (str);
res = nsstr;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static CGFloat native_to_managed_trampoline_322 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, PDFView * p0, CGFloat p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
CGFloat res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = &p1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
res = *(CGFloat *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_323 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, PDFView * p0, NSURL * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_324 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSMetadataQuery * p0, NSMetadataItem * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static NSObject * native_to_managed_trampoline_325 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSMetadataQuery * p0, NSString * p1, NSObject * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
MonoObject *retval = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
NSObject * res = {0};
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
retval = mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (!retval) {
res = NULL;
} else {
id retobj;
retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);
xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();
[retobj retain];
xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();
[retobj autorelease];
mt_dummy_use (retval);
res = retobj;
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
return res;
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_326 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSObject * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, NULL, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_327 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSString * p0, NSObject * p1, NSDictionary * p2, void * p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
void * a3 = p3;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
arg_ptrs [3] = &a3;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_328 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetServiceBrowser * p0, NSString * p1, BOOL p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
arg_ptrs [1] = p1 ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p1 UTF8String]) : NULL;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_329 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetServiceBrowser * p0, NSNetService * p1, BOOL p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
arg_ptrs [2] = &p2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_330 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetServiceBrowser * p0, NSDictionary * p1, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [2];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_331 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSNetServiceBrowser * p0, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [1];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_332 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSURLSession * p0, NSURLSessionDataTask * p1, NSURLResponse * p2, id p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
if (p3) {
arg_ptrs [3] = (void *) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (managed_method, 3, p3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
} else {
arg_ptrs [3] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_333 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSURLSession * p0, NSURLSessionDataTask * p1, NSData * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_334 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSURLSession * p0, NSURLSessionTask * p1, NSError * p2, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [3];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_335 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSURLSession * p0, NSURLSessionDataTask * p1, NSCachedURLResponse * p2, id p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
if (p3) {
arg_ptrs [3] = (void *) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (managed_method, 3, p3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
} else {
arg_ptrs [3] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_336 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSURLSession * p0, NSURLSessionTask * p1, NSHTTPURLResponse * p2, NSURLRequest * p3, id p4, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj3 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj3 = NULL;
int32_t created3 = false;
MonoType *paramtype3 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [5];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
nsobj3 = (NSObject *) p3;
if (nsobj3) {
paramtype3 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 3);
mobj3 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj3, false, paramtype3, &created3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [3] = mobj3;
if (p4) {
arg_ptrs [4] = (void *) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (managed_method, 4, p4, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
} else {
arg_ptrs [4] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
static void native_to_managed_trampoline_337 (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr, NSURLSession * p0, NSURLSessionTask * p1, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge * p2, id p3, uint32_t token_ref)
NSObject *nsobj0 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj0 = NULL;
int32_t created0 = false;
MonoType *paramtype0 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj1 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj1 = NULL;
int32_t created1 = false;
MonoType *paramtype1 = NULL;
NSObject *nsobj2 = NULL;
MonoObject *mobj2 = NULL;
int32_t created2 = false;
MonoType *paramtype2 = NULL;
guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;
MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;
void *arg_ptrs [4];
MonoObject *mthis = NULL;
if (self) {
mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
if (!managed_method) {
MonoReflectionMethod *reflection_method = xamarin_get_method_from_token (token_ref, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
managed_method = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (reflection_method);
*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;
xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
nsobj0 = (NSObject *) p0;
if (nsobj0) {
paramtype0 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 0);
mobj0 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj0, false, paramtype0, &created0, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [0] = mobj0;
nsobj1 = (NSObject *) p1;
if (nsobj1) {
paramtype1 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 1);
mobj1 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj1, false, paramtype1, &created1, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [1] = mobj1;
nsobj2 = (NSObject *) p2;
if (nsobj2) {
paramtype2 = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, 2);
mobj2 = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj2, false, paramtype2, &created2, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
arg_ptrs [2] = mobj2;
if (p3) {
arg_ptrs [3] = (void *) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (managed_method, 3, p3, &exception_gchandle);
if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;
} else {
arg_ptrs [3] = NULL;
mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);
if (exception_gchandle != 0)
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
} /* extern "C" */
@interface CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xEA3508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xEA3808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransformWithExtent : CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransformWithExtent { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCC08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCF08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x14708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectChrome : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectChrome { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x16808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x16B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectFade : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectFade { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x1C408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x1C708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectInstant : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectInstant { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x2D608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x2D908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectMono : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectMono { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x31E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x32108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectNoir : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectNoir { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x46108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x46408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface __monomac_internal_ActionDispatcher : NSObject {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(void) __monomac_internal_ActionDispatcher_activated:(NSObject *)p0;
-(void) __monomac_internal_ActionDispatcher_doubleActivated:(NSObject *)p0;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
@implementation __monomac_internal_ActionDispatcher { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(void) __monomac_internal_ActionDispatcher_activated:(NSObject *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_4 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0x49508);
-(void) __monomac_internal_ActionDispatcher_doubleActivated:(NSObject *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_4 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0x49608);
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x49408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [NSObject class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
@protocol CALayerDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectProcess : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectProcess { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x4EF08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x4F208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectTonal : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectTonal { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x59D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x5A008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectTransfer : CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPhotoEffectTransfer { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x67608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x67908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPhotoEffect class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xC9C508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPinchDistortion : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPinchDistortion { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8DB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8DE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBlendFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBlendFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x81D408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPinLightBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPinLightBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB9C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB9F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPixellate : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPixellate { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xD4608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xD4908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPointillize : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPointillize { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE4908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE4C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface __MonoMac_NSAlertDidEndDispatcher : NSObject {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(void) alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)p0 returnCode:(NSInteger)p1 contextInfo:(void *)p2;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
@implementation __MonoMac_NSAlertDidEndDispatcher { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(void) alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)p0 returnCode:(NSInteger)p1 contextInfo:(void *)p2
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_5 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, p1, p2, 0xE5208);
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
@interface CoreImage_CICodeGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICodeGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8CDE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIQRCodeGenerator : CoreImage_CICodeGenerator {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIQRCodeGenerator { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xFBB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICodeGenerator class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xFBE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICodeGenerator class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIRadialGradient : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIRadialGradient { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x105C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x105F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIRandomGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIRandomGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x113808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x113B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CITransitionFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITransitionFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x385308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIRippleTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIRippleTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x156C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x156F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIRowAverage : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIRowAverage { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x177B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x177E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISaturationBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISaturationBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x19B008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x19B308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIScreenBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIScreenBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x1C4D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x1C5008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIScreenFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIScreenFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x1D6008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol IKImageBrowserDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CISepiaTone : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISepiaTone { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x1DB708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x1DBA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIShadedMaterial : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIShadedMaterial { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x1E2B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x1E2E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISharpenLuminance : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISharpenLuminance { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x1F4208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x1F4508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CITileFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITileFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x363508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISixfoldReflectedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISixfoldReflectedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x202C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x202F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISixfoldRotatedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISixfoldRotatedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x20A308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x20A608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CILinearGradient : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CILinearGradient { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xEA7808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xEA7B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISmoothLinearGradient : CoreImage_CILinearGradient {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISmoothLinearGradient { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x21E808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CILinearGradient class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x21EB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CILinearGradient class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISoftLightBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISoftLightBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x234108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x234408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICompositingFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICompositingFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xAAE708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISourceAtopCompositing : CoreImage_CICompositingFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISourceAtopCompositing { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x262508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x262808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISourceInCompositing : CoreImage_CICompositingFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISourceInCompositing { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x268608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x268908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISourceOutCompositing : CoreImage_CICompositingFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISourceOutCompositing { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x282308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x282608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISourceOverCompositing : CoreImage_CICompositingFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISourceOverCompositing { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x28EB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x28EE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol IKSaveOptionsDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CISpotColor : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISpotColor { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x2A3308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x2A3608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISpotLight : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISpotLight { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x2B9F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x2BA208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISRGBToneCurveToLinear : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISRGBToneCurveToLinear { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x2CA608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x2CA908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIStarShineGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIStarShineGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x2D1008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x2D1308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIStraightenFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIStraightenFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x2EDE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x2EE108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIStretchCrop : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIStretchCrop { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x30F508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x30F808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIStripesGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIStripesGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x318808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x318B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISubtractBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISubtractBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x327608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x327908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISunbeamsGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISunbeamsGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x32EE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x32F108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CISwipeTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CISwipeTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x334608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x334908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CITemperatureAndTint : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITemperatureAndTint { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x33D808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x33DB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIThermal : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIThermal { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x358C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x358F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIToneCurve : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIToneCurve { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x378708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x378A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CITorusLensDistortion : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITorusLensDistortion { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x380908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x380C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol WebDownloadDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CITriangleKaleidoscope : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITriangleKaleidoscope { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x391208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x391508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CITriangleTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITriangleTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x399808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x399B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CITwelvefoldReflectedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITwelvefoldReflectedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x39EB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x39EE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol WebFrameLoadDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CITwirlDistortion : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CITwirlDistortion { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x3A8808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x3A8B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIUnsharpMask : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIUnsharpMask { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x3B9F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x3BA208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIVibrance : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIVibrance { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x3D1708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x3D1A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIVignette : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIVignette { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x3DE308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x3DE608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol WebPolicyDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CIVignetteEffect : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIVignetteEffect { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x3E8B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x3E8E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIVortexDistortion : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIVortexDistortion { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x3FC908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x3FCC08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol WebResourceLoadDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CIWhitePointAdjust : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIWhitePointAdjust { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x418F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x419208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIXRay : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIXRay { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x422708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x422A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIZoomBlur : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIZoomBlur { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x44F208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x44F508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol WebUIDelegate
@protocol NSToolTipOwner
@required -(NSString *) view:(NSView *)p0 stringForToolTip:(NSInteger)p1 point:(CGPoint)p2 userData:(void *)p3;
@interface CoreImage_CIAccordionFoldTransition : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAccordionFoldTransition { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x799F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x79A208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAdditionCompositing : CoreImage_CICompositingFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAdditionCompositing { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7A0808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7A0B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface AVFoundation_InternalAVAudioPlayerDelegate : NSObject<AVAudioPlayerDelegate> {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(void) audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying:(AVAudioPlayer *)p0 successfully:(BOOL)p1;
-(void) audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur:(AVAudioPlayer *)p0 error:(NSError *)p1;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
@implementation AVFoundation_InternalAVAudioPlayerDelegate { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(void) audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying:(AVAudioPlayer *)p0 successfully:(BOOL)p1
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_6 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, p1, 0x7A4608);
-(void) audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur:(AVAudioPlayer *)p0 error:(NSError *)p1
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_7 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, p1, 0x7A4708);
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7A4508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [NSObject class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
@interface AVFoundation_InternalAVAudioRecorderDelegate : NSObject<AVAudioRecorderDelegate> {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(void) audioRecorderDidFinishRecording:(AVAudioRecorder *)p0 successfully:(BOOL)p1;
-(void) audioRecorderEncodeErrorDidOccur:(AVAudioRecorder *)p0 error:(NSError *)p1;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
@implementation AVFoundation_InternalAVAudioRecorderDelegate { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(void) audioRecorderDidFinishRecording:(AVAudioRecorder *)p0 successfully:(BOOL)p1
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_8 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, p1, 0x7A4908);
-(void) audioRecorderEncodeErrorDidOccur:(AVAudioRecorder *)p0 error:(NSError *)p1
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_9 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, p1, 0x7A4A08);
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7A4808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [NSObject class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAffineFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAffineFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7B7F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAffineClamp : CoreImage_CIAffineFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAffineClamp { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7A9608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIAffineFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7A9908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIAffineFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAffineTile : CoreImage_CIAffineFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAffineTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7BD708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIAffineFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7BDA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIAffineFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAffineTransform : CoreImage_CIAffineFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAffineTransform { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7C1008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIAffineFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7C1308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIAffineFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAreaAverage : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAreaAverage { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7D1008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7D1308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAreaHistogram : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAreaHistogram { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7E6A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7E6D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAreaMaximum : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAreaMaximum { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7F2308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7F2608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAreaMaximumAlpha : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAreaMaximumAlpha { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7F8C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7F8F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol NSLayerDelegateContentsScaleUpdating
@interface CoreImage_CIAreaMinimum : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAreaMinimum { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x7FF708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x7FFA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAreaMinimumAlpha : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAreaMinimumAlpha { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x801108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x801408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIAztecCodeGenerator : CoreImage_CICodeGenerator {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIAztecCodeGenerator { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x80D508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICodeGenerator class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x80D808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICodeGenerator class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBarsSwipeTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBarsSwipeTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x813E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x814108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBlendWithMask : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBlendWithMask { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x838608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x838908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBlendWithAlphaMask : CoreImage_CIBlendWithMask {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBlendWithAlphaMask { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x82BD08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendWithMask class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x82C008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendWithMask class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBloom : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBloom { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x841508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x841808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBoxBlur : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBoxBlur { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x84FB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x84FE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBumpDistortion : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBumpDistortion { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x858408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x858708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIBumpDistortionLinear : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIBumpDistortionLinear { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x862C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x862F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICheckerboardGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICheckerboardGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x86CE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x86D108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICircleSplashDistortion : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICircleSplashDistortion { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x883F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x884208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICircularScreen : CoreImage_CIScreenFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICircularScreen { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x898A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIScreenFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x898D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIScreenFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICircularWrap : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICircularWrap { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8A2508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8A2808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol NSMenuValidation
@required -(BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)p0;
@interface CoreImage_CIClamp : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIClamp { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8AE808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8AEB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICmykHalftone : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICmykHalftone { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8BCB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8BCE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICode128BarcodeGenerator : CoreImage_CICodeGenerator {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICode128BarcodeGenerator { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8C3908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICodeGenerator class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8C3C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICodeGenerator class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8E9708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8E9A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorBurnBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorBurnBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8ED008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8ED308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorClamp : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorClamp { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x8FA708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x8FAA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorControls : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorControls { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x903C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x903F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorCrossPolynomial : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorCrossPolynomial { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x90DA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x90DD08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorCube : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorCube { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x921A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x921D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorCubeWithColorSpace : CoreImage_CIColorCube {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorCubeWithColorSpace { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x933008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIColorCube class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x933308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIColorCube class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICMYKHalftone : CoreImage_CICmykHalftone {
-(id) init;
@implementation CoreImage_CICMYKHalftone { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x93AB08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICmykHalftone class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorDodgeBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorDodgeBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x93DF08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x93E208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorInvert : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorInvert { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x94F608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x94F908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorMap : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorMap { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0x968008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0x968308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorMatrix : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorMatrix { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xA55508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xA55808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorMonochrome : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorMonochrome { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xA5E708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xA5EA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorPolynomial : CoreImage_CIColorCrossPolynomial {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorPolynomial { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xA66C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIColorCrossPolynomial class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xA66F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIColorCrossPolynomial class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColorPosterize : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColorPosterize { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xA74A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xA74D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIColumnAverage : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIColumnAverage { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xA93308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xA93608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIComicEffect : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIComicEffect { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xA9E608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xA9E908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConstantColorGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConstantColorGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xABC008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xABC308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB38B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConvolution3X3 : CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConvolution3X3 { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xAE4A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xAE4D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConvolution5X5 : CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConvolution5X5 { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xAF6E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xAF7108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConvolution7X7 : CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConvolution7X7 { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB05208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB05508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConvolution9Horizontal : CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConvolution9Horizontal { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB13908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB13C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIConvolution9Vertical : CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIConvolution9Vertical { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB23308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB23608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIConvolutionCore class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICopyMachineTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICopyMachineTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB48708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB48A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICrop : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICrop { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB5CE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB5D108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CICrystallize : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CICrystallize { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB6EF08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB6F208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDarkenBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDarkenBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB7E708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB7EA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDepthOfField : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDepthOfField { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xB88E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xB89108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDifferenceBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDifferenceBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xC57808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xC57B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDiscBlur : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDiscBlur { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xC67908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xC67C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDisintegrateWithMaskTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDisintegrateWithMaskTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xC75A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xC75D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDisplacementDistortion : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDisplacementDistortion { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xC83F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xC84208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDissolveTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDissolveTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xC92A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xC92D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDivideBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDivideBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCA8008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCA8308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDotScreen : CoreImage_CIScreenFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDotScreen { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCB3D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIScreenFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCB4008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIScreenFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIDroste : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIDroste { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCC1508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCC1808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIEdges : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIEdges { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCD1708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCD1A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIEdgeWork : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIEdgeWork { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCDA108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCDA408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIEightfoldReflectedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIEightfoldReflectedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCE3F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCE4208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIExclusionBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIExclusionBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCEB508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCEB808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIExposureAdjust : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIExposureAdjust { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xCF2B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCF2E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIFaceBalance : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIFaceBalance { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xCFE808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIFalseColor : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIFalseColor { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xD18B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xD18E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface Foundation_InternalNSNotificationHandler : NSObject {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(void) post:(NSNotification *)p0;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
@implementation Foundation_InternalNSNotificationHandler { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(void) post:(NSNotification *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
native_to_managed_trampoline_10 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xD38008);
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
@protocol PdfDocumentDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CIFlashTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIFlashTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xDE4208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xDE4508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIFourfoldReflectedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIFourfoldReflectedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xDEAC08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xDEAF08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIFourfoldRotatedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIFourfoldRotatedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xDF2308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xDF2608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIFourfoldTranslatedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIFourfoldTranslatedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xDF8F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xDF9208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIGammaAdjust : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGammaAdjust { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xDFD608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xDFD908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIGaussianBlur : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGaussianBlur { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE10E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE11108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIGaussianGradient : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGaussianGradient { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE16C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE16F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@protocol PdfViewDelegate
@interface CoreImage_CIGlassDistortion : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGlassDistortion { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE1DF08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE1E208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIGlassLozenge : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGlassLozenge { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE2BD08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE2C008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIGlideReflectedTile : CoreImage_CITileFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGlideReflectedTile { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE34408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE34708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITileFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIGloom : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIGloom { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE3AA08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE3AD08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHardLightBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHardLightBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE46008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE46308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHatchedScreen : CoreImage_CIScreenFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHatchedScreen { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE4C608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIScreenFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE4C908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIScreenFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHeightFieldFromMask : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHeightFieldFromMask { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE53308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE53608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHexagonalPixellate : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHexagonalPixellate { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE59A08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE59D08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHighlightShadowAdjust : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHighlightShadowAdjust { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE6B008);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE6B308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHistogramDisplayFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHistogramDisplayFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE71908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE71C08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHoleDistortion : CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHoleDistortion { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE76B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE76E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIDistortionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHueAdjust : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHueAdjust { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE7BE08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE7C108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHueBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHueBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE86408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE86708);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CILanczosScaleTransform : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CILanczosScaleTransform { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE86808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE86B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIHueSaturationValueGradient : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIHueSaturationValueGradient { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE8B108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE8B408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CILenticularHaloGenerator : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CILenticularHaloGenerator { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE8D108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE8D408);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIMedianFilter : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIMedianFilter { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE8E508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE8E808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CILightenBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CILightenBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE90B08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE90E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIMinimumComponent : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIMinimumComponent { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE90F08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE91208);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CILightTunnel : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CILightTunnel { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle
return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle
__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;
__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
return native_to_managed_trampoline_1 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, 0xEEDA08);
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE93308);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE93608);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CIFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIMinimumCompositing : CoreImage_CICompositingFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIMinimumCompositing { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE95508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE95808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CICompositingFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPerspectiveCorrection : CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPerspectiveCorrection { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE95E08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE96108);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTransform class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CILinearBurnBlendMode : CoreImage_CIBlendFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CILinearBurnBlendMode { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE9B508);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE9B808);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CIBlendFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIModTransition : CoreImage_CITransitionFilter {
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIModTransition { }
-(id) init
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_2 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, &call_super, 0xE9B908);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (init));
return rv;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0
static MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;
bool call_super = false;
id rv = native_to_managed_trampoline_3 (self, _cmd, &managed_method, p0, &call_super, 0xE9BC08);
if (call_super && rv) {
struct objc_super super = { rv, [CoreImage_CITransitionFilter class] };
rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL, NSCoder *)) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (initWithCoder:), p0);
return rv;
@interface CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTile : CIFilter {
XamarinObject __monoObjectGCHandle;
-(void) release;
-(id) retain;
-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle;
-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle;
-(BOOL) conformsToProtocol:(void *)p0;
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)p0;
@implementation CoreImage_CIPerspectiveTile { }
-(void) release
xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);
-(id) retain
return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);
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