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Mutable Bidirectional RangeReplaceable Zip
struct MutableBidirectionalRangeReplaceableZip2<
First : BidirectionalCollection
& RangeReplaceableCollection
& MutableCollection,
Second : BidirectionalCollection
& RangeReplaceableCollection
& MutableCollection
> {
var first: First, second: Second
init(first: First, second: Second) {
precondition(first.count == second.count)
self.first = first
self.second = second
extension MutableBidirectionalRangeReplaceableZip2 : Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> Zip2Sequence<First,Second>.Iterator {
return (zip(first, second) as Zip2Sequence).makeIterator()
extension MutableBidirectionalRangeReplaceableZip2 : MutableCollection {
struct Index : Comparable {
var first: First.Index
var second: Second.Index
static func == (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.second == rhs.second
static func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.first < rhs.first ||
lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.second < rhs.second
var startIndex: Index {
return Index(first: first.startIndex, second: second.startIndex)
var endIndex: Index {
return Index(first: first.endIndex, second: second.endIndex)
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return Index(
first: first.index(after: i.first),
second: second.index(after: i.second))
subscript(i: Index) -> (First.Element, Second.Element) {
get {
return (first[i.first], second[i.second])
set {
(first[i.first], second[i.second]) = newValue
extension MutableBidirectionalRangeReplaceableZip2
: BidirectionalCollection {
func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
return Index(
first: first.index(before: i.first),
second: second.index(before: i.second))
extension MutableBidirectionalRangeReplaceableZip2
: RangeReplaceableCollection {
init() { (first, second) = (First(), Second()) }
mutating func replaceSubrange<Replacement : Collection>(
_ r: Range<Index>, with replacement: Replacement
) where Replacement.Element == Element {
with: { $0.0 })
with: { $0.1 })
extension BidirectionalCollection where Self : MutableCollection {
mutating func partition(
by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element)->Bool
) -> Index {
guard var pivot = index(where: belongsInSecondPartition)
else { return endIndex }
for i in indices[index(after: pivot)...] {
if !belongsInSecondPartition(self[i]) {
swapAt(pivot, i)
formIndex(after: &pivot)
return pivot
extension BidirectionalCollection where Self : MutableCollection,
SubSequence : MutableCollection & BidirectionalCollection {
mutating func quicksort(by comesBefore: (Element, Element)->Bool) {
guard let p = first else { return }
let start = index(after: startIndex)
guard start != endIndex else { return }
let mid = self[start...].partition { comesBefore(p, $0) }
swapAt(startIndex, index(before: mid))
self[..<mid].quicksort(by: comesBefore)
self[mid...].quicksort(by: comesBefore)
func printAddress<T>(_ p: UnsafePointer<T>) { print(p) }
func testme() {
var a = Array((1...20).reversed())
a.sort { $0 % 2 < $1 % 2 }
a.quicksort(by: <)
var b = MutableBidirectionalRangeReplaceableZip2(
first: Array(0...10), second: (0...10).map(String.init)
b.quicksort(by: { $0.1 < $1.1 })
let i = b.index { $0.0 == 10 }!
b.replaceSubrange(i..<b.index(i, offsetBy: 2), with: [(55, "boo"), (65, "goo"), (95, "foo")])
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