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Forked from ekuzmichev/ZLayerPlayground.scala
Created June 9, 2020 12:48
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ZIO ZLayer DI playground
import zio._
object ZLayerPlayground {
case class User(id: String, name: String)
class MongoDb {
def insertUser(user: User): Task[Unit] = Task.succeed(()) <* UIO(println(s"[MongoDb]: Inserted user $user"))
object MongoDbLayer {
val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Has[MongoDb]] =
ZLayer.fromEffect(UIO.succeed(new MongoDb) <* UIO(println("[DI]: Created MongoDb")))
trait Mail {
def send(msg: String): UIO[Unit]
class ConsoleMail extends Mail {
override def send(msg: String): UIO[Unit] = UIO.effectTotal(println(s"[ConsoleMail]: $msg"))
object MailLayer {
val console: ULayer[Has[Mail]] =
ZLayer.fromEffect(UIO.succeed(new ConsoleMail) <* UIO(println("[DI]: Created ConsoleMail")))
trait UserRepository {
def createUser(user: User): Task[Unit]
class MongoUserRepository(mongoDb: MongoDb, mail: Mail) extends UserRepository {
override def createUser(user: User): Task[Unit] =
for {
_ <- UIO(println("[MongoUserRepository]: createUser")) *> mongoDb.insertUser(user)
_ <- mail.send(s"Msg: Done for MongoUserRepository")
} yield ()
class CachedUserRepository(decoratee: UserRepository) extends UserRepository {
override def createUser(user: User): Task[Unit] =
UIO(println("[CachedUserRepository]: createUser")) *> decoratee.createUser(user)
object UserRepositoryLayer {
val live: ZLayer[Has[MongoDb] with Has[Mail], Nothing, Has[UserRepository]] =
ZLayer.fromFunctionM(env =>
UIO.succeed(new MongoUserRepository(env.get[MongoDb], env.get[Mail])) <* UIO(
println("[DI]: Created MongoUserRepository")
val cached: ZLayer[Has[UserRepository], Nothing, Has[UserRepository]] =
ZLayer.fromServiceM(userRepository =>
UIO.succeed(new CachedUserRepository(userRepository)) <* UIO(println("[DI]: Created CachedUserRepository"))
trait UserService {
def processUser(user: User): Task[Unit]
class UserServiceImpl(userRepository: UserRepository, mail: Mail) extends UserService {
override def processUser(user: User): Task[Unit] =
for {
_ <- UIO(println(s"[UserServiceImpl]: Processing $user"))
_ <- userRepository.createUser(user)
_ <- UIO(println(s"[UserServiceImpl]: Processing $user...DONE"))
_ <- mail.send(s"Msg: Done for UserServiceImpl")
} yield ()
object UserServiceLayer {
val live: ZLayer[Has[UserRepository] with Has[Mail], Nothing, Has[UserService]] =
ZLayer.fromFunctionM(env =>
UIO.succeed(new UserServiceImpl(env.get[UserRepository], env.get[Mail])) <* UIO(
println("[DI]: Created UserServiceImpl")
object ZLayerApp extends App {
import ZLayerPlayground._
val baseLayer: ULayer[Has[Mail]] = MailLayer.console
val userRepoLayer: URLayer[Has[Mail], Has[UserRepository]] =
ZLayer.requires[Has[Mail]] ++ >>> >>> UserRepositoryLayer.cached
val userServiceLayer: URLayer[Has[UserRepository] with Has[Mail], Has[UserService]] =
val programLayer: ULayer[Has[UserService]] = baseLayer >+> userRepoLayer >>> userServiceLayer
val program: ZIO[Has[UserService], Throwable, Unit] =
ZIO.accessM(_.get.processUser(User("1", "Evgenii")))
override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] =
.catchAll(t => ZIO.succeed(t.printStackTrace()).map(_ => ExitCode.failure))
// Output
// [DI]: Created ConsoleMail
// [DI]: Created MongoDb
// [DI]: Created MongoUserRepository
// [DI]: Created CachedUserRepository
// [DI]: Created UserServiceImpl
// [UserServiceImpl]: Processing User(1,Evgenii)
// [CachedUserRepository]: createUser
// [MongoUserRepository]: createUser
// [MongoDb]: Inserted user User(1,Evgenii)
// [ConsoleMail]: Msg: Done for MongoUserRepository
// [UserServiceImpl]: Processing User(1,Evgenii)...DONE
// [ConsoleMail]: Msg: Done for UserServiceImpl
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