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Created December 16, 2024 02:27
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Extracts all of the strings from the Harry Potter 1 game for GBA
function decompressString(memoryOffset)
-- this is 0x0300064C in IWRAM and is updated when you change languages
local englishOffset = 0x0804BFD8
local position = memory.read_u8(memoryOffset)
local totalString = ""
local cap = 0
local bitCounter = 0
while cap < 9000 do
cap = cap + 1
local charOrLocation = 0x100
while charOrLocation > 0xff do
if ((position >> bitCounter) & 1) == 0 then
charOrLocation = memory.read_u16_le(englishOffset + (charOrLocation - 256) * 4)
charOrLocation = memory.read_u16_le(englishOffset + (charOrLocation - 256) * 4 + 2)
bitCounter = bitCounter + 1
if (bitCounter == 8) then
bitCounter = 0
memoryOffset = memoryOffset + 1
position = memory.read_u8(memoryOffset)
if charOrLocation == 0 then
totalString = totalString .. string.char(charOrLocation)
return totalString
local combined = ''
local i = 0
while i < 1168 do
i = i + 1
combined = combined .. decompressString(0x0804BFD4 + memory.read_u32_le(0x0804C128 + 4 * i), true) .. '\n'
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There was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening.
As unsuspecting muggles slept, a huge motorbike with a giant astride it tumbled down from the darkness.
The giant, named Hagrid, left a blanket-wrapped bundle on the doorstep of Number 4 Privet Drive. Nestled in the bundle was a baby...Harry Potter...The Boy Who Lived.
For the next 11 years Harry lived with his dreadful stepparents, the Dursleys. Until...
...that fateful day when he received the letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley, to purchase a most unusual list of school supplies. Soon after, Harry caught the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 3/4's and left the muggle world far behind.
Harry sat beneath the Sorting Hat hoping that he would not be chosen for Slytherin House over Gryffindor. 'Not Slytherin, eh?' said the hat in his ear. 'You could be great, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness. No? Well, if you're sure, better be...GRYFFINDOR!'
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Stamina: @1
House points: @1
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Folio Magi
Cornelius Agrippa
Derwent Shimpling
Morgan Le Fay
Newt Scamander
Bowman Wright
Godric Gryffindor
Edgar Stroulger
Salazar Slytherin
Ignatia Wildsmith
Bertie Bott
Helga Hufflepuff
Rowena Ravenclaw
Hengist of Woodcroft
Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter
Medieval - Dates Unknown
1486 - 1535
1912 - Present
Medieval - Dates Unknown
1897 - Present
1492 - 1560
Medieval - Dates Unknown
1703 - 1798
Medieval - Dates Unknown
1227 - 1320
1935 - Present
Medieval - Dates Unknown
Medieval - Dates Unknown
Medieval - Dates Unknown
???? - Present
???? - Present
Entrance Hall
Great Hall
1st Floor Landing
2nd Floor Landing
3rd Floor Landing
4th Floor Landing
5th Floor Landing
Hogwarts Grounds
Forest Edge
Trophy Room Passage
Hagrid's Hut
Hagrid's Garden
Flying Pitch
Broom Challenge - Unused
7th Floor Corridor
Common room
7th Floor Landing
Flying Pitch
The troll
Troll Dungeon
Gryffindor Dorms
Avifors Challenge
Lumos Challenge
Lumos Basement
Potions Storeroom
Storeroom Escape
Route To Mirror
Mirror of Erised
Wingardium Challenge
Restricted library
Secret Passage
Forest Night
Unicorn Glade
Forest Escape
Fluffy Room
Devil's Snare
Flying Keys
Chess Room
Potions Challenge
Flipendo Challenge
Flobberworm Garden
Trophy Secret Passage
Fluffy Secret
Forbidden corridor
6th Floor Landing
Trophy Room
Bonus Level 5
Bonus Level 6
Great Hall Corridor
Potions Basement
Voldemort A
Voldemort B
Hello, you must be Harry Potter. I'm Ron Weasley. We're supposed to be in the Great Hall for the start-of-term banquet. C'mon, this way.
All first years into the Great Hall, Potter! Hurry up, boy!
P-Pleased to m-meet you, Mr. Potter. I think y-you should be in the Great Hall.
Welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Albus Dumbledore and I am your Headmaster. You are each about to be sorted into one of four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. At the end of the year the house with the most House points will be awarded the prestigious House cup. I hope each of you will bring credit to your house.
One other item before the sorting. This year the 3rd floor corridor is forbidden to all who do not wish to die a painful death.
Our illustrious caretaker, Mr. Filch here, will be making sure none of you strays into the 3rd floor corridor by 'accident'.
Granger, Hermione!
Malfoy, Draco!
Potter, Harry!
Difficult. Very difficult. So where shall I put you? Not Slytherin, eh? You could be great, you know. Well, if you're sure better be GRYFFINDOR!
Over here, Harry!
The Following Morning...
Hello, you must be Harry Potter. I'm Ron Weasley. I'm glad we're both in Gryffindor. Looks like we'll be joined by that know-it-all Hermione too. Anyway, we need to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor. I'll see you there. Oh, and watch out for Peeves the Poltergeist, I've heard he's causing trouble again.
Well, if it isn't the famous Harry Potter. You want to watch the company you keep. Gryffindor's for mud-bloods and riff-raff.
Ooh! An ickle firstie! What fun!
Defense Against the Dark Arts class is this way, Harry.
Didn't you hear what Professor Dumbledore said, Potter? This corridor is out of bounds. Now, get to your class.
You should be in Defense Against the Dark Arts with my brother, Ron. It's on this floor, Potter. Better hurry up!
G-good d-day class and w-welcome to Defense Against the D-Dark Arts. I am P-Professor Quirrell and t-t-today we are going to learn the Fuh-Flipendo Knockback J-Jinx. This is p-particularly useful when c-cornered by nuh-gnomes or w-when getting p-past Puffapods. To l-learn the spell, repeat my wand m-movements.
N-Now I'd l-like you to go into the n-next room, Potter, and collect the six G-Golden Stars you'll f-f-find in there. Oh, and w-watch out for the gnomes. Use Flipendo to knock them b-back. Are you r-ready?
W-Well done, Potter. That's @1 House P-Points for Gryffindor. You have P-Potions next with Professor Suh-Snape. You d-don't want to be late, so r-run along.
Oh, and d-don't go t-t-trying out the Flipendo Jinx on your f-fellow students - you n-never know who m-might be watching.
You're Harry Potter. I know all about you, you're in my 'Modern Magical History' book. I've learned all my books by heart, of course. I'm Hermione Granger, by the way.
Am I really in that book of yours?
Goodness, didn't you know? Anyway, we'd better get to Potions class in the dungeons. I hear Professor Snape's very strict.
Didn't you hear what Professor Dumbledore said, Potter? This corridor is out of bounds. Now, get to your Potions class before I report you!
You should be in Potions class, Potter, not wandering around the place. Run along!
Oh, hello Peeves.
You didn't jump, firstie!
I'm getting used to you.
Better get scarier then, hadn't I? Don't let me catch you walking the halls late at night, or I'll call the prefects on you!
Potions is this way, Harry! Hurry up!
Ah, yes, Harry Potter, our new - celebrity. Since you're the last one to class, Mr. Potter, go fetch us six glass vials from the basement. Hurry up now, don't keep the class waiting.
Welcome back, Potter. Now, what would I get if I added powdered Wiggentree bark to an infusion of Moly and Dittany and then stirred in one pint of Flobberworm Mucus?
I don't know, sir.
Tut, tut - fame clearly isn't everything. The answer, of course, is the Wiggenweld Potion, a powerful antidote. Which is precisely what we are going to be learning.
this term. For our next lesson I want you all to collect the following four ingredients: Dittany, Moly, Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark. Failure will be severely punished. The groundskeeper, Hagrid, may be able to help you with the first ingredient. Class dismissed.
<Snape answer to be provided by Guy>
I shouldn't leave until I've found all six glass vials.
That's enough now, Mr. Potter. Return to class immediately for your next assignment.
That Snape's not very nice, is he?
I think that's putting it mildly, Ron. How are we ever going to find all four ingredients? I wouldn't know where to start.
Well, Snape mentioned that Hagrid might help with Dittany. He lives in a hut out in the grounds. C'mon, this way!
Harry, it's time for your Flying lesson now. You can find Madam Hooch and the flying pitch outdoors.
Didn't you hear what Professor Dumbledore said, Potter? This corridor is out of bounds. Now, get to your Potions class before I report you!
Hagrid's hut is near the Forbidden Forest. And watch out for gnomes, Harry. They bite!
Aren't you coming?
I'm supposed to be meeting my brothers, Fred and George. They might have an idea where the rest of the potion ingredients can be found.
Hagrid's hut is this way, Harry. Follow me.
It isn't time for your Flying lesson yet, Mr. Potter. Come back later.
And here's Harry! Good to see yeh! I must apol'gise fer the slight gnome infestation, I bin a might distracted lately, what with the break-in at Gringotts and doin' some special business for Professor Dumbledore an' all.
Hagrid, can you help me find a herb called Dittany? Snape's ordered us to find some before the next Potions lesson.
O'course I can, Harry! Follow me!
This 'ere's my garden, Harry. I'm sure there's some wild Dittany at the back. Why don't yeh go 'ave a look?
Not found the Dittany, yet? I'm pos'tive I saw some at the back of me garden.
I wouldn't be leavin' without the Dittany if I was you, Harry. Snape'll likely deduct House points from yeh.
I've found the Dittany, Hagrid!
Well done, Harry! That's one over on old Snape! What class you got next?
Flying, I think, with Madam Hooch.
Better get goin', then. See yeh later.
Hey, Harry, it's Flying lessons next with Madam Hooch over at the flying pitch! Go on ahead, I'll catch up.
You're late, Potter. Neville Longbottom's broken his wrist and I'm taking him to the hospital wing to see Madam Pomfrey. I'll be back very soon. In the meantime, I don't want to see any of you leave the ground!
Did you see Longbottom's stupid face? Boo-hoo, the big crybaby.
Is that Neville's Remembrall, Malfoy?
Yeah - what about it?
Give it here. It doesn't belong to you.
I think I'll leave it somewhere for crybaby Longbottom to collect - how about - up a tree? Come and get it, Potter!
HARRY POTTER! How dare you! You might've broken your neck!
But Malfoy-
That said, Potter, you are obviously a natural flier and I'd like you to be Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
Er, great. What's a Seeker?
You'll find out later. It'll soon be dark. Better head up to the Gryffindor Common room.
So, when are you taking the train back to the muggle world, Potter?
You're a lot braver now you're back on the ground and you've got your little friends with you.
I'd take you on any time on my own. Tonight if you want. Wizard's duel. Wands only. I'll meet you in the trophy room on the 3rd floor.
I'll be there.
See that you are.
Well done, Harry. You really showed that stuck-up Malfoy how to fly! I heard about the duel tonight. I'll be your second. Now we'd better get up to the Gryffindor Common room on the 7th floor. C'mon!
It'll soon be dark. Better head up to the Gryffindor Common room.
Night's falling fast, Harry. Better get upstairs to the Gryffindor Common room.
What are you doing snooping around at this hour, Potter? Get up to your Common room on the 7th floor before I report you!
Hey, Harry! Fred and George told me about a secret staircase on this floor leading up to the 7th floor! It's behind a special looking bookcase. All you have to do is search the bookcase to open it! Let's go!
These stairs are currently out of bounds, Potter. There's a ghoul loose in Muggle Studies. You'll have to find another way up to the Gryffindor Common room.
Hello, Harry. Bit of a pain, but apparently the password for the Common room's changed. Do you know what the new one is?
Er, no, I don't.
Good thing that I do, then. Come with me.
Pig Snout!
Pig Snout!
Er, hello, Hermione, I was wondering-
You were wondering who was responsible for the creation of the Werewolf Register in 1947?
Um, not exactly, I-
You were wondering who was the Chief of the Wizards' Council in the 14th century?
No, Hermione, I was wondering if you knew any spells that could, umm, unlock doors?
Well, as it happens I do. It's the 'Alohomora' unlocking spell. Would you like me to teach it to you?
Yes, please.
All right, then.
I want you to promise me you won't use Alohomora to help you sneak around Hogwarts at night.
Hermione, I-
Promise me, Harry.
Okay, I promise.
Good. That's that, then.
It's nearly midnight, Harry. Time for your wizard's duel with Malfoy.
Um, I've been thinking, Ron. I reckon that I should go to the trophy room alone. Malfoy might think I'm afraid of him if I went with you.
Well, if you're sure?
I'm sure.
Well, all right, then. Good luck Harry.
Thanks Ron.
Potter! Return to your Common room at once! And @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Potter! Get back to your Common room! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Gosh! What an enormous dog! I wonder if it's guarding the mysterious package Hagrid removed from Gringotts?
Potter! What are you doing outside your Common room at this hour! Get back there at once! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
What took you, Potter? Weasley's dull-witted slowness must be rubbing off on you.
Let's just get on with it, Malfoy.
Yes, let's. Oh, one more thing before we begin. Snape heard - I can't imagine how - that you were in the trophy room after dark. And he's on his way up here as we speak.
Snape? Coming here?
That's right, Potter. Locomotor Mortis!
Argh! I can't move!
Bye, bye, Potter. Give Professor Snape my regards when you see him.
Ah! I can move again! I need to get back to the Common room on the 7th floor before Snape catches me!
Potter! Return to your Common room at once! And @1 House points from Gryffindor!
So, how did it go, Harry? Is Malfoy a gibbering wreck?
Not exactly. Malfoy tricked me. He told Snape I was going to be in the trophy room.
Did Snape catch you?
No, I managed to escape. But, on the way there I saw a great big three-headed dog guarding something in the forbidden corridor.
I don't believe it! Didn't you listen to what Dumbledore said? I hope you didn't use the Alohomora spell I taught you.
Well, I, um...
Oh, Harry - you promised...
Oh, Hermione, stop behaving like a grown-up.
Sometime Later...
We've got Herbology in Greenhouse 1 first thing. Better get going, I suppose.
Harry, I can't forgive you for using Alohomora to help you sneak around at night when you promised me you wouldn't.
Oh, shut up Hermione.
Don't be too hard on her, Ron. I did break my promise not to use Alohomora.
Yeah, but it was worth it, wasn't it?
Of course it was - you got to see the three-headed dog guarding the forbidden corridor! Anyway, we'd better get to Herbology in Greenhouse 1. I'll see you there.
Are you lost, Potter? Shouldn't you be in Herbology in Greenhouse 1?
As I am given cause to say at least five times a day, this corridor is currently out-of-bounds.
I'm afraid you do not have permission to enter the Restricted Section, Potter.
Shouldn't you be in Herbology, Harry? It's in Greenhouse 1, if yeh was wonderin'.
Ready for the upcoming Quidditch match against Slytherin, Potter? I believe you're scheduled for Herbology before that. Run along now.
Welcome to Herbology. My name is Professor Sprout. I understand that Professor Snape has asked you to collect ingredients for the Wiggenweld Potion. One of these ingredients can be found here in the greenhouse. This ingredient is Moly - a magical herb that protects against Dark Enchantments. You will need to collect six Moly in total and bring them all back to me. They can be recognized by their black stems and white flowers.
But be warned - the greenhouse is full of Doxies, which are immune to your Flipendo jinx. I would advise that you lure the Doxies into the snapping mouths of the Venomous Tentacular.
Potter, you will begin. Good luck.
Well done, Harry! Professor Snape will be extremely pleased to see that you have one of the ingredients for the Wiggenweld Potion. That's @1 House points for Gryffindor.
Oh, do you think so?
I'm sure.
I've never seen Snape pleased.
I don't think he can ever be pleased.
Let's not worry about that now, Harry. It's time for the Quidditch match against Slytherin!
Oh great.
Hello Potter, ready for the game?
Well, I, er
Great! First, a quick briefing on the rules. There are seven players on each team: three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper and a Seeker. They play with four balls. The Chasers try and score through the opposing team's hoops with the Quaffle ball and the Keeper tries to stop the Quaffle from going through the hoops. The Beaters try and bat the two Bludger balls out of harm's way and the Seeker tries to catch the Golden Snitch, which is a ball with wings. That's your job, Harry. When you see the Snitch try and catch it and you'll win us the game. Got all that?
Well, I, er
Perfect! Let's get going!
Shouldn't you be at the Quidditch Stadium, Harry? I thought you were playing Seeker against Slytherin?
Hurry up and get over to the Quidditch Stadium, Harry! The Gryffindor team needs you!
Harry, yeh should be at the Quidditch Stadium! The match against Slytherin's about ter start!
Well done, Harry! We beat those slimy Slytherin lot and got @1 House points for Gryffindor!
Never mind, Harry. We've still got the match against Hufflepuff to make up the points.
By the way, seen Hermione anywhere?
Not since this morning, why?
Just wondering where she'd got to, that's all.
Not like you, Ron, to be worrying about Hermione.
I'm not worried, exactly, just. umm - well, just wondering where she was.
I'm sure she'll be in the Great Hall tonight for the Halloween banquet. I'll tell her that you were worried about her.
Don't you dare. C'mon, I'll meet you in the Great Hall.
By the way, seen Hermione anywhere?
Not since this morning, why?
Just wondering where she'd got to, that's all.
Not like you, Ron, to be worrying about Hermione.
I'm not worried, exactly, just, umm - well, just wondering where she was.
I'm sure she'll be in the Great Hall tonight for the Halloween banquet. I'll tell her that you were worried about her.
Don't you dare. C'mon, I'll meet you in the Great Hall.
It's almost time fer the Halloween banquet, Harry. Yeh don't want ter miss it.
You should be in the Great Hall, Potter. It's time for the Halloween banquet.
Hermione still not turned up yet?
Nope. I overheard Parvati Patel saying that Hermione was crying in the girls' bathrooms on the 1st floor.
She's probably upset with me for breaking my promise to her about the Alohomora spell.
Feeling guilty are you? I reckon she's just noticed she's got no friends.
I wonder what Professor Quirrell wants?
Troll in the dungeons! Thought you ought to know.
Everyone stay where they are! Percy Weasley, guard the doors!
How could a troll get into Hogwarts?
Don't ask me. Maybe Peeves let it in for a joke.
I wonder where Snape's going?
I don't know - what about Hermione?
What about her?
She doesn't know about the troll! We need to warn her!
Oh, all right. But Percy better not see us leave.
Potter! Get back to your place! That's @1 House points from Gryffindor!
That's @1 House points from Gryffindor, Potter.
Quick, Hermione! It's coming!
That's brilliant, Harry! You trapped the troll!
Well done, Harry!
Potter! Granger! Weasley! What on earth were you thinking of? You're all lucky you weren't killed!
Please, Professor McGonagall - if Ron and Harry hadn't found me I'd be dead by now. Harry managed to trap the troll in the dungeons.
Well, in that case I'll award @1 House points to Gryffindor!
Sometime Later...
It's Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall on the 1st floor. Come on, Harry!
I'm just clearing up the mess you made, Potter! Now clear off!
Do you have permission to enter the Restricted Section, Potter?
Er, no.
I thought as much. Now would you go to your Transfiguration class, please?
You should be in Transfiguration on the 1st floor, Potter! Get going!
Shouldn't you be in Transfiguration on the 1st floor?
Timetable says yeh should be in Transfiguration class on the 1st floor, Harry. Better get there fast!
Why it's Potty Wee Potter. Want a potty, Potter?
Welcome to Transfiguration. Transfiguration is some of the most dangerous magic you will learn here at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned. Today we will be transfiguring non-living objects into living things with the Avifors spell. Are you all ready? Then we shall begin.
Right. Now we shall learn how to use the Avifors spell in a challenging situation. In the next room you must collect six Golden Stars and bring them back to me. Potter, you shall go first.
Well done, Potter. That's @1 House points for Gryffindor. Run along now.
Dear Harry, I think I can help you find the third ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion - Flobberworm Mucus. Come and see me in my garden right away. Hagrid.
Hello, Ron. Hagrid's just sent me a note. Apparently, he can help me find Flobberworm Mucus in his garden.
That's excellent! Good old Hagrid. I'd go and see him right away, if I were you.
I'm afraid you do not have permission to enter the Restricted Section, Potter.
No flying today, Mr. Potter. There are gnomes burrowing into the pitch.
Why would that stop anyone flying?
Have you tried to land a broomstick with fifteen gnomes snapping at your ankles? I thought not. Run along now.
Hello, Harry. Glad yeh could make it. The Flobberworms are out in the garden.
How do I go about collecting them?
Well, Flobberworms, like a great many animals, are partial to a bit o' music.
They can be calmed by playin' a tune on this flute.
So, that great big dog down the forbidden corridor might also be calmed by music?
How do you know about Fluffy?
Yeah - he's mine - bought him off a Greek fellow I met las' year - I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-
You jus' keep away from that corridor. Whatever's down there is between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel.
We were just wondering, that's all.
Anyway, Harry, yeh need to charm six Flobberworms with the flute and bring 'em back here so Hermione and me can extract the mucus.
Why do I always get the really great jobs?
Okay. Thanks Hagrid. Six Flobberworms.
I need six Flobberworms, Harry. Bring 'em back here so Hermione and me can extract the mucus.
And I'm really looking forward to doing that. Really I am.
Well done, Harry. Tha's all six Flobberworms.
There you go, Harry: one jar of freshly squeezed Flobberworm mucus.
Thanks Hermione. And thank you, Hagrid.
My pleasure, Harry.
We've got Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor, so we'd best be going.
Didn't Hermione say yeh had Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor? Best get going, Harry.
Hermione told me what Hagrid said about someone called Nicolas Flamel and Dumbledore being involved with whatever's down the forbidden corridor.
Yeah, it's all a big mystery. I think that we should find out more about this Nicolas Flamel.
You're right. Anyway, we've got Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell. I'll see you there.
Get to your class, Potter. This corridor's out-of-bounds.
You don't have permission to enter the Restricted Section, Mr. Potter. Get to your class.
You are timetabled for Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor, Mr. Potter. You are not timetabled for a flying lesson.
G-Good day c-class. T-Today we are going to have a m-most illuminating experience when we l-l-learn the wuh-wand lighting spell, Lumos. Are we all r-ready? V-Very well, let us b-begin.
V-Very good. N-Now we must l-learn to use the L-Lumos spell in a chuh-challenging location. In the n-n-next room you must c-collect six Golden Stars and b-b-bring them back to me. Mr. Potter, you w-will go f-f-first.
W-well done, Potter. That's @1 House P-Points for Gryffindor. R-Run along now.
Fred and George were telling me that the only place we're going to get some Wiggentree Bark is from the Potions Storeroom down in the dungeons.
So, setting Wiggentree Bark as an ingredient was a trick on Snape's part!
Yeah, and you can bet that Malfoy and his Slytherin friends will mysteriously have some bark next time we have Potions.
So how're we going to get into the storeroom? Snape's bound to be prowling about.
I'll meet you down in the dungeons and we'll work it out from there.
Go away, Potter! This corridor is forbidden!
Hello, Harry. Did Ron tell you about the Wiggentree Bark in the Potions Storeroom?
Yes, he did, he's waiting for me down in the dungeons.
Well, if he's waiting, don't you think you should go and meet him?
Poor little Potterkins, twisted and bitter, he needs something tasty to make him much sweeter!
Harry, I'll keep watch up here while you try and sneak into the Potions Storeroom and find the Wiggentree Bark. Watch out, though - I saw Snape prowling about earlier.
Haven't you got the Wiggentree Bark yet? Hurry up, Harry, come on!
I see you, Potter! That's @1 House points from Gryffindor!
You've been spotted, Potter! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Well done, Harry! Now Snape can't get us for not having the Wiggentree Bark!
It was nothing.
We should get moving, Harry. It's after dark and there are loads of Prefects patrolling the halls. Let's get back to the Common room.
I see you, Potter! That's @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Out of bed after dark, eh, Potter? That's @1 House points from Gryffindor!
You know the rules, Potter! And rules are rules! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Oi, Potter! That's @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Snooping around after dark, Potter! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Mom? Dad?
So you, Harry, like hundreds before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised.
I-I can see my parents in it.
The Mirror shows the deepest desire of our hearts. But it does not give us knowledge or truth.
But my - my parents.
It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry. The Mirror will be moved to a new home tomorrow. If you happen to run across it again, you will now be prepared. May I suggest that you make your way upstairs to the Gryffindor Common room? Your route back to the 7th floor should prove easier now.
Hey Harry, what kept you? I thought maybe Snape had nabbed you!
I met Dumbledore...
Uh-oh. How many House points did you lose?
Er, none, actually. I got lost on the 5th floor and stumbled across a room with a mirror in it.
Big deal. Did you stop to comb your hair?
It was called the Mirror of Erised and I could see my parents in it. And I think Dumbledore was warning me that I might see the Mirror again.
The Following Morning...
It's fantastic that you managed to get the Wiggentree Bark last night, Harry - just in time for Potions class this morning! C'mon, let's go!
You should be in Potions down in the dungeons, Potter. Better get going.
I think it remarkable that only three students should manage to find all four of the ingredients for the Wiggenweld Potion that I set you last lesson. Very remarkable, indeed Potter, perhaps you could enlighten us as to how you, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger happened to be the only ones to glean the Wiggentree Bark?
I, er, I, well - I, um, I bought some.
I see. From where, exactly?
From Diagon Alley, last time I was there.
Very well, Potter. I'll believe you, though thousands wouldn't. I shall, however, be keeping my eye on you. Now, if you'd like to mix up the Wiggenweld Potion that would be most gratifying.
Once you have used the Wiggenweld Potion, you may return to this cauldron at any time to refill it. Charms with Professor Flitwick is next. Class dismissed.
C'mon Harry - time for Charms on the 2nd floor!
Back for more Wiggenweld, Potter? I suppose you used up your last vial in another one of the Weasley's pranks.
Do you have permission to enter the Restricted Section, Potter?
Er, no.
I thought as much. Now would you go to your Charms class, please?
You should be in Charms on the Second floor. Go there, immediately!
Welcome to Charms - and a particular welcome to Harry Potter. How you do resemble your mother, dear boy. This term we'll be starting with a decidedly uplifting charm (if you'll pardon the pun!) Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm. Are you all ready, class? Jolly good! Then let us begin!
Oh, jolly good! Especially you, Mr. Potter! Such elegance, so quick-witted! So like your dear mother! Now we must learn how to use Wingardium Leviosa in a challenging situation. In the next room you'll find a variety of puzzles, all of which must be solved in order to leave the room. As you solve the puzzles, you must also collect six Golden Stars. Harry, I'd like you to start.
Excellent, Mr. Potter! That's @1 House points for Gryffindor. Run along now!
Don't forget that you need to be at the Quidditch Stadium as soon as possible for the match against Hufflepuff! Good luck Harry!
The Quidditch match against Hufflepuff is about to begin, Potter! Hurry up and get to the stadium! Gryffindor's counting on you!
Isn't it time for the big Quidditch match, Harry?
Haven't you got a Quidditch match to play, Potter? You've no business being here, so make yourself scarce.
What is the title of the book you're looking for?
Er, I'm not actually looking for a book right at this moment.
Well, run along then. I'm far too busy cataloguing to chat with you, Mr. Potter!
Hello Harry. Isn't it the big match against Hufflepuff today? Shouldn't yeh be at the Quidditch Stadium?
Quickly, Harry! The match against Hufflepuff's about to begin!
Well done, Harry! You played really well! We beat Hufflepuff 180 to 20! You gained @1 House points for Gryffindor!
Never mind, Harry. We've still got the last match against Ravenclaw to make up for the loss.
I've been doing some research about the mysterious Nicolas Flamel. I've searched everywhere for him. He wasn't in 'Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century', or 'Notable Magical Names of Our Time'. He was missing, too, from 'A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry'. The only place he could possibly be is in a book in the Restricted Section of the library.
So what you're saying is, we need to get into the Restricted Section and find that book?
That is exactly what I'm saying. Come on, Harry - to the Restricted Section!
I've been doing some research about the mysterious Nicolas Flamel. I've searched everywhere for him. He wasn't in 'Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century', or 'Notable Magical Names of Our Time'. He was missing, too, from 'A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry'. The only place he could possibly be is in a book in the Restricted Section of the library.
So what you're saying is, we need to get into the Restricted Section and find that book?
That is exactly what I'm saying. Come on, Harry - to the Restricted Section!
It's getting late, Mr. Potter. Best make your way back inside.
Sun's goin' down, Harry. Best get inside.
The 3rd floor is currently out-of-bounds, Potter. Mr Filch is carrying out some vital maintenance work. If I catch you again, you will lose House points, is that clear?
Harry, I've just seen Madam Pince leave the library, so the way's clear for you to sneak into the Restricted Section and find the book on Flamel. I'll keep watch here.
Where's the book, Harry?
I haven't got it, yet.
Well, keep trying!
Got it! Now I need to get out of here!
Ah, hello there, Potter. The fame's well and truly gone to your head if you think you can sneak past me. I think that this deserves a detention. Meet Hagrid tomorrow night following the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. I'm sure he can find you something beastly to do. Now get back to your Common room.
Ah, hello, again, Potter. How nice to see you. That'll be @1 House points from Gryffindor.
Outside the Common room after dark, Potter! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Well done, Harry! You got the book!
Yeah, and I also got a detention from Snape.
It says here that the Sorcerer's Stone currently in existence belongs to the 665-year-old alchemist, Nicolas Flamel. The Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers - it produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal!
Fluffy - that big dog down the forbidden corridor - must be guarding the Sorcerer's Stone - and it's no wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it!
Looking forward to the final Quidditch match, today, against Ravenclaw?
I'm trying not to think about it. There are other things on my mind - like the detention Snape gave me and the fact that Snape's trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone from down the forbidden corridor.
Yeah, the stuff about Flamel in the book you got from the Restricted Section was very interesting.
We've got to do something to stop Snape - and soon.
Try not to fall off your broom during the match today, Potter, or you might end up with ragged clothes like poor Weasley here.
Just watch it, Malfoy, or I'll-
You'll what, Weasley? Tell your mommy? She can't even mend your clothes properly, let alone fight your battles for you.
That's it, Malfoy, I'm gonna-
Leave it, Ron. He's not worth it.
C'mon, Ron. It's time we went over to the Quidditch Stadium.
You're right. I'll see you later. Good luck, Harry.
Good luck at the Quidditch match, Harry!
I reckon Ravenclaw will win today.
I think Gryffindor will win today, don't you?
Did you know there are four vowels and eight consonants in 'mimblewimble'?
I've got a bezoar stone in my pocket.
Seen Cedric around anywhere? He's nicked my quill.
Know any good cribbing spells?
Been to Zonko's lately? I've accidentally eaten one of their quills.
You're the famous Harry Potter, aren't you?
Got the time? My watch has twelve hands and it always confuses me.
Hurry up and get to the Quidditch Stadium, Potter! The match is about to start!
The Quidditch match against Ravenclaw's about to begin, Harry. I'd get over to the Quidditch Stadium if I were you.
Well done, Harry! You were absolutely brilliant! You gained @1 House points for Gryffindor!
Never mind, Harry. Yeh can't win all the time.
I'm sorry ter remind yeh, Harry, but Professor Snape's asked me to take your detention.
I think Snape's out to get me, Hagrid.
Oh, Professor Snape's all right really, he just gets a mite, well, a mite over the top with his punishments sometimes. Now, I've just got a coupl'a things to prepare first, so I'll meet yeh at the Forest Edge, by the gate to the Forbidden Forest.
I'm sorry ter remind yeh, Harry, but Professor Snape's asked me to take your detention.
I think Snape's out to get me, Hagrid.
Oh, Professor Snape's all right really, he just gets a mite, well, a mite over the top with his punishments sometimes. Now, I've just got a coupl'a things to prepare first, so I'll meet yeh at the Forest Edge, by the gate to the Forbidden Forest.
Get on with your detention, Potter! I've got far more important things to do tonight than deal with the likes of you!
Right then, now listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight an' I don' want yeh takin' risks. Follow me through here.
Further into the forest yeh'll come across a trail of silvery blood. There's a unicorn in the forest bin hurt badly by summat. You're gonna try an' find the poor thing by followin' the trail of its blood.
But, Hagrid, what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds me first?
If yer keep ter the path, Harry, yeh'll be all right. Good luck.
Harry, you'll be all right if yeh stay on the path. Find the trail of unicorn blood an' I'll see yeh later.
Owww my head it hurts.
Are you all right?
Yes - thank you - what was that I just saw?
You are the Potter boy, are you not? My name is Firenze. Do you know what unicorn blood is used for?
It is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn. Its blood will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death. But you will have a cursed life the moment the blood touches your lips.
But who'd be so desperate?
Unicorn blood will help you to stay alive long enough to drink something that will mean you can never die. Mr. Potter, do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment?
The Sorcerer's Stone! Of course - the Stone can help make the Elixir of Life! Do you mean it was Voldemort I just saw?
You must leave the forest, Harry Potter. It is not safe. Good-bye and good luck.
Ah, there ye' are, Harry. Did yeh find any trace of what's hurting the unicorns?
Yes, I did, but I don't have time to talk right now - I must find Ron and Hermione.
Okay, then. Glad ter see yeh back safe an' sound. G'night, Harry.
Goodnight, Hagrid.
Harry, didn't yeh say yer were goin' ter catch up with Ron and Hermione? In any case, yeh should be in the Common room by this time o' night. Better get going.
Phew, Harry!
We thought you'd never get here!
I, er, got rather sidetracked in the Forbidden Forest.
How was your detention?
I've found out more about why Snape wants the Sorcerer's Stone! He's going to steal it for Lord Voldemort!
Oh, I wish you wouldn't say You-Know-Who's real name out loud!
We need to go down the forbidden corridor and get the Stone before Snape can steal it!
You're right! Let's go!
Outside the Common room after dark, Potter! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Outside the Common room after dark, Potter! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Outside the Common room after dark, Potter! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Harry! We can't get past Fluffy!
Didn't Hagrid say something about music calming certain animals?
That's right, he did!
Maybe if I played Fluffy a tune on the flute Hagrid gave me?
It's worth a try!
That's it, Harry! Keep it up!
Keep going, Harry!
Excellent, Harry!
Oh, well done, Harry!
It's very dark down there.
I'll go first. See you in a minute, I hope.
We're trapped! Help, Harry!
Hurry up, Harry!
Hurry up, Harry - it's strangling me!
Yeah, get a move on - urkk!
We should stop moving! I know what this plant is - it's Devil's Snare!
Oh, I'm so glad we know what it's called, that's a great help.
How do I kill it, Hermione?
Shut up, I'm trying to remember! What did Professor Sprout say? Something about Devil's Snare liking the damp and the dark.
It's lucky you pay attention in Herbology, Hermione.
Yeah, and lucky Harry doesn't lose his head in a crisis.
This way!
I need to catch the correct flying key so that we can open the door and get out.
Yeah, but to catch the right key you're going to need a broomstick.
I think I found one.
Now what do we do?
It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to get across the chessboard to the door on the other side.
You two wait here, I'll go first.
I hope Ron will be okay.
I'm sure that he will. What do you reckon's next?
We've had Sprout's Devil's Snare - Flitwick must've charmed the keys - McGonagall transfigured the chess pieces - that leaves Snape's...
All right?
Go on.
So, what do we have to do?
Look, there's a note!
'But Four ingredients shall the cauldron drink,'
'So find them all and watch them slowly sink.'
'Upon the switch a partner then must stand'
'To bring the blackest fire near to hand.'
'A sip of potion you must acquire.'
'To gain safe passage through the fire.'
What does it mean?
I think it means that we have to find four ingredients, place them in the cauldron and then one of us drinks the potion while the other stands on a switch to access something called the 'blackest fire'.
I'll start looking for the four ingredients while you search for the switch.
I've found the switch!
Drink the potion from the cauldron, Harry, and you'll be safe from the black fire!
Listen, Hermione, go and get Ron and then use the broom in the Flying Keys room to escape. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, we need him. I might be able to hold Snape off for a while, but not for long.
Harry you're a great wizard, you know.
Good luck!
You too!
Me. I wondered whether I'd be meeting you here, Potter.
But I thought Snape...
Yes, Snape does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor stuttering P-Professor Quirrell? Now, tell me about this mirror... is the Sorcerer's Stone inside it?
I-I don't know...
Let me speak to the boy... face to face...
Master, you aren't strong enough!
I have strength enough for this...
Harry Potter - See what I have become? I have form only when I can share another's body.
You won't get away with this!
Oh, won't I? SEIZE HIM!
You are too nosy to live, Potter.
Master, I cannot hold him... my hands... it burns!
Kill him! KILL HIM!
Good afternoon, Harry.
Professor Dumbledore...
For one terrible moment I was afraid I had arrived too late to save you. I was only just in time to pull Quirrell off you.
And the Sorcerer's Stone?
It has been destroyed along with the mirror that concealed it.
But, even if the Stone's been destroyed, Lord Vol- I mean, You-Know-Who-
Call him Voldemort, Harry. Fear of a proper name for a thing increases fear of the thing itself.
So, Voldemort's gone?
I'm afraid he is still out there, somewhere. Not being truly alive, he cannot be killed. And now, Harry, it is time for the end-of-year feast in the Great Hall. I shall see you there shortly, I expect. And, well done, Harry Potter. Well done, indeed.
Another year gone! And what a year it has been!
Now, as I understand it, the House cup here needs awarding. Well, this year the Cup goes to Slytherin!
Slytherin win the House cup!
Another year gone! And what a year it has been!
Now, as I understand it, the House cup here needs awarding. Well, this year the Cup goes to Gryffindor!
Gryffindor win the House cup!
Who's wandering down here? It better not be you, Harry Potter!
Potter! You're likely to be expelled for this! @1 points from Gryffindor!
Potter! Careless of you, Potter, and you had been warned. @1 House points from Gryffindor because of your recklessness.
Harry Potter! Casting spells willy-nilly like that is terribly dangerous. @1 House points from Gryffindor!
You'll dig yourself into a deep hole with that kind of thoughtlessness, Harry! @1 House points from Gryffindor for casting a spell at a teacher!
A spell! I haven't been this annoyed since my broom was singed by overzealous anti-aircraft during the Great War! @1 House points from Gryffindor!
Have a care where yer pointin' that thing, Harry! This is my best coat!
I expect you to be more responsible than this in your spell casting, Harry...and in your choice of targets, too! @1 House points from Gryffindor.
I kn-kn-know you didn't m-m-mean to do that, Harry, b-b-but I still have to t-t-take @1 House points away from y-y-you for it.
As nice as it is to have you here, Harry, I can't overlook being made the target of a spell. Sorry, but I must take @1 House points from Gryffindor.
Potter! You will respect my authority by not casting spells at me! @1 points from Gryffindor!
Hurry, Harry! Potions class is this way. They say Professor Snape is very strict.
Potter! I'm going to report this blatant disregard for a prefect's authority. @1 points from Gryffindor!
Harry Potter! You know casting spells at prefects is against the rules! @1 points from Gryffindor!
That tickles! Stop it!
My face feels all funny. Stop it or I'll report you.
Hey! Save your spells for the gnomes, Harry!
I've felt more threatened by card tricks than your spells, Potter.
Don't cast spells at me unless you want trouble, Potter.
Don't cast spells at me unless you want a thrashing, Potter.
There was a day when I could've put you in irons for that, Potter! As it is, I'll just take @1 House points.
Oh, Harry, quit showing off! You should save your spells for the times you need them!
Ow, quit! It's bad enough that the Slytherins do that to me.
I hope you're more careful on the Quidditch pitch than you are with your spells, Harry.
You'll wound your reputation that way, Harry Potter. Maybe @1 fewer House points will stop you from doing it again..
Sorry, dear, you need the password to get in. Spells simply won't do.
You are starting your first class challenge, the Flipendo Challenge. To win this challenge, collect six gold stars and leave through the same door you used to enter. This challenge is when you begin to cast your first spell, Flipendo. To cast a spell, press the B Button.
During this challenge, you will encounter a switch for the first time. Switches activate nearby bridges, doors, or platforms. To trigger a switch, cast Flipendo on it. Flipendo can also be used to move objects out of your way and tip over buckets that might have treasure or goodies in them.
Some rooms in the challenge are occupied by Gnomes. To open the locked doors to leave these rooms and advance, you must knock out all the Gnomes by casting Flipendo on them.
Flipendo Blocks make ideal bridges. To slide them into place, cast Flipendo on them from the proper side. Once a block has been moved, it can't be moved again.
It's a reminder from Professor Sprout. 'Students should avoid poisonous mushroom patches!'
This door might need magic to be opened.
This door is locked.
A whole bag of Every Flavor Beans!
A Pumpkin Pasty!
I found a sprig of Dittany.
I found a piece of Moly.
I found the Wiggentree Bark!
A Chocolate Frog! I wonder what card I got?
Ah! An empty glass vial.
A Black Fire potion ingredient.
What a great flute!
The Nicolas Flamel book! I'd better get out of here fast!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Mmmmm... chocolate fudge.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Mmmmm... root beer.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ew! Broccoli!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Yum... raspberry.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ew... chewy! Lobster flavor!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Tasty! Cinnamon.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Aaagh! Booger flavor!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! How odd. Potato flavor.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Yum... lime.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ick. Tastes like lotion.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Strangely crunchy... almond flavor, I think.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Sour! Grapefruit flavor!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ah! Peppermint.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Aaagh! Liver flavor!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Yum... marmalade.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Mmmmm. Cantaloupe!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Mmmmm. Pumpkin pie!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ew! Black pepper! Cough!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Yum. Tastes like honey.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ack! Earthworms! Earthworms! Not Earthworms!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Tasty! I think it tastes like kiwi, but I've never had a kiwi before.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Aaagh! Beef! Mr. Dursley always said beef goes well with champagne, but I wouldn't know.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Tastes like egg. That's just odd.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Yum... pears.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ick. Sardines. I'm going to be tasting that for a while!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Mmmm... orange sherbet!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Salty! Squid! That's disgusting.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Ah! Banana split!
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Aaagh! Tastes like chicken.
A Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean! Yum... grape jam flavor.
Don't be late, don't talk back, and don't walk through the ghosts.
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw all get along. No one gets along with Slytherin.
McGonagall is the head of Gryffindor, but she'll still deduct House points from them without mercy.
The prefects may be our schoolmates, but they can deduct House points just like a teacher can.
I hope it isn't flobberworm fritters for lunch again today.
I don't know what Quirrell keeps in his turban, but it smells like it used to be spaghetti sauce.
If you leave your dorm at night you can run into a lot of scary things, including teachers.
I'm looking for pumpkin pasties. Have you found any yet? They say good things happen if you eat three of them.
Seems like Snape has taken a personal interest in you, Harry.
They say Snape favors Slytherins. Since he's their housemaster, I can believe it! But he's hard on them, too.
Snape always looks like he smells something bad.
I considered being late once. Snape took House points away from me for it.
I just ate a Bertie Bott's bean that tasted like farm dirt!
My brother told me Snape never smiles because he has fangs.
Will we be making fizzy potions today? I like fizzy things.
Is it true that Snape constricts his meals in his snake-like coils before he eats them?
Flying will be smashing! But I hope landing won't be.
Don't walk under a flying Slytherin. They drop things on you.
My brother told me if you take off fast enough, you can look back and see the top of your own head.
Why does it have to be Flobberworm mucus? Why couldn't it be Flobberworm sweat?
Here's my plan. Find a Flobberworm, hurt its feelings, make it cry, collect the mucus.
Would bark from a wiggenbush be good enough?
I had a bad day in potions class. Is my hair on fire?
Don't walk under a flying Hufflepuff. They plummet.
Most schools won't let you run in the halls, but we do it all the time here.
You'll never see any Common room but your own. The passwords into them are well protected.
Why are they called Common rooms when only people from a certain house can go into them? Doesn't that make them uncommon rooms?
Common rooms are a good place to hang out between classes.
I just got back from Transfiguration. This potato has ears.
I just saw a walking plant in Herbology!
I don't know what's wrapped tighter, Quirrell's nerves or his turban.
I stepped on some mushrooms near Hagrid's hut, and now my toes are blue!
You'll be the best Seeker ever, Harry!
The Slytherins will know the taste of Bludgers before Gryffindor's through with 'em!
The Quidditch Cup is as good as in our hands. Maybe we should wash 'em.
I've written an epic poem about your Quidditch skills. Don't lose or I have to come up with new rhymes.
I can't follow Quidditch at all, but I'm sure you'll be great at it!
Don't underestimate Ravenclaw's team. It's like their Chasers were born with quaffles in their hands.
I'll clear the mantle in the Common room to give the Quidditch Cup a place of honor! It needs dusting, anyway.
Time to show what you're made of, Harry!
Watch out, Harry. You can count on Slytherin for one thing... cheating.
Good game, Harry.
It isn't whether you win or lose...wait a minute, yes it is!
Keep practicing Quidditch, Harry. They say every game is harder than the last.
I still can't follow Quidditch at all.
How do you keep all those colored balls straight?
Have you seen my magic hamster?
I just gave Neville a grass-flavored Bertie Bott's bean!
If Hermione Granger sees the troll, she'll probably tell him he's holding his club the wrong way.
Just like a troll to spoil a party.
I bet Slytherin is behind this.
The troll might just be trick or treating. Maybe he'll go away if we give him candy.
I was attacked by a mountain troll once. No... wait... that was a mountain goat.
I heard the troll is going into the girls' bathroom! It must not be able to read.
Does a troll rampaging through the school mean that we're not going to have cake?
I bet Peeves is behind this.
What's it like in the girls' room? I hear they have sofas in there.
If a troll went in the boys' room, he'd fit right in.
I thought trolls lived under bridges, not in restrooms.
If a troll could get in here by itself, they'd be in here all the time. Someone must have let this one in!
If you use Avifors to create a parrot, and the parrot can talk, can it cast the spell back at you?
We're not going to transform things into chickens today, are we? Their eyes are beady and they don't smell nice.
Is transforming something into a bat or really big moth close enough to pass the Avifors test?
My cousin had trouble with Avifors. He could only turn things into eggs. He was popular at breakfast time but he nearly failed the class.
I've heard that the forbidden corridor is full of animated butter knives that escaped from the kitchen.
I thought I saw something that looked like drool leaking under the door to the forbidden corridor once.
I don't think there's anything in the forbidden corridor. And I see no reason to prove that theory.
I heard barking in three-part harmony early this morning. I wonder where it came from?
I'll bet He Who Must Not Be Named is in The Corridor That Must Not Be Entered.
Somebody told me that Hagrid's evil twin, Dirgah, is hiding in the forbidden corridor and Dumbledore doesn't know how to get rid of him.
I heard something sniffing around behind the door to the forbidden corridor. I ran all the way back to the Common room.
I heard that Goblins are painting the walls in the forbidden corridor and they don't like to be watched. It makes them streak.
Lumos will come in handy for reading under the covers after lights out.
Quirrell only teaches the Lumos spell because he's afraid of the dark.
I wonder if Quirrell is as scared of the light as he is of the dark?
Lumos will help me see into all the dark corners around here. Or maybe that's not such a good idea.
Lumos will help me find things I lost under my bed and scare away things that crawled under it.
When I know Lumos, I can chase away the bogeyman at night, or at least make him squint painfully.
Saving on the light bill by using Lumos helped mom and dad save enough galleons to send me here.
Do we learn Nox this year or next? I like darkness better than light anyway.
Finding all the Wiggenweld ingredients is hard!
You know, if you find a Flobberworm with a cold, you should be able to get all the mucus you want.
I wish someone made an Instant Wiggenweld Potion mix.
Muggles have it easy. When they need an antidote, they just see a barber. Or is it a doctor?
I don't even know what a wiggentree looks like. Is it more like a larch or a yew?
I've heard that wiggentree bark is useful only after it's been aged. I'll probably be rather aged myself before I find any!
I wish I knew what dittany looks like. Goyle told me it looks like a yeti.
Can you tell what dittany is by the smell?
I need to learn the Wingardium Leviosa spell so I can bring up my grades.
My prefect always seems to be hovering over me. If I learn Wingardium Leviosa, I can hover over him!
I'm not going to get levitation sickness, am I?
I worry about the Slytherins learning Wingardium Leviosa. I'm not afraid of being levitated, I'm afraid of being dropped.
I wonder if use Wingardium Leviosa will raise the level of conversation in my dorm?
I dropped my wand in the mud. Now it smells.
Crabbe and I snuck into the observatory on the seventh floor and ate pumpkin pasties all night long!
I need a Remembrall like Neville's. Or maybe I'll just take his.
Don't underestimate Hufflepuff. They have some very experienced Beaters.
Careful, I think Hufflepuff smells an upset. Or maybe that's just Hagrid making lunch.
Sometimes Hufflepuff players apologize when they score. That's so nice of them.
Hufflepuff has had some top-notch Chasers in the past.
Get the Golden Snitch as fast as you can, Harry!
Victory is in our grasp! It feels so nice and warm.
Don't feel bad if you lose, Harry, Quidditch is still new to you.
Green is a much better color than red. Or gold. Or even brown.
Madame Pince knows if you're even thinking about going in the Restricted Section.
They say that the Restricted Section of the library has books that bite!
People say a lot of bad things about the Restricted Section.
A comic book rack wouldn't hurt this place one bit.
Is the periodicals rack in the Restricted Section? I can't find it anywhere.
I think they should have a Slightly Restricted Section with spells that are only slightly too powerful for us.
I wish they had coloring books here.
There are supposed to be lots of dangerous, horrible, gruesome spells in the Restricted Section. I can hardly wait until I get to go in!
We have to win this final match with Slytherin! By we, I mean you.
Look out for Slytherin's Beaters. They take the name of their position literally.
Slytherin's team would be hard to beat even if they didn't ignore the rules.
Don't let Gryffindor down, Harry!
This is our chance to wipe the smirk off Slytherin's face!
Sportsmanship? Slytherin doesn't know the meaning of the word! Their vocabulary is surprisingly small.
It would be a shame if you fell off your broom in the middle of the match, Potter.
Losing isn't so bad, you know. You'll get used to it.
I-mpressive wand work on that assignment! You have learned F-Flipendo. Now let's try to p-perform at a harder l-level.
I'm v-very pleased, Mr. P-Potter. That's @1 p-points for Gryffindor! I'm c-curious if you can try these harder m-motions.
T-that was amazing, Mr. P-Potter. Some of the b-best work I have ever seen. @1 more points for Gryffindor.
S-somewhat below p-par, Mr. P-Potter. Shall we t-try that again?
N-not quite, Mr. P-Potter, but you have still d-done quite well and learned Flipendo.
To learn Flipendo, you must follow Quirrell's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction he waves his wand to match his movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up.
Admirable wanding, Mr. P-Potter. You have l-learned Lumos. Now let's t-try something a b-bit more advanced.
V-very good! That's @1 p-points for Gryffindor. B-but now try to k-keep up with these wand m-movements.
M-marvelous, Mr. P-Potter! Quite marvelous! You have m-mastered Lumos! That's another @1 points for Gryffindor.
N-not as good as I'd h-hoped, Mr. P-Potter. Shall we t-try that again?
Sh-short of the m-mark, Mr. P-Potter, but you have still d-done quite well and learned Lumos.
To learn Lumos, you must follow Quirrell's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction he waves his wand to match his movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up.
Assignment complete! You have learned Wingardium Leviosa. I think you're ready for some advanced moves. Ready?
We compliment you on your glittering performance in that exercise. That's @1 points for Gryffindor. Now try these very advanced maneuvers!
Superb! Wonderful! Extraordinary! You are quite good with Wingardium Leviosa! @1 more points for Gryffindor!
That was quite dreadful, but in a promising way. Let's practice again.
Excellent try, just excellent. But not successful. You have learned Wingardium Leviosa.
To learn Wingardium Leviosa, you must follow Professor Flitwick's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction he waves his wand to match his movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up.
You completed that exercise with aplomb, Mr. Potter. You have learned Avifors. But let's try more difficult movements. Ready?
That's @1 points for Gryffindor for splendid wandsmanship, Mr. Potter. Let's try something that requires a bit more expertise, shall we?
That was the best I've seen a first year do in a long time, Harry Potter! Another @1 points for Gryffindor.
Very disappointing. It does not seem that you've been studying. Let's try again, shall we?
Lackluster, Mr. Potter, but it will have to do for now. You have learned Avifors.
To learn Avifors, you must follow Professor McGonagall's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction she waves her wand to match her movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up.
Good, Harry! You've learned Alohomora almost as quickly as I did. Now try this!
You did nearly as well as I did on my first time, Harry. Do that well again and you'll get something sweet.
You did it! Even I could have done only slightly better. Here's a Pumpkin Pasty for you.
Oh, have you stopped trying? How do you expect to pass your exams wagging your wand about like that? Let's try again.
Sigh... not quite. I was hoping you'd do better, but that'll do. Now you know Alohomora.
To learn Alohomora, you must follow Hermione's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction she waves her wand to match her movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up.
The following room is infested with venomous Doxies (they're quite different from fairies). While Flipendo will stun them, the best tactic to use is luring them into a nearby Venomous Tentacular. Doxies are its favorite snack!
Avifors is the third spell you have learned. The icon for Avifors is a bird. Press the R Button; when the bird icon appears, you have equipped Avifors. You can change spells by continuing to press the R Button.
You have started the Avifors Challenge. In this challenge, you need to collect six gold stars and use Avifors to move heavy objects off of pressure plates in the floor, which will open doors so you can advance. In some places, you will also need to use the other spells you have learned.
You have learned the Wingardium Leviosa spell, which is used to levitate and move objects. The icon for Wingardium Leviosa is a feather.
You have now started the Wingardium Challenge. To complete this challenge you must gather six gold stars. You will need to move objects onto pressure plates in the floor in this challenge. But first, find the first switch.
When the first switch is thrown, several statues appear. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move the statues onto the correct pressure plates. (You'll have to guess which statue goes where.) Use the Control Pad to move them around and press the A Button to put them down.
Use Wingardium Leviosa to turn the bridge.
Collect six stars and defeat all challenges before you can leave. Cast Lumos to brighten the darkness!
You have learned the Alohomora spell. You can use this spell to unlock treasure chests and certain doors marked with keyholes. The spell icon for Alohomora is a key. Press the R Button to cycle through spell icons in the upper right of the screen. When an icon is onscreen, the spell it represents is the selected spell.
You can search bookcases in Hogwarts. Walk to a bookcase and press Up on the Control Pad.
You can search the berry bushes in the Hogwarts' grounds. Walk to a berry bush and press Up on the Control Pad.
I shouldn't leave the storeroom until I find the Wiggentree bark. It's got to be in here somewhere!
It's always funny until someone gets hurt or turns into a bird.
I've been the random target of a pointless spell thoughtlessly cast by Harry Potter! Wait until I tell the others!
Stop! That makes my robe smell weird.
Hey! I just ate!
You'll only make things harder on yourself that way, Potter.
Barely enough to muss my hair, Potter.
I wish I thought you were just sleepwalking. @1 House points from Gryffindor for being out at night.
A little late to be looking for Neville's toad, isn't it? @1 House points from Gryffindor for being out at night.
Wow, Harry Potter himself, violating the rules like any other student. You really have the common touch. @1 points from Gryffindor for being out at night.
I just want you to know that you're no less of a hero to me just because I have to take @1 House points from you for being out at night.
It's an honor to take @1 House points away from you for being out, Harry Potter. I've never penalized anyone as distinguished as you.
I was always too shy to talk to you before now. But I'm not shy to take away @1 House points for being out at night.
You never would have made it in Slytherin, Potter. You have no flair for skulking. @1 House points from Gryffindor for being out at night.
Lost in the dark, not quite sure where you're going... quite typical of you, Potter. @1 House points from Gryffindor for being out at night.
I'll certainly be more careful about the friends I keep than your friends seem to be.
We'll be watching, Potter.
Your bad luck not to be sorted into Slytherin, Potter.
Hope your friend Weasley has your back, Potter.
That's the girl's bathroom. I might flush away House points if I go in there.
'Library. Quiet at all times. Consider the rights of other students and the irritability of the librarian.'
'Defense Against Dark Arts Classroom. No cursing allowed.'
'Transfiguration Classroom. Treat inanimate objects respectfully. They may be your classmates.'
'Charms Classroom. Please do not unpile the books.'
'Potions Classroom. House points will be deducted if you misread this sign.'
'Trophy Room. No smudging.'
Harry Potter! You were told to stay away from this dangerous area. @1 House points from Gryffindor for disobedience!
Will Defense Against Dark Arts protect me against depressing music?
I just want to learn how to protect my dessert from Slytherin after supper.
Is there such a thing as a diet potion? My robe has gotten a bit tight.
I understand that Dittany makes your breath minty fresh.
I hope you do as well as I did, Potter. Ha, ha.
You said Flipendo with such authority. I bet your tone knocked down the gnomes.
G-go into the n-next room and collect the six G-Golden Stars. Use Flipendo to knock b-back the gnomes.
Ooo, an ickle firstie on his way to class. I'm Peeves. I run things around here, so treat me with the quivering terror I deserve. Must fly now, haunt you later!
Hello, Peeves.
You didn't jump, firstie!
I'm getting used to you.
Better get scarier then, hadn't I? Don't let me catch you walking the halls late at night, or I'll call the prefects on you!
I spotty a Mr. Potty, out in the dark and being naughty. Prefects! Boy out of his dorm!
We simply must stop meeting like this. Prefects! Student in the hall!
Aren't you afraid of who you'll meet out here? You should be, you know. Prefects! Boy out of bed!
'Hagrid's Hut. This way. Watch out for gnomes, deep pits, and smelly mud.'
Harry was rescued in the nick of time by the centaur, Firenze, and rode on his back to safety. Firenze explained that unicorn blood had the power to keep someone alive who was an inch from death.
Harry realized that the hooded figure he'd seen in the clearing was none other than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... Lord Voldemort!
Harry made his way down to the end-of-year feast alone that night. The Great Hall was decked out in green and silver, to celebrate Slytherin winning the House cup. When Harry entered there was a sudden hush. He took a seat between Ron and Hermione, trying to ignore the stares of the other students.
'The House cup,' announced Dumbledore, 'is awarded to the team with the most House points. At the moment, that would seem to be Slytherin.' A storm of cheering and stamping broke out from the Slytherin table.
'However,' continued Dumbledore, 'in recognition of Mr. Harry Potter's pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor @1 points.' Harry's table erupted with cheers and applause. The additional points had won the House cup for Gryffindor!
It was the best evening of Harry's life. Better than winning at Quidditch or Christmas, or knocking out mountain trolls. He would never, ever forget.
'So, the Stone's gone?' said Ron, finally. Harry nodded and wished it good riddance. Then Ron produced a brand new Chocolate Frog Card from his robes and handed it to Harry.
'Now you've got the whole set, Harry,' Ron said. Harry was stunned.
Dumbledore smiled. 'What happened down in the dungeons between yourself and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret,' he said, 'so, naturally, the whole school knows.' The Stone had been destroyed, but Harry remained fearful that its loss would not prevent Lord Voldemort's return. Dumbledore nodded, sharing his concern. Nevertheless, Harry--if our battles do no more than slow Voldemort's return, with luck he may never regain his power at all.'
'However,' continued Dumbledore, 'in recognition of Mr. Harry Potter's pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor @1 points.' Harry's table briefly sent up a cheer...
...until they realized 60 points was not enough to put them in the lead. The House cup was once again Slytherin's.
You mastered the Flipendo Challenge! Your reputation will get a push now!
You learned Alohomora! This should really open doors for you!
You passed the Lumos Challenge! It was never something you took lightly!
You conquered the Wingardium Leviosa Challenge! This really lifts your spirits.
You overcame the Avifors Challenge! Your heart soars like a hawk, or perhaps more like a finch.
You recovered Neville's Remembrall! Draco and his rough-hewn cronies will think twice about taking you on now.
You collected the Flobberworm Mucus! It's a treasure you don't want to hold on to for long!
You found the Dittany! Its tiny fronds wave as if in greeting!
You found the Nicolas Flamel book! Maybe the tangled mystery of the Sorcerer's Stone will finally be revealed!
You found Wiggentree Bark! You can practically taste that Wiggenweld Potion now! Or maybe you just inhaled a spider.
You defeated the troll! It smells really bad! But Hermione is safe now, and so is the rest of Hogwarts.
You grabbed the flying key! Now you can unlock the door and go on to the next room!
You slipped past Fluffy! Sleep, Fluffy, sleep! Good dog! Now on to find the Sorcerer's Stone!
You collected all six vials! Maybe Snape will go a little easier on you now.
You escaped the Trophy Room! Wait 'til Ron and Hermione hear about this!
You escaped the potions storeroom! Better get back to Gryffindor... Snape could be close behind!
You found the unicorn and escaped the Forbidden Forest! You're sorry it's dead but you feel you're close to solving the secret of the Sorcerer's Stone!
You mixed the Wiggenweld Potion! Even Snape can't deny you've done well with your assignment.
You can save your game at floating books located throughout Hogwarts. Walk to the book and press the A Button.
Do you wish to save your game?
Game saved!
I heard gnomes give you the shivers, Potter.
Scared of the dark, Potter?
Crabbe and Goyle told me where to find Dittany, Potter. Too bad I can't tell you. Slytherins only, you know.
Professor McGonagall is going to teach me how to turn you into a mole next year.
I hear we'll learn to duel next year, Potter. You'd better start practicing now.
Class dismissed!
Class dismissed for now!
I'd better not catch you misbehaving, Mr. Potter.
Class d-d-dismissed!
Attend DADA class on the 3rd floor
Attend Potions class in the dungeons
Meet Hagrid in his hut to collect Dittany
Attend flying lessons outside Hogwarts
Meet Hermione in the Common room on the 7th floor
Meet Draco for a nighttime duel in the Trophy Room on the 3rd floor
Escape Snape and return to the Common room on the 7th floor
Attend Herbology in Greenhouse 1
Quidditch match versus Slytherin
Attend the Halloween celebration in the Great Hall
Rescue Hermione from the troll
Attend Transfiguration class on the 1st floor
Visit Hagrid's hut for Flobberworm mucus
Return to DADA class on the 3rd floor
'Borrow' Wiggentree Bark from Snape's storeroom in the dungeons
Escape the storeroom and return to the Common room
Attend Potions class in the dungeons
Attend Charms class on the 2nd floor
Quidditch match versus Hufflepuff
Report to Hagrid for detention in the Forest Edge
Find the wounded unicorn
Escape the Forbidden Forest
Quidditch match versus Ravenclaw
Sneak into the forbidden corridor
Prevent Voldemort from finding the Sorcerer's Stone
Find the Nicolas Flamel book in the library
Executive Producer
Steve Ettinger
J.C. Connors
Lead Developers
Stephen C. Nguyen
Jim Verhaeghe
Lead Artist
Randy Briley
Joe Bryant
Champagne X Mac
Doug Schilling
Robert Kirkpatrick
Doug Brettin
Steve Vall e
Art and Animation
Eric Nava
Tamara Knoss
Steve Nasker
Mike Platteter
Robb Vest
Peter Fries
Eric Heitman
Jerry Vorhies
Forrest Keyes
Additional Animation
Laura Smith
Nathan Hocken
Jason Zayas
Michael Ingrassia
Michael Humes
Music and Sound Effects
Mark Yeend
Drew Cady
Ian Rodia
Brian Kirkness
Kevin Carroll
Special Thanks
Elizabeth Smith
Joshua Meeds
Cara Diehm
Michael Dorgan
Stephanie Hertager
Susan DeMerit
Mike Dean
Aaron Rice
Kevin Burdick
Executive Producers
Dan Elenbaas
David Mann
Director of Testing
Jack Brummet
Creative Director
Phil Trumbo
Electronic Arts - Development
Production Team
Chris Gray
Colin Robinson
Jeff Gamon
Owen O'Brien
Rob O'Farrell
Simon Harris
Wayne Frost
Programming Team
Alan Wright
Mark Stacey
Art Team
Alex Godsill
Gary Welch
John Miles
Design Team
Andrew Kerridge
Dan Riley
Guy Miller
Simon Phipps
Sound Team
Adele Kellett
Bill Lusty
Jeremy Soule
Nick Laviers
QA Department
Alex Young
Andy Bussell
Andy Miller
Barrie Tingle
Chris Davenport
Christopher Moe
Dan McDonald
David Oditt
Davide Comunello
Giles Edwards
Henrik Larsen
Ian Fuoco
Iv n Barreras
James Willis
Jeremy Kortleven
Jesper Brostr m
John Hopkin
Kim Lee Gammage
Luis Silva
Marco Nuhsbaum
Martin Bradley
Mateus Andrade
Mike Sait
Phil Maskell
Pete Samuels
Rodolphe Desbonne
Rupert Moss
Simon Mayle
Stu Pratt
QA Technical
Donna Hicks
Joe Grant
Marcus Purvis
Martin Sibley
Wayne Boyce
Electronic Arts - Special Thanks
Bruce McMillian
Chuck Clanton
Danny Bilson
David Byrne
Ian Shaw
Jon Lawrence
Lisa Stokes
Lisa Watt
Paul DeMeo
Paul Marsden
Floor 7
Floor 6
Floor 5
Floor 4
Floor 3
Floor 2
Floor 1
Shouldn't you be studying?
I believe it's time for one of those Quidditch games of yours. Be sure to wipe your shoes before you come back into the halls.
Potter! Unless shedding House points is a pleasant experience for you, don't interrupt me!
R-really, Mr. P-Potter, interrupting us l-like this is m-most intolerable.
Potter! Interrupt me again and you'll be scrubbing crusty cauldrons with a dry toothbrush!
I expected b-better manners f-from you Mr. P-Potter. M-must I inform P-Professor McGonagall?
You can check House point totals in the Entrance Hall. Touch an hourglass and press the A Button.
Gain enough House points for Gryffindor, and you can win the House cup at the end of the year!
You are on your broomstick! Press the A Button to go faster, and release it to slow down. Flying through the trail of sparkles gives you a speed boost to help you catch Draco. When you catch up to him, press either the A Button or B Button to grab the Remembrall.
As a Quidditch seeker, wait until the snitch is released and then chase it down. Stay within the snitch's 'halo' to swoop down to try and catch it. And watch out for bludgers! To dodge them, hit the B Button.
You now have to catch the snitch. Watch out for other players now as well as bludgers. Fly through its trail of sparkles to get a speed boost. When you catch up to the snitch, press either the A Button or B Button to grab it.
Unfortunately, the other seeker beat you to the snitch. You lost the match. Better luck next time!
Quidditch Practice
That's an awfully big dog.
I hope Hagrid keeps Fluffy well-fed. It wouldn't be good if he is hungry right now.
I'm good at chess, Harry, but I don't like this one bit.
That bishop is giving me the chills. Hurry up and figure out how to open the door.
Be careful, Harry!
There's no Quidditch practice today, Harry. You should probably be studying.
Who's that in my storeroom? Quirrell? It had better not be a student!
'Potions Storeroom. Students strictly forbidden, unless authorized by Professor Severus Snape.'
I think it's time fer your flyin' class now, Harry.
Shouldn't you be studying?
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