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Last active March 5, 2018 03:28
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Covariant and Contravariant
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
module Ops where
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Void
import Data.Functor.Invariant
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible
import Generics.Eot
import Data.Char
-- A basic Parser
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a) }
defaultParser :: Read a => Parser a
defaultParser = Parser $ \s -> case reads s of
[] -> Nothing
((a, s') : _) -> Just (s', a)
-- The instances for the Parser
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser p) = Parser (fmap (fmap (fmap f)) p)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser (\s -> Just (s, a))
Parser pf <*> Parser px = Parser $ \s ->
case pf s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s', f) -> case px s' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s'', x) -> Just (s'', f x)
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ const Nothing
Parser px <|> Parser py = Parser $ \s ->
case px s of
Nothing -> py s
Just (s', x) -> Just (s', x)
-- A basic Serializer
newtype Serializer a = Serializer { runSerializer :: a -> String }
defaultSerializer :: Show a => Serializer a
defaultSerializer = Serializer show
-- The instances for the Serializer
instance Contravariant Serializer where
contramap f (Serializer g) = Serializer (g . f)
instance Divisible Serializer where
conquer = Serializer (const mempty)
divide toBC (Serializer sb) (Serializer sc) = Serializer $ \a ->
case toBC a of
(b, c) ->
let bBytes = sb b
cBytes = sc c
in bBytes ++ cBytes
instance Decidable Serializer where
lose f = Serializer $ \a -> absurd (f a)
choose split l r = Serializer $ \a ->
either (runSerializer l) (runSerializer r) (split a)
-- A Pair of a covariant and contravariant functor
data Pair f g a = Pair { co :: f a, contra :: g a}
-- The instances for the Pair
instance (Functor f, Contravariant g) => Invariant (Pair f g) where
invmap ab ba (Pair fa ga)= Pair (fmap ab fa) (contramap ba ga)
infixr 4 >*<
class Invariant f => Mult f where
munit :: a -> f a
(>*<) :: f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
(>*) :: f a -> f () -> f a
(>*) fa fu = invmap fst (\x -> (x, ())) (fa >*< fu)
(*<) :: f () -> f b -> f b
(*<) fu fb = invmap snd (\x -> ((), x)) (fu >*< fb)
infixr 3 >|<
class Invariant f => Div f where
dunit :: f Generics.Eot.Void
(>|<) :: f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
otherAbsurd :: Generics.Eot.Void -> a
otherAbsurd a = case a of {}
instance (Applicative f, Divisible g) => Mult (Pair f g) where
munit a = Pair (pure a) conquer
Pair f1 g1 >*< Pair f2 g2 = Pair ((,) <$> f1 <*> f2) (divide id g1 g2)
instance (Alternative f, Decidable g) => Div (Pair f g) where
dunit = Pair empty (lose otherAbsurd)
Pair f1 g1 >|< Pair f2 g2 = Pair (Left <$> f1 <|> Right <$> f2) (choose id g1 g2)
-- The pairing of the parser and the serializer
type StringMe a = Pair Parser Serializer a
defaultStringMe :: (Read a, Show a) => StringMe a
defaultStringMe = Pair defaultParser defaultSerializer
-- Some defaults to work with
smString :: StringMe String
smString = defaultStringMe
smInt :: StringMe Int
smInt = defaultStringMe
smBool :: StringMe Bool
smBool = defaultStringMe
-- A parser / printer for handling spaces
spaces :: StringMe ()
spaces = Pair parseSpaces serializeSpaces
parseSpaces = Parser $ \s ->
case break isSpace s of
(_, ts) -> Just (ts, ())
serializeSpaces = Serializer $
const " "
-- Some helpers for working with generics-eot
eotSum :: (HasEot a, Invariant f) => f (Eot a) -> f a
eotSum = invmap fromEot toEot
eotProduct :: (HasEot a, Invariant f, Div f, Eot a ~ Either b Generics.Eot.Void) => f b -> f a
eotProduct x = invmap fromEot toEot (x >|< dunit)
-- An example data type and the serializer / parser pair for it
data Identifier = StringId String | IntId Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
smIdentifier :: StringMe Identifier
smIdentifier =
eotSum $
smString >*< munit () >|<
smInt >*< munit () >|<
data Blob = Blob Int Identifier Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
smBlob :: StringMe Blob
smBlob =
eotProduct $
smInt >* spaces >*<
smIdentifier >* spaces >*<
smBool >*<
munit ()
-- > let s = runSerializer (contra smBlob) (Blob 2 (IntId 4) False)
-- > s
-- "2 4 False"
-- > runParser (co smBlob) s
-- Just ("", Blob 2 (IntId 4) False)
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