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Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default UGSc 17 43 en0
10.205.1/24 link#4 UCS 4 0 en0 bc:16:65:93:6a:93 UHLWIir 18 112 en0 1190 UHS 0 0 lo0 c8:a:a9:4a:62:80 UHLWIi 0 45 en0 1164 1c:75:8:c3:20:ab UHLWIi 3 2132 en0 1168 74:e5:b:d:e4:20 UHLWIi 0 0 en0 1109
127 UCS 0 0 lo0 UH 2 10146422 lo0
Top 50 slowest examples (299.23 seconds, 12.7% of total time):
SearchResult.strip_user_from_search_results removes users from search results, who have been banned by the user
8.73 seconds ./spec/models/search/search_result_spec.rb:55
Omniture tracking (set stat_secret.var_name variables) Profile visited Should set "prop17" to visited profile info (age1|[age2]#gender1|[gender2]#pic?#FFT|SFT)
and "prop5" to pageName_visitedProfileInfo
when visiting own profile (page my_profile_common_show)
8.56 seconds ./spec/features/omniture_tracker_spec.rb:444
SearchResult.strip_user_from_search_results does nothing when there are no banned relations
8.13 seconds ./spec/models/search/search_result_spec.rb:67
SearchResult.strip_user_from_search_results removes users from search results, who have banned the user
rspec ./spec/features/gallery_spec.rb:61 # Gallery check with photos should render gallery HTML in my profile, which has the right behaviour
rspec ./spec/features/gallery_spec.rb:86 # Gallery check with photos should load the first picture from the gallery as a profile picture
rspec ./spec/features/gallery_spec.rb:91 # Gallery check with photos should change the profile picture if you click on a picture from the gallery
rspec ./spec/features/gallery_spec.rb:97 # Gallery check with photos should see how photos look shared or not shared
rspec ./spec/features/gallery_spec.rb:122 # Gallery check without photos should not render gallery HTML in my profile
rspec ./spec/features/login_spec.rb:7 # Login Should log in a credits user
rspec ./spec/features/login_spec.rb:17 # Login Should log in a premium user
rspec ./spec/features/omniture_tracker_spec.rb:37 # Omniture tracking (set stat_secret.var_name variables) In all pages Should left "channel", "pageType", "state" and "zip" empty
rspec ./spec/features/omniture_trac
<%= form_for(@cart, @cart.line_items) do |f| %>
<ul data-role="listview" data-split-theme="a" data-split-icon="delete">
<% for item in @cart.line_items %>
<%= f.fields_for item, :index => do |item_form| %>
<a href="#">
<%= image_tag item.image %>
<h1><%= item.model %></h1>
social.GooglePlaces.prototype.getPlaces = function() {
var self = this;
var map = social.MapModel.getInstance();
var stringSend = '';
stringSend += '?location=-33.86705,151.1957362';
stringSend += '&radius=500';
stringSend += '&types=food';
stringSend += '&sensor=false';
EMERGENCY: Exception (not_found_exception) - Original record for alias vars "setup.images.cache_life" not found ("inventory.images.cache_life")
Source File: /usr/home/users/dimitar/MAS/mas-kt/heavymetal/lib/masdb/vars.php (line: 467)
00460: try { $_->load();
00462: // hack to make all vars that are aliased into preloaded ones
00463: //
00464: self::q('UPDATE `vars` SET `preload` = 1 WHERE `name` = ?', array($_params['var']));
00465: }
class Icon
include Mongoid::Document
field :tiny, type: Hash
field :small, type: Hash
field :medium, type: Hash
field :large, type: Hash
has_many :categories
class Category
"_id" : ObjectId("4de27191f9b0162f4f000027"),
"tiny" : {
"x" : 192,
"y" : 100,
"width" : 12,
"height" : 17
"small" : {
"x" : 192, - - [28/May/2011:16:07:48 +0300] "POST /divinity-cart/session/qqev0eechteb06guiivvn6dgs1/1.html?extra=html HTTP/1.1" 302 5 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1" - - [28/May/2011:16:07:49 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13730 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1" - - [28/May/2011:16:07:51 +0300] "GET /?type=bare&page=session&action=iframe&id=YTozOntpOjA7czoyNjoicXFldjBlZWNodGViMDZndWlpdnZuNmRnczEiO2k6MTtzOjM2OiJodHRwczovL3RlYS5tYXMta3QuZGltaXRhci5tYXNiZy5jb20
> // v1.8+ shell
> x
"_id" : ObjectId("4dcd3ebc9278000000005158"),
"d" : ISODate("2011-05-13T14:22:46.777Z"),
"b" : BinData(0,""),
"c" : "aa",
"n" : 3,
"e" : [ ],
"n2" : NumberLong(33)