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Last active September 14, 2023 08:45
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HTML5 Editable Invoice Example
Rolled into single file for transportability.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Invoice: #</title>
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article h1 { clip: rect(0 0 0 0); position: absolute; }
article address { float: left; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold; }
/* table meta & balance */
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table.meta:after, table.balance:after { clear: both; content: ""; display: table; }
/* table meta */
table.meta th { width: 40%; }
table.meta td { width: 60%; }
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table.inventory { clear: both; width: 100%; }
table.inventory th { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }
table.inventory td:nth-child(1) { width: 26%; }
table.inventory td:nth-child(2) { width: 38%; }
table.inventory td:nth-child(3) { text-align: right; width: 12%; }
table.inventory td:nth-child(4) { text-align: right; width: 12%; }
table.inventory td:nth-child(5) { text-align: right; width: 12%; }
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table.balance td { text-align: right; }
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<link rel="license" href="">
<address contenteditable>
<p>Acme Widgets</p>
<p>123 Some Street<br>SomeCity, TX 10101</p>
<p>{###) ###-####</p>
<span><img alt="" src="logo.png"><input type="file" accept="image/*"></span>
<address contenteditable>
<p>Some Company<br>c/o Some Guy</p>
<table class="meta">
<th><span contenteditable>Invoice #</span></th>
<td><span contenteditable>101001</span></td>
<th><span contenteditable>Date</span></th>
<td><span contenteditable><?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?></span></td>
<th><span contenteditable>Amount Due</span></th>
<td><span id="prefix" contenteditable>$</span><span>600.00</span></td>
<table class="inventory">
<th><span contenteditable>Item</span></th>
<th><span contenteditable>Description</span></th>
<th><span contenteditable>Rate</span></th>
<th><span contenteditable>Quantity</span></th>
<th><span contenteditable>Price</span></th>
<td><a class="cut">-</a><span contenteditable>Front End Consultation</span></td>
<td><span contenteditable>Experience Review</span></td>
<td><span data-prefix>$</span><span contenteditable>150.00</span></td>
<td><span contenteditable>4</span></td>
<td><span data-prefix>$</span><span>600.00</span></td>
<a class="add">+</a>
<table class="balance">
<th><span contenteditable>Total</span></th>
<td><span data-prefix>$</span><span>600.00</span></td>
<th><span contenteditable>Amount Paid</span></th>
<td><span data-prefix>$</span><span contenteditable>0.00</span></td>
<th><span contenteditable>Balance Due</span></th>
<td><span data-prefix>$</span><span>600.00</span></td>
<h1><span contenteditable>Additional Notes</span></h1>
<div contenteditable>
<p>A finance charge of 1.5% will be made on unpaid balances after 30 days.</p>
/* Shivving (IE8 is not supported, but at least it won't look as awful)
/* ========================================================================== */
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'article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}' +
'audio[controls],canvas,video{display:inline-block}' +
'[hidden],audio{display:none}' +
'mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}' +
return head.insertBefore(element.lastChild, head.firstChild);
/* Prototyping
/* ========================================================================== */
(function (window, ElementPrototype, ArrayPrototype, polyfill) {
function NodeList() { [polyfill] }
NodeList.prototype.length = ArrayPrototype.length;
ElementPrototype.matchesSelector = ElementPrototype.matchesSelector ||
ElementPrototype.mozMatchesSelector ||
ElementPrototype.msMatchesSelector ||
ElementPrototype.oMatchesSelector ||
ElementPrototype.webkitMatchesSelector ||
function matchesSelector(selector) {
return, this) > -1;
ElementPrototype.ancestorQuerySelectorAll = ElementPrototype.ancestorQuerySelectorAll ||
ElementPrototype.mozAncestorQuerySelectorAll ||
ElementPrototype.msAncestorQuerySelectorAll ||
ElementPrototype.oAncestorQuerySelectorAll ||
ElementPrototype.webkitAncestorQuerySelectorAll ||
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if (cite.matchesSelector(selector)), cite);
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ElementPrototype.mozAncestorQuerySelector ||
ElementPrototype.msAncestorQuerySelector ||
ElementPrototype.oAncestorQuerySelector ||
ElementPrototype.webkitAncestorQuerySelector ||
function ancestorQuerySelector(selector) {
return this.ancestorQuerySelectorAll(selector)[0] || null;
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/* Helper Functions
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function generateTableRow() {
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'<td><span contenteditable>0</span></td>' +
'<td><span data-prefix>$</span><span>0.00</span></td>';
return emptyColumn;
function parseFloatHTML(element) {
return parseFloat(element.innerHTML.replace(/[^\d\.\-]+/g, '')) || 0;
function parsePrice(number) {
return number.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+([^\d]|$))/g, '$1,');
/* Update Number
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function updateNumber(e) {
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value = Math.max(value, 0);
activeElement.innerHTML = wasPrice ? parsePrice(value) : value;
/* Update Invoice
/* ========================================================================== */
function updateInvoice() {
var total = 0;
var cells, price, total, a, i;
// update inventory cells
// ======================
for (var a = document.querySelectorAll('table.inventory tbody tr'), i = 0; a[i]; ++i) {
// get inventory row cells
cells = a[i].querySelectorAll('span:last-child');
// set price as cell[2] * cell[3]
price = parseFloatHTML(cells[2]) * parseFloatHTML(cells[3]);
// add price to total
total += price;
// set row total
cells[4].innerHTML = price;
// update balance cells
// ====================
// get balance cells
cells = document.querySelectorAll('table.balance td:last-child span:last-child');
// set total
cells[0].innerHTML = total;
// set balance and meta balance
cells[2].innerHTML = document.querySelector('table.meta tr:last-child td:last-child span:last-child').innerHTML = parsePrice(total - parseFloatHTML(cells[1]));
// update prefix formatting
// ========================
var prefix = document.querySelector('#prefix').innerHTML;
for (a = document.querySelectorAll('[data-prefix]'), i = 0; a[i]; ++i) a[i].innerHTML = prefix;
// update price formatting
// =======================
for (a = document.querySelectorAll('span[data-prefix] + span'), i = 0; a[i]; ++i) if (document.activeElement != a[i]) a[i].innerHTML = parsePrice(parseFloatHTML(a[i]));
/* On Content Load
/* ========================================================================== */
function onContentLoad() {
input = document.querySelector('input'),
image = document.querySelector('img');
function onClick(e) {
var element ='[contenteditable]'), row;
element && != document.documentElement && != document.body && element.focus();
if ('.add')) {
document.querySelector('table.inventory tbody').appendChild(generateTableRow());
else if ( == 'cut') {
row ='tr');
function onEnterCancel(e) {
function onLeaveCancel(e) {
function onFileInput(e) {
reader = new FileReader(),
files = e.dataTransfer ? e.dataTransfer.files :,
i = 0;
reader.onload = onFileLoad;
while (files[i]) reader.readAsDataURL(files[i++]);
function onFileLoad(e) {
var data =;
image.src = data;
if (window.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('click', onClick);
document.addEventListener('mousewheel', updateNumber);
document.addEventListener('keydown', updateNumber);
document.addEventListener('keydown', updateInvoice);
document.addEventListener('keyup', updateInvoice);
input.addEventListener('focus', onEnterCancel);
input.addEventListener('mouseover', onEnterCancel);
input.addEventListener('dragover', onEnterCancel);
input.addEventListener('dragenter', onEnterCancel);
input.addEventListener('blur', onLeaveCancel);
input.addEventListener('dragleave', onLeaveCancel);
input.addEventListener('mouseout', onLeaveCancel);
input.addEventListener('drop', onFileInput);
input.addEventListener('change', onFileInput);
window.addEventListener && document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onContentLoad);
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Nada-86 commented Sep 14, 2023

it's the first time I saw something perfect like that

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