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Dan Blanchard dan-blanchard

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dan-blanchard /
Created January 31, 2017 16:17

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  • I am dan-blanchard on github.
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dan-blanchard /
Last active December 11, 2019 22:38
Quicker Travis builds that rely on numpy and scipy using Miniconda

For ETS's SKLL project, we found out the hard way that Travis-CI's support for numpy and scipy is pretty abysmal. There are pre-installed versions of numpy for some versions of Python, but those are seriously out of date, and scipy is not there are at all. The two most popular approaches for working around this are to (1) build everything from scratch, or (2) use apt-get to install more recent (but still out of date) versions of numpy and scipy. Both of these approaches lead to longer build times, and with the second approach, you still don't have the most recent versions of anything. To circumvent these issues, we've switched to using Miniconda (Anaconda's lightweight cousin) to install everything.

A template for installing a simple Python package that relies on numpy and scipy using Miniconda is provided below. Since it's a common s

dan-blanchard /
Created September 30, 2013 20:59
Simple script to check if you run into ValueErrors when you do grid search with more jobs/folds than you have cores.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple test script to see if we get ValueErrors with joblib and the current
version of Python
import logging
import sys
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import sklearn.datasets
dan-blanchard /
Created September 29, 2013 16:38
Script to fix timestamps of files based on filenames. Default filename regular expression looks for filenames named by CameraSync. I developed this to fix an annoying issue where timestamps were wrong for files uploaded from my iPhone, which made Aperture/iPhoto sort them incorrectly (because videos don't have EXIF data).
#!/usr/bin/env python
Little script to set timestamps based on filenames for files uploaded to
Dropbox by CameraSync.
:author: Dan Blanchard
:date: September, 2013
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
dan-blanchard /
Last active March 20, 2022 10:40
How to setup a single-machine (Sun) Grid Engine installation for unit tests on Travis-CI

I recently needed a way to run unit tests on Travis for a project that uses Sun Grid Engine, Grid Map. Unfortunately, it seemed like no one had figured out how to set that up on Travis before (or simply create a single-machine installation without any user interaction). After hours of trial-and-error, I now know the secrets to making a single-machine installation of SGE that runs on Travis, and I'm sharing my script to prevent other people from going through the same frustrating experience.

To use the script below, you just need to copy all of the files in this gist to a travis sub-directory directly under the root of your GitHub project, and add the following lines to your .travis.yml

  - travis/
  - export SGE_ROOT=/var/lib/gridengine
  - export SGE_CELL=default
  - export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/