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Created June 16, 2013 11:38
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{-#LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Numeric
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary.Put (putWord32le, putWord16le, runPut)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-- | Binary string to word. Use like fB "101" ==> 5
fB :: String -> Word8
fB = fromIntegral . fst . head . readInt 2 (`elem` "01") convertion
where convertion '0' = 0
convertion '1' = 1
data Extent = With | Without
data R32 :: Extent -> Extent -> * where
EAX :: R32 e e
ECX :: R32 e e
EDX :: R32 e e
EBX :: R32 e e
ESI :: R32 e e
EDI :: R32 e e
ESP :: R32 With e
EBP :: R32 e With
regToIndex :: R32 a b -> Word8
regToIndex EAX = fB "000"
regToIndex ECX = fB "001"
regToIndex EDX = fB "010"
regToIndex EBX = fB "011"
regToIndex ESP = fB "100"
regToIndex EBP = fB "101"
regToIndex ESI = fB "110"
regToIndex EDI = fB "111"
data Scale = Scale1 | Scale2 | Scale4 | Scale8
data AdressMode a b =
EADirect (R32 a b)
| EAIndirect (R32 Without Without)
| EAIndirectDisp8 (R32 Without b) Int8
| EAIndirectDisp32 (R32 Without b) Int32
| Disp32 Int32
| SIB Scale (R32 Without a) (R32 a Without)
| SIBDisp8 Scale (R32 Without a) (R32 a Without) Int8
| SIBDisp32 Scale (R32 Without a) (R32 a Without) Int32
| SIDisp32 Scale (R32 Without a) Int32
| SIEBPDisp8 Scale (R32 Without a) Int8
| SIEBPDisp32 Scale (R32 Without a) Int32
threePart :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
threePart mod reg rm = mod `shiftL` 6 .|. (reg `shiftL` 3) .|. rm
getModRM :: AdressMode a b -> R32 c d -> Word8
getModRM (EAIndirect r) b = threePart (fB "00") (regToIndex b) (regToIndex r)
getModRM (EAIndirectDisp8 r _) b = threePart (fB "01") (regToIndex b) (regToIndex r)
getModRM (EAIndirectDisp32 r _) b = threePart (fB "10") (regToIndex b) (regToIndex r)
getModRM (EADirect r) b = threePart (fB "11") (regToIndex b) (regToIndex r)
getModRM (Disp32 _) b = threePart (fB "00") (regToIndex b) (fB "101")
getModRM (SIB _ _ _) b = threePart (fB "00") (regToIndex b) (fB "100")
getModRM (SIBDisp8 _ _ _ _) b = threePart (fB "01") (regToIndex b) (fB "100")
getModRM (SIBDisp32 _ _ _ _) b = threePart (fB "10") (regToIndex b) (fB "100")
getModRM (SIDisp32 _ _ _) b = threePart (fB "00") (regToIndex b) (fB "100")
getModRM (SIEBPDisp8 _ _ _) b = threePart (fB "01") (regToIndex b) (fB "100")
getModRM (SIEBPDisp32 _ _ _) b = threePart (fB "10") (regToIndex b) (fB "100")
mkSIBbyte :: Scale -> R32 a b -> R32 c d -> Maybe Word8
mkSIBbyte scale index base = Just $ threePart (scaleToWord8 scale) (regToIndex index) (regToIndex base)
scaleToWord8 Scale1 = fB "00"
scaleToWord8 Scale2 = fB "01"
scaleToWord8 Scale4 = fB "10"
scaleToWord8 Scale8 = fB "11"
getSIB :: AdressMode a b -> Maybe Word8
getSIB (SIB scale index base) = mkSIBbyte scale index base
getSIB (SIBDisp8 scale index base _) = mkSIBbyte scale index base
getSIB (SIBDisp32 scale index base _) = mkSIBbyte scale index base
getSIB (SIDisp32 scale index _) = mkSIBbyte scale index EBP
getSIB (SIEBPDisp8 scale index _) = mkSIBbyte scale index EBP
getSIB (SIEBPDisp32 scale index _) = mkSIBbyte scale index EBP
getSIB _ = Nothing
int32ToBytes :: Int32 -> [Word8]
int32ToBytes = unpack . runPut . putWord32le . fromIntegral
getDisplacement :: AdressMode a b -> [Word8]
getDisplacement (EAIndirectDisp8 _ disp) = [fromIntegral disp]
getDisplacement (EAIndirectDisp32 _ disp) = int32ToBytes disp
getDisplacement (Disp32 disp) = int32ToBytes disp
getDisplacement (SIBDisp8 _ _ _ disp) = [fromIntegral disp]
getDisplacement (SIBDisp32 _ _ _ disp) = int32ToBytes disp
getDisplacement (SIDisp32 _ _ disp) = int32ToBytes disp
getDisplacement (SIEBPDisp8 _ _ disp) = [fromIntegral disp]
getDisplacement (SIEBPDisp32 _ _ disp) = int32ToBytes disp
mkModRM_SIB_Displacement :: AdressMode a b -> R32 c d -> [Word8]
mkModRM_SIB_Displacement mode reg =
case getSIB mode of
Just sib -> getModRM mode reg : sib : getDisplacement mode
Nothing -> getModRM mode reg : getDisplacement mode
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