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Last active September 25, 2015 23:47
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My dirty 2:30 AM solution for the Omni Group’s Swift Bike Shedding Club week two question: (via Brent)
sort families by their size. (let's name them A, B, C, D, and E.)
(if the biggest family is over half of the enitre group there's no valid solution.)
while A.count > B.count
pair up santas from A (the biggest family) and E (the smallest)
(e.g., Dan A is Brent E's santa and vice versa)
while there are still unmatched people
make loops of people
(e.g., Alex A is Brian B's santa. Brian is Clair C's santa, ..., and Eric E is Alex A's santa)
After each step of new santas make sure the smallest family isn't empty.
If it is empty just throw it out and treat the next one (D) as the smallest.
import Foundation
struct Person: Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
init(_ name: String) {
let nameParts = name.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
self.firstName = nameParts[0]
self.lastName = nameParts[1]
var description: String {
return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
var hashValue: Int {
return description.hashValue
func ==(lhs: Person, rhs: Person) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
func tally<T, S: Hashable>(array: [T], key: T -> S) -> [S: [T]] {
var res: [S: [T]] = [:]
for element in array {
let k = key(element)
res[k] = (res[k] ?? []) + [element]
return res
func findSantas(people: [Person]) -> [Person: Person]? {
// Tally by last name, sort by family size.
var families = tally(people, key: { person in person.lastName }).values.sort({ $0.count > $1.count })
// Verify that the biggest family isn't too big.
guard !families.isEmpty && families.first!.count <= people.count/2 else { return nil }
var santas: [Person: Person] = [:]
while families[0].count > families[1].count {
let p1 = families[0].removeLast()
let p2 = families[families.count-1].removeLast()
santas[p1] = p2
santas[p2] = p1
if families.last?.isEmpty ?? false {
while !families.isEmpty {
var previousGuy = families.last!.last!
for i in 0..<families.count {
let newGuy = families[i].removeLast()
santas[previousGuy] = newGuy
previousGuy = newGuy
while families.last?.isEmpty ?? false {
return santas
let people1 = [Person("Luke Skywalker"), Person("Leia Skywalker"), Person("Toula Portokalos"), Person("Gus Portokalos"), Person("Bruce Wayne"), Person("Virgil Brigman"), Person("Lindsey Brigman"), Person("Franz Kafka"), Person("Courtney Kafka"), Person("Skip Kafka"), Person("Aloysius Kafka")]
let people2 = [Person("Luke Skywalker"), Person("Leia Skywalker"), Person("Toula Portokalos")]
print("Solution exists: \(findSantas(people1))") // valid
print("Solution doesn't exist: \(findSantas(people2))") // returns nil
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