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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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A Groovy script to convert pragprog PML (a DocBook-like language) to Asciidoc
def replacements = [
"<bookname[^>]*>([^<]+?)</bookname>":" '\$1'"
,"<acronym>([^<]+?)</acronym>":" _\$1_"
,"<emph>([^<]+?)</emph>":" *\$1*"
,"<chapter[^>]*>([^<]*)<title>([^<]+?)</title>":"= \$2\n\n"
,"<sect1[^>]*?>([^<]*)<title>([^<]+?)</title>":"== \$2\n\n"
,"<sect2[^>]*?>([^<]*)<title>([^<]+?)</title>":"=== \$2\n\n"
,"<sect3[^>]*?>([^<]*)<title>([^<]+?)</title>":"==== \$2\n\n"
,"<sect4[^>]*?>([^<]*)<title>([^<]+?)</title>":"===== \$2\n\n"
,"<li>\n[\\s]*([\\S]*)":"* \$1"
,"<figure.*?>([^<]*)<title>([^<]*)</title>":"== \n\n.\$2"
,"<joeasks>([^<]*)<title>([^<]*)</title>":"== \n\n.\$2\n****"
,"<ddd>([^<]*)<title>([^<]*)</title>([^<]*)</ddd>":"== \n\n.\$2\n****\$3\n****\n\n"
def stripLeadingSpaces(str) {
lines.each{line -> buf+= line.trim() +"\n" }
return buf
def currentDir = new File(".");
currentDir.eachFileRecurse { file ->
if (file.path.endsWith(".pml")) {
adocFile = new File(file.path.replaceAll("[.]pml",".adoc"))
println("${file.path} ---> ${adocFile.path}" )
def fileText = file.text;
replacements.each { from, to ->
//println( from + " ---> " + to)
p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(from)
m = p.matcher(fileText);
newFileText = m.replaceAll(to)
fileText = newFileText;
// strip off leading spaces
newFileText = stripLeadingSpaces(newFileText)
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