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BK-Tree for nearest neighbor queries in metric spaces
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <ostream>
#include <stack>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// Traits
template <typename Fn, typename... Args> //
using ReturnType = decltype(std::declval<Fn>()(std::declval<Args>()...));
template <typename Ret, typename Fn, typename... Args> //
using HasReturnType = typename std::is_same<Ret, ReturnType<Fn, Args...>>::type;
// Specialize for tree printing your own distance and value types:
// - StdoutRep must be constructible from T
// - StdoutRep must have an overloaded operator<<(std::ostream&, StdoutRep<T>)
template <typename T> struct StdoutRep;
template <> struct StdoutRep<std::uint32_t> {
StdoutRep(std::uint32_t v) : value(v) {}
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, StdoutRep rep) {
return out << std::bitset<sizeof(std::uint32_t) * CHAR_BIT>{rep.value};
const std::uint32_t value;
template <typename T> auto makeStdoutRep(const T& v) { return StdoutRep<T>(v); }
// Burkhard-Keller Tree for fast nearest neighbor queries in metric spaces.
// "Some approaches to best-match file searching", Burkhard and Keller
// Works best for discrete metric spaces with a mix of equal and inequal pairwise
// distances. As this property will shape the tree, the worst case for nearest
// neighbor queries is O(n) in case all pairwise distances are the same.
// The tree will store immutable values of type T in its nodes. Feel free to
// use std::ref or pointers as T and adapt your Distance type to the indirection.
// Distance must be metric on T, i.e. for x, y, z of type T and d of type Distance:
// - d(x, y) >= 0
// - d(x, y) = 0 <=> x = y
// - d(x, y) = d(y, x)
// - d(x, z) <= d(x, y) + d(y, z)
template <typename T, typename Distance> class BKTree {
using DistanceReturnType = ReturnType<Distance, T, T>;
// The tree is made up of nodes storing a value and edges to sub-trees.
// The edges represent distances between the node's value and its sub-tree.
struct Node {
using Edges = std::vector<DistanceReturnType>;
using Children = std::vector<Node>;
Node(T value_) : value{std::move(value_)}, edges{}, children{} {}
Node(T value_, Edges edges_, Children children_)
: value{std::move(value_)}, edges{std::move(edges_)}, children{std::move(children_)} {}
// Sorts the sub-tree parallel arrays by edge representation.
// Builds index vector sorted by edges, then reorders via indices.
void sort() {
const auto len = edges.size();
if (len < 2)
std::vector<std::size_t> index(len);
std::iota(begin(index), end(index), 0);
std::sort(begin(index), end(index), [&](auto lhs, auto rhs) { return edges[lhs] < edges[rhs]; });
Edges sortedEdges;
Children sortedChildren;
for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
swap(edges, sortedEdges);
swap(children, sortedChildren);
// Layout: value is always needed for distance comparison, edges will be
// scanned via binary search, children are selectively used for descending.
// Note: parallel arrays with edge representation and sub-tree nodes.
const T value;
Edges edges;
Children children;
// Inserting values happens one at a time: traverse the tree and follow edges
// where the edge representation is equal to d(node.value, value). If there is
// no such edge insert a new child. Otherwise recurse down the tree.
// Note: insertion temporarily violates the pre-conditions for querying, i.e.
// edge representations need to be sorted for binary search. To restore the
// pre-conditions sort() must be called. Inserting all values and sorting
// afterwards avoids us having to re-sort after inserting each value.
void insert(T value) {
if (root)
insert(*root, std::move(value));
root = std::make_unique<Node>(std::move(value));
template <typename InputIt> void insert(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
std::for_each(first, last, [this](auto v) { this->insert(v); });
void insert(Node& node, T value) {
std::stack<Node*> recursion;
while (!recursion.empty()) {
auto next =;
auto dist = distance(next->value, value);
// Either no subtree with this distance, insert new node
// Or there is a subtree with this distance, recurse down
auto it = std::find(begin(next->edges), end(next->edges), dist);
if (it == end(next->edges)) {
} else {
auto at = std::distance(begin(next->edges), it);
// Sorting the tree is required for doing binary searches on the edge representations.
// Needs to be called after bulk-insertion and before querying for nearest neighbors.
// Walks the tree recursively sorting all node's childrens by edge representation.
void sort() {
if (!root)
std::stack<Node*> recursion;
while (!recursion.empty()) {
auto next =;
for (std::size_t at = 0; at < next->edges.size(); ++at) {
// Querying for nearest neighbors happens by traversing the tree following edges
// recursively where the edge representation is in the range [d - k, d + k] with:
// d is d(node.value, value) and k is the max. allowed difference to the distance.
// Note: pre-condition for nearest neighbor queries is a sorted tree. We need the
// edge representations to be sorted for doing binary searches on them. See sort().
template <typename OutputIt> void nearest(const Node& node, const T& value, std::size_t delta, OutputIt out) const {
std::stack<const Node*> recursion;
while (!recursion.empty()) {
auto next =;
const auto dist = distance(next->value, value);
if (dist <= delta) {
*out = next->value;
const auto minDist = dist > delta ? dist - delta : 0;
const auto maxDist = dist + delta;
const auto first = std::lower_bound(begin(next->edges), end(next->edges), minDist);
const auto last = std::upper_bound(first, end(next->edges), maxDist);
for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) {
auto at = std::distance(first, it);
// Printing happens by traversing the tree following edges recursively.
void printTextToStdout(const Node& node) const {
using Indentation = std::size_t;
std::stack<std::pair<const Node*, Indentation>> recursion;
recursion.push(std::make_pair(&node, 0));
while (!recursion.empty()) {
auto next =;
const auto valueRep = makeStdoutRep(next.first->value);
std::cout << std::string(next.second, ' ') << "- Node: [ " << valueRep << " ] with Edges: [ ";
for (auto dist : next.first->edges) {
const auto distRep = makeStdoutRep(dist);
std::cout << distRep << ' ';
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
for (const auto& child : next.first->children) {
recursion.push(std::make_pair(&child, next.second + 4));
void printDotToStdout(const Node& node) const {
std::stack<const Node*> recursion;
std::cout << "graph bktree {" << std::endl;
while (!recursion.empty()) {
auto next =;
for (std::size_t at = 0; at < next->edges.size(); ++at) {
const auto& edge = next->edges[at];
const auto& child = next->children[at];
const auto valueRep = makeStdoutRep(next->value);
const auto childValueRep = makeStdoutRep(child.value);
const auto edgeRep = makeStdoutRep(edge);
std::cout << " " << valueRep << " -- " << childValueRep << "[label=\"" << edgeRep << "\"];" << std::endl;
std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
// Constructs a BK-Tree based on a range of items and a distance function for pairs of items
template <typename InputIt> //
BKTree(InputIt first, InputIt last, const Distance& distance_ = Distance()) : distance{distance_} {
insert(first, last);
// Queries the BK-Tree for items with a distance of at most delta away from value.
// Writes results into out. Results are not sorted by distance.
template <typename OutputIt> //
void nearest(const T& value, const DistanceReturnType delta, OutputIt out) const {
if (root)
nearest(*root, value, delta, out);
// Queries the BK-Tree for items with a distance of at most delta away from value.
// Writes the n best results sorted by distance into out.
template <typename OutputIt> //
void nearest(const T& value, const DistanceReturnType delta, std::size_t n, OutputIt out) const {
std::vector<T> near;
nearest(value, delta, back_inserter(near));
n = std::min(n, near.size());
auto byDistanceToValue = [&](const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return distance(value, lhs) < distance(value, rhs); };
std::nth_element(begin(near), begin(near) + n, end(near), byDistanceToValue);
std::sort(begin(near), begin(near) + n, byDistanceToValue);
std::copy_n(begin(near), n, out);
// Outputs the BK-Tree to stdout.
void printTextToStdout() const {
if (root)
// Outputs the BK-Tree in DOT format to stdout.
// dot -Tsvg -Grankdir="LR" -o bk.svg
void printDotToStdout() const {
if (root)
const Distance& distance;
std::unique_ptr<Node> root;
// Convenience construction helper for type deduction; see BKTree's constructor.
template <typename InputIt, typename Distance>
auto makeBKTree(InputIt first, InputIt last, const Distance& distance = Distance()) {
return BKTree<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type, Distance>{first, last, distance};
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