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Last active February 24, 2021 17:03
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IOC connection time analysis

IOC connection time analysis

We will use caproto-shark to analyze CA network traffic. Note that the actual servers and clients involve may or may not be using caproto themselves; it does not matter.

  1. Install caproto and pandas if they are not already installed.

    pip install caproto[standard] pandas
  2. Start tcpdump to capture network traffic and write it to a file.

    sudo tcpdump -i <INTERFACE> -w some_network_traffic.pcap

    Use ifconfig to list the available interfaces. For example, if the servers in question are running on the localhost:

    sudo tcpdump -i lo -w some_network_traffic.pcap
  3. Run some EPICS client code that will create CA connections with servers (e.g. run bsui).

  4. Stop tcpdump with Ctrl+C.

  5. Analyze the results using the script in this gist.

    python some_network_traffic.pcap

Example output:

0 channel creation requests were unanswered during this capture.

Raw data:
          PV  server_address             t        dt
0   simple:A  1.614185e+09  0.014851
1   simple:B  1.614185e+09  0.014851
2   simple:C  1.614185e+09  0.014851
3  rpi:color  1.614185e+09  0.150308

Aggregated stats by server address:
                count      mean  std       min       25%       50%       75%       max
server_address                                                                    3.0  0.014851  0.0  0.014851  0.014851  0.014851  0.014851  0.014851    1.0  0.150308  NaN  0.150308  0.150308  0.150308  0.150308  0.150308
Analyze IOCs response times for channel creation (connection).
python some_network_traffic.pcap
from collections import namedtuple
from caproto import CreateChanRequest, CreateChanResponse
from caproto.sync.shark import shark
import pandas
Pair = namedtuple("Pair", ["request", "response"])
Record = namedtuple("Record", ["PV", "server_address", "t", "dt"])
def match_request_and_response(parsed):
"From a stream of parsed CA traffic, extract channel creation request/response pairs."
unanswered_requests = {}
pairs = []
for item in parsed:
command = item.command
if isinstance(command, CreateChanRequest):
unanswered_requests[command.cid] = item
elif isinstance(command, CreateChanResponse):
request_item = unanswered_requests.pop(command.cid, None)
pairs.append(Pair(request_item, item))
return pairs, list(unanswered_requests.values())
def build_record_from_request_and_response_pair(pair):
"Extract PV name, server address, absolute time t, and request/response dt."
request, response = pair
record = Record(,
dt=response.timestamp - request.timestamp
return record
def main(filepath):
with open(filepath, "rb") as file:
parsed = shark(file)
pairs, unanswered = match_request_and_response(parsed)
print(f"{len(unanswered)} channel creation requests were unanswered during this capture.")
# TODO Tally the unanswered requests by server_address and print that.
# The collections.Counter object would be useful there.
records = [build_record_from_request_and_response_pair(pair) for pair in pairs]
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(records, columns=Record._fields)
server_stats = df.groupby("server_address")["dt"].describe()
print("\n\nRaw data:")
print("\n\nAggregated stats by server address:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
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