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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Heterozygote Polarization - Polarizes Heterozygous calls based on a prior likelyhood of identifying a heterozygous call in a VCF File. Useful for calling variants in organisms with low levels of heterozygosity. Frequently, this is the case in hermaphroditic organisms such as C. elegans. #VCF
Heterozygote Polarization Script
bcftools view -M 2 <filename> | python | bcftools view -O b > <filename.het.polarized.bcf>
Tags variants 'pushed' to ref or alt as follows:
AA - Pushed towards reference
AB - Kept as het
BB - Pushed towards alternative
import sys
import math
def phred2p(phred):
return 10**(phred/-10.0)
def GL2PL(gl):
""" Converts Genotype likelyhoods to phred scaled (PL) genotype likelyhoods. """
return -int(gl*10)
def main():
format_added = False
for l in sys.stdin.xreadlines():
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith("#CHROM"):
# Get Sample information and count
samples = l.strip().split("\t")[9:]
elif l.startswith("##FORMAT=<ID=GL,"):
l = """##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description="List of Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods">"""
elif l.startswith("#"):
# Add Info line for het polarization flag
if l.startswith("##FORMAT") and format_added == False:
format_added = True
l = l + "\n##FORMAT=<ID=HP,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Flag used to mark whether a variant was polarized\">"
# Pass comment lines.
if l.split('\t')[8].find("GL") > 0:
# Replace GL with PL scores.
l = l.split('\t')
GL_loc = l[8].split(":").index("GL")
l[8] = l[8].replace("GL","PL")
geno_set = []
for k,v in enumerate(l[9:]):
GT = v.split(":")
GL_set = GT[GL_loc].split(",")
GT[GL_loc] = ','.join([str(GL2PL(float(i))) for i in GL_set])
GT[GL_loc] = ",".join(GL_set)
l = l[0:9] + geno_set
l = '\t'.join(l)
l = l.strip().split("\t")
if l[8].find("PL") > -1:
PL = l[8].split(":").index("PL")
add_HP_flag = 0
for k,v in enumerate(l[9:]):
PL_set = v.split(":")[PL].split(",")
v = v.split(":")
if len(PL_set) == 3:
PL_set = [phred2p(int(i)) for i in PL_set]
log_score = -math.log10(PL_set[0]/PL_set[2])
if add_HP_flag == 0:
if l[8].find("HP") == -1:
l[8] = l[8] + ":HP"
add_HP_flag = 1
if (log_score < -2):
v[0] = "0/0"
if v[-1] not in ["AA","AB","BB"]:
l[k+9] = v + ["AA"]
l[k+9] = v[0:-1] + ["AA"]
elif (log_score > 2):
v[0] = "1/1"
if v[-1] not in ["AA","AB","BB"]:
l[k+9] = v + ["BB"]
l[k+9] = v[0:-1] + ["BB"]
v[0] = "0/1"
if v[-1] not in ["AA","AB","BB"]:
l[k+9] = v + ["AB"]
l[k+9] = v[0:-1] + ["AB"]
l[k+9] = v + [":."]
l[k+9] = ":".join(l[k+9])
l = "\t".join(l)
sys.stdout.write(l + "\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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