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Last active April 19, 2021 12:49
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Rake Task Correctly
#Use whenever gem=
gem 'whenever', require: false
$ cd /apps/my-great-project
$ bundle exec wheneverize .
## review crontab
# way 1
$ cd /apps/my-great-project
$ bundle exec whenever
# way 2
crontab -e
#way 3
crontab -l
## Schedule.rb
set :output, "log/cron.log" ## loggs
env :PATH, ENV['PATH'] ## set environment
every 5.minutes do
rake "ending_competition:finalize"
rake "ending_competition:complete"
## Task
namespace :ending_competition do
task finalize: :environment do
time =
if Competition.where(timeline_end: (time.beginning_of_day..time.end_of_day)).present?
competitions = Competition.where(timeline_end: (time.beginning_of_day..time.end_of_day))
competitions.update_all(status: "finalized")
puts "task ending_competition:finalize success"
task complete: :environment do
time =
if Competition.where(timeline_final: (time.beginning_of_day..time.end_of_day)).present?
competitions = Competition.where(timeline_final: (time.beginning_of_day..time.end_of_day))
competitions.each do |competition|
competition.add_score(competition.total_prize, competition.points)
competition.update!(status: "completed")
puts "task ending_competition:complete success"
## update crontab in development
## whatever defaults to production and will by default look for a production database.
## To change this behaviour you can update the crontab and set it to development as such:
whenever --update-crontab --set environment='development'
## I don't need to do this in production, because capistrano do that for me
## run tasks manually in development
rake ending_competition:finalize
## setup with capistrano
## config/deploy
set :whenever_roles, -> { [:app, :db, :web] }
set :whenever_identifier, ->{ "#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:rails_env)}" }
## Capfile
require 'whenever/capistrano'
## when we deploy, crontab file is updated in production server
## to see the crontab file in production type this
ssh deploy@server
crontab -e
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