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Created September 28, 2011 20:08
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Jade Issue #354
h1 My Site
p Welcome to my super lame site.
include template.jqtl
* Module dependencies.
var jade = require('jade')
, path = __dirname + '/includes.jade'
, str = require('fs').readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
, fn = jade.compile(str, { filename: path, pretty: true });
<script id="template" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div class="info">
<a id="display" href="#">Switch to compact view</a></li>
<p class="updated">Updated <time datetime="${dateFormat(metadata.whenGMT, 'isoUtcDateTime')}">${dateFormat(metadata.whenGMT, 'timeDate')}</time></p>
{{each(f,feed) updatedFeeds.updatedFeed}}
<div class="section">
<div class="header">
{{if feed.websiteUrl}}<a href="${feed.websiteUrl}">{{/if}}<img class="icon" src="${getFavicon(feed.websiteUrl)}" alt="">{{if feed.websiteUrl}}</a>{{/if}}
{{if feed.websiteUrl}}<a href="${feed.websiteUrl}">{{/if}}${feed.feedTitle}{{if feed.websiteUrl}}</a>{{/if}}
(<a href="${feed.feedUrl}" title="Subscribe to ${feed.feedTitle}">Feed</a>)
<span class="time">${dateFormat(feed.whenLastUpdate, 'timeDate')}</span>
{{each(i,item) feed.item}}
<div class="article">
<div class="header">
<h3><a href="{{if item.permaLink}}${item.permaLink}{{else}}${}{{/if}}" rel="external">{{if item.title}}${item.title}{{else}}${item.body}{{/if}}</a></h3>
{{if item.title}}
{{if item.body}}
<div class="description">
{{each(t,thumbnail) item.thumbnail}}
<img class="thumbnail" src="${thumbnail.url}" width="${thumbnail.width}" height="${thumbnail.height}" alt="">
<div class="footer">
<span class="time">${timeDifference(item.pubDate)}</span>
<ul class="actions">
{{if item.comments}}
<li><a href="${item.comments}" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Comment</a></li>
{{each(e,enclosure) item.enclosure}}
<li class="enclosure ${getEnclosureType(enclosure.type)}"><a href="${enclosure.url}">Download enclosure (${enclosure.type}, ${getEnclosureSize(enclosure.length)})</a></li>
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