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Danny Englander (he/him) danny-englander

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Styleguide Throwdown - Part 1



Large goals of style guide:

"Platform agnostic enough” (to be useful to other teams) To make our development process easier Developers report that the current SG2 approach is not furthering those goals. In particular, there are complaints about having to do double work, and the fragility of our build and deploy process.

sakalauskas / FontAwesome-v5.0.9-Free.json
Last active February 14, 2024 03:28
List of all Font Awesome 5 icons in JSON Cheetsheet
"fas fa-address-book","fas fa-address-card","fas fa-adjust","fas fa-align-center","fas fa-align-justify","fas fa-align-left","fas fa-align-right","fas fa-allergies","fas fa-ambulance","fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting","fas fa-anchor","fas fa-angle-double-down","fas fa-angle-double-left","fas fa-angle-double-right","fas fa-angle-double-up","fas fa-angle-down","fas fa-angle-left","fas fa-angle-right","fas fa-angle-up","fas fa-archive","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up","fas fa-arrow-circle-down","fas fa-arrow-circle-left","fas fa-arrow-circle-right","fas fa-arrow-circle-up","fas fa-arrow-down","fas fa-arrow-left","fas fa-arrow-right","fas fa-arrow-up","fas fa-arrows-alt","fas fa-arrows-alt-h","fas fa-arrows-alt-v","fas fa-assistive-listening-systems","fas fa-asterisk","fas fa-at","fas fa-audio-description","fas fa-backward","fas fa-balance-scale","fas fa-ban","fas fa-band-aid","fas fa-barcode","fas fa-bars",
startinggravity /
Last active October 29, 2019 01:50
Using Lando with Emulsify

I have had a few requests for more information about using Lando with Drupal 8, the Emulsify theme and Gulp. In order to put what I've learned in one place, I'm adding my notes here.

My initial problem was reported here, but since then I have discovered a few additional things worth noting.

Once you have a working site on Lando and are ready to install Emulsify use the following directions instead of what has provided by the Emulsify developers. These instructions assume you have used Composer to install Drupal and that the root Drupal files are in the /web directory.

NOTE: To follow these instructions, you will need to run NPM commands from your host machine, which means you must have Node and NPM installed. Fortunately, they are installed together in one installation. If you wish to confirm you have them installed, run node -v and npm -v. To install, visit and follow the i

MatthieuScarset / .lando.yml
Last active January 4, 2024 15:03
Correct settings for XDebug + VSCode + Lando (+3.0)
# Lando version is at least +3.0
name: drupal-nine
recipe: drupal9
webroot: web
xdebug: debug
php: .vscode/php.ini
krisrobinson / custom.theme.php
Last active December 7, 2022 12:27
Drupal 8 check paragraph bundles and print out view modes in node.hml.twig
use Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\Paragraph;
* Implements template_preprocess_node
* Add variables for paragraphs available to node templates
function CUSTOM_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
// Convenience Variables
froboy /
Last active May 19, 2022 19:15
Sometimes composer (in your Drupal 8 environment) gets grupmy... when that happens, it's time to go nucular.
# This script intentionally deletes a lot of things that could be important!!!!!
# Please be sure you have a backup before you go nucular!!!!!
# Depending on where your web root is...
rm -rf vendor/ && rm -rf web/core && rm -rf web/modules/contrib/ && rm -rf composer.lock
# or
rm -rf vendor/ && rm -rf docroot/core && rm -rf docroot/modules/contrib/ && rm -rf composer.lock
wwwebman / add-remove-input-class.js
Created May 27, 2017 08:18
Add/Remove class when on input Focus/Blur with Pure JS
var IputEffect = function(){
var placeholderPosition, appendInputWhenSelect, actions;
actions = {
activate: function(el) {
deactivate: function(el) {
if (el.value === '') el.parentNode.parentNode.removeClass('active');
NikLP / zebra.html.twig
Last active February 25, 2021 12:55
Set zebra-style (odd/even) classes in twig loop in drupal 8 (bootstrap) theme
<div{{ attributes.addClass('container') }}>
{% for item in items %}
{# NB! notation: loop.index is 1 start, loop.index0 is zero start #}
<div class="row {{ loop.index0 is odd ? 'zebra-odd' : 'zebra-even' }}">
<div{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.content }}</div>
{% endfor %}
konstantin-morenko / list-categories-count.liquid
Last active January 21, 2021 14:49 — forked from Phlow/list-categories-count.liquid
Jekyll: List all categories with according post count and show and link all post items listed in the according category
{% assign categories_list = site.categories %}
{% if categories_list.first[0] == null %}
{% for category in categories_list %}
<li><a href="#{{ category }}">{{ category | capitalize }} ({{ site.tags[category].size }})</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for category in categories_list %}
<li><a href="#{{ tag[0] }}">{{ category[0] | capitalize }} ({{ category[1].size }})</a></li>
mllrjb / _utility.border.scss
Created January 7, 2017 21:10
Sass border utility
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Helper classes for adding borders to elements
Class names follow this convention: