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dannygarcia /
Last active September 23, 2020 23:52
Convert Image Sequence to Animations
# This is not intended to be run as an executable shell script file.
# These are just the commands I use directly in the terminal after `cd`-ing to the image sequence directory.
# Images are named in this format: ####.png
# Convert video to sequence (ffmpeg)
ffmpeg -i anim.mp4 -vf fps=60 %04d.png
# Convert sequence to animated GIF (imagemagick)
convert -delay 2.5 -loop 0 *.png anim.gif
var sketch = require('sketch')
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage;
var vFrom = 'v11';
var vTo = 'v12';
var symbols = page.layers.filter(l => > -1));
dannygarcia / SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
Created April 21, 2012 00:02
Sublime Linter User Settings
"jshint_options" :
"adsafe": false,
"bitwise": false,
"newcap": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"immed": true,
"nomen": false,
"onevar": true,
dannygarcia / square.frag
Created June 28, 2017 16:27
Draws a square in a fragment shader (unoptimized implementation).
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
void main(){
vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy/u_resolution.xy;
dannygarcia / imagemap.html
Created September 16, 2016 06:10
Classic Site Image Map Preview
.box {
display: inline-block;
border: 2px solid #f2f2f2;
margin: 10px;
padding: 10px;
vertical-align: middle;
border-radius: 10px;
font-family: monospace;
color: #333;
AC.Retina = AC.Class();
AC.Retina.prototype = {__defaultOptions: {attribute: "data-hires",recursive: true,queueSize: 8,publishNotifications: true},initialize: function ac_initialize(b) {
this._benchmarkTimer = new Date();
this._options = {};
this._globalBlacklist = null;
this._tagNameBlacklist = null;
this._images = [];
this._paused = false;
this._deferredQueue = null;
this.__queues = [];
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+j"], "command": "js_run" }
dannygarcia / _absolute.scss
Created July 27, 2013 00:20
Absolute Mixin
@mixin absolute($top: false, $right: false, $bottom: false, $left: false) {
position: absolute;
@if $top != false {
top: $top;
@if $right != false {
right: $right;
@if $bottom != false {
bottom: $bottom;
dannygarcia / font.css
Created April 4, 2013 22:31
CSS to override default font styling in the LightGrid tumblr theme.
#content, #content p, #content ul {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Geneva, sans-serif;