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Created April 8, 2019 16:51
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JavaScript file to calculate the sun's position for given Earth coordinates + Date object
/* solar.js -- Solar position ported source
This file was a part of Redshift.
Redshift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Redshift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Redshift. If not, see <>.
Copyright (c) 2010 Jon Lund Steffensen <>
/* Model of atmospheric refraction near horizon (in degrees). */
var SOLAR_ATM_REFRAC = 0.833
var solar_time = [
/* C was ported from javascript code by U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration:
It is based on equations from "Astronomical Algorithms" by
Jean Meeus. */
function RAD(x) { return (x)*(Math.PI/180); }
function DEG(x) { return (x)*(180/Math.PI); }
/* Angels of various times of day. */
var time_angle = {
/* Unix epoch from Julian day */
function epoch_from_jd(jd)
return new Date(86400.0*(jd - 2440587.5) * 1000);
/* Julian day from unix epoch */
function jd_from_epoch(t)
return (t / 1000 / 86400.0) + 2440587.5;
/* Julian centuries since J2000.0 from Julian day */
function jcent_from_jd(jd)
return (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
/* Julian day from Julian centuries since J2000.0 */
function jd_from_jcent(t)
return 36525.0*t + 2451545.0;
/* Geometric mean longitude of the sun.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Geometric mean logitude in radians. */
function sun_geom_mean_lon(t)
/* FIXME returned value should always be positive */
return RAD((280.46646 + t*(36000.76983 + t*0.0003032)) % 360);
/* Geometric mean anomaly of the sun.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Geometric mean anomaly in radians. */
function sun_geom_mean_anomaly(t)
return RAD(357.52911 + t*(35999.05029 - t*0.0001537));
/* Eccentricity of earth orbit.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Eccentricity (unitless). */
function earth_orbit_eccentricity(t)
return 0.016708634 - t*(0.000042037 + t*0.0000001267);
/* Equation of center of the sun.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Center(?) in radians */
function sun_equation_of_center(t)
/* Use the first three terms of the equation. */
var m = sun_geom_mean_anomaly(t);
var c = Math.sin(m)*(1.914602 - t*(0.004817 + 0.000014*t)) +
Math.sin(2*m)*(0.019993 - 0.000101*t) +
return RAD(c);
/* True longitude of the sun.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: True longitude in radians */
function sun_true_lon(t)
var l_0 = sun_geom_mean_lon(t);
var c = sun_equation_of_center(t);
return l_0 + c;
/* Apparent longitude of the sun. (Right ascension).
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Apparent longitude in radians */
function sun_apparent_lon(t)
var o = sun_true_lon(t);
return RAD(DEG(o) - 0.00569 - 0.00478*Math.sin(RAD(125.04 - 1934.136*t)));
/* Mean obliquity of the ecliptic
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Mean obliquity in radians */
function mean_ecliptic_obliquity(t)
var sec = 21.448 - t*(46.815 + t*(0.00059 - t*0.001813));
return RAD(23.0 + (26.0 + (sec/60.0))/60.0);
/* Corrected obliquity of the ecliptic.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Currected obliquity in radians */
function obliquity_corr(t)
var e_0 = mean_ecliptic_obliquity(t);
var omega = 125.04 - t*1934.136;
return RAD(DEG(e_0) + 0.00256*Math.cos(RAD(omega)));
/* Declination of the sun.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Declination in radians */
function solar_declination(t)
var e = obliquity_corr(t);
var lambda = sun_apparent_lon(t);
return Math.asin(Math.sin(e)*Math.sin(lambda));
/* Difference between true solar time and mean solar time.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
Return: Difference in minutes */
function equation_of_time(t)
var epsilon = obliquity_corr(t);
var l_0 = sun_geom_mean_lon(t);
var e = earth_orbit_eccentricity(t);
var m = sun_geom_mean_anomaly(t);
var y = Math.pow(Math.tan(epsilon/2.0), 2.0);
var eq_time = y*Math.sin(2*l_0) - 2*e*Math.sin(m) +
4*e*y*Math.sin(m)*Math.cos(2*l_0) -
0.5*y*y*Math.sin(4*l_0) -
return 4*DEG(eq_time);
function copysign(x, y) {
return Math.abs(x) * (y < 0 ? -1 : 1);
/* Hour angle at the location for the given angular elevation.
lat: Latitude of location in degrees
decl: Declination in radians
elev: Angular elevation angle in radians
Return: Hour angle in radians */
function hour_angle_from_elevation(lat, decl, elev)
var omega = Math.acos((Math.cos(Math.abs(elev)) - Math.sin(RAD(lat))*Math.sin(decl))/
return copysign(omega, -elev);
/* Angular elevation at the location for the given hour angle.
lat: Latitude of location in degrees
decl: Declination in radians
ha: Hour angle in radians
Return: Angular elevation in radians */
function elevation_from_hour_angle(lat, decl, ha)
return Math.asin(Math.cos(ha)*Math.cos(RAD(lat))*Math.cos(decl) +
/* Time of apparent solar noon of location on earth.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
lon: Longitude of location in degrees
Return: Time difference from mean solar midnigth in minutes */
function time_of_solar_noon(t, lon)
/* First pass uses approximate solar noon to
calculate equation of time. */
var t_noon = jcent_from_jd(jd_from_jcent(t) - lon/360.0);
var eq_time = equation_of_time(t_noon);
var sol_noon = 720 - 4*lon - eq_time;
/* Recalculate using new solar noon. */
t_noon = jcent_from_jd(jd_from_jcent(t) - 0.5 + sol_noon/1440.0);
eq_time = equation_of_time(t_noon);
sol_noon = 720 - 4*lon - eq_time;
/* No need to do more iterations */
return sol_noon;
/* Time of given apparent solar angular elevation of location on earth.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
t_noon: Apparent solar noon in Julian centuries since J2000.0
lat: Latitude of location in degrees
lon: Longtitude of location in degrees
elev: Solar angular elevation in radians
Return: Time difference from mean solar midnight in minutes */
function time_of_solar_elevation(t, t_noon, lat, lon, elev)
/* First pass uses approximate sunrise to
calculate equation of time. */
var eq_time = equation_of_time(t_noon);
var sol_decl = solar_declination(t_noon);
var ha = hour_angle_from_elevation(lat, sol_decl, elev);
var sol_offset = 720 - 4*(lon + DEG(ha)) - eq_time;
/* Recalculate using new sunrise. */
var t_rise = jcent_from_jd(jd_from_jcent(t) + sol_offset/1440.0);
eq_time = equation_of_time(t_rise);
sol_decl = solar_declination(t_rise);
ha = hour_angle_from_elevation(lat, sol_decl, elev);
sol_offset = 720 - 4*(lon + DEG(ha)) - eq_time;
/* No need to do more iterations */
return sol_offset;
/* Solar angular elevation at the given location and time.
t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
lat: Latitude of location
lon: Longitude of location
Return: Solar angular elevation in radians */
function solar_elevation_from_time(t, lat, lon)
/* Minutes from midnight */
var jd = jd_from_jcent(t);
var offset = (jd - Math.round(jd) - 0.5)*1440.0;
var eq_time = equation_of_time(t);
var ha = RAD((720 - offset - eq_time)/4 - lon);
var decl = solar_declination(t);
return elevation_from_hour_angle(lat, decl, ha);
/* Solar angular elevation at the given location and time.
date: Seconds since unix epoch
lat: Latitude of location
lon: Longitude of location
Return: Solar angular elevation in degrees */
function solar_elevation (date, lat, lon)
var jd = jd_from_epoch(date);
return DEG(solar_elevation_from_time(jcent_from_jd(jd), lat, lon));
function solar_table (date, lat, lon)
var table = {};
/* Calculate Julian day */
var jd = jd_from_epoch(date);
/* Calculate Julian day number */
var jdn = Math.round(jd);
var t = jcent_from_jd(jdn);
/* Calculate apparent solar noon */
var sol_noon = time_of_solar_noon(t, lon);
var j_noon = jdn - 0.5 + sol_noon/1440.0;
var t_noon = jcent_from_jd(j_noon);
table.SOLAR_TIME_NOON = epoch_from_jd(j_noon);
/* Calculate solar midnight */
table.SOLAR_TIME_MIDNIGHT = epoch_from_jd(j_noon + 0.5);
/* Calulate absoute time of other phenomena */
solar_time.forEach(function (i) {
var angle = time_angle[i];
var offset =
time_of_solar_elevation(t, t_noon, lat, lon, angle);
table[i] = epoch_from_jd(jdn - 0.5 + offset/1440.0);
return table;
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