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Created May 6, 2018 17:49
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package cisc181.egghunt;
// import cisc181.egghunt.GamePiece;
// import cisc181.egghunt.eggHuntGame;
// import cisc181.egghunt.eggHuntAction;
import java.util.*;
public class eggHuntTest{
private String up = "up";
private String down = "down";
private String left = "left";
private String right = "right";
public void testGame(){
eggHuntGame game = new eggHuntGame();
// lets pretend the egg was placed at (4,5)
int eggX = game.getEggX();
int eggY = game.getEggY();
eggHuntAction action1 = new eggHuntAction(down, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action2 = new eggHuntAction(down, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action3 = new eggHuntAction(right, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action4 = new eggHuntAction(right, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action5 = new eggHuntAction(down, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action6 = new eggHuntAction(down, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action7 = new eggHuntAction(right, eggX, eggY);
eggHuntAction action8 = new eggHuntAction(right, eggX, eggY);
// isEnd should return true, ending game, because we are one spot away from egg and it shows now, triggering the ending message
class eggHuntGame extends Game{
private GameBoard huntBoard;
private GamePiece eggPiece = new GamePiece('O');
private GamePiece playerPiece = new GamePiece('*');
private int numSteps;
private int eggY;
private int eggX;
private int plyX;
private int plyY;
public eggHuntGame(){
GamePiece E = new GamePiece(GamePiece.EMPTY);
GamePiece H = new GamePiece('#'); // Hidden
this.huntBoard = new GameBoard(new GamePiece[][]{
// Create a 10x10 empty board, playerPiece starts at (0,0)
{H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H} });
public GameBoard getHuntBoard(){
return this.huntBoard;
public int getEggX(){
return this.eggX;
public int getEggY(){
return this.eggY;
public boolean isEnd(boolean ending){ // insert the actions checkEnd as ending
if(ending == true){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void onEnd(){
System.out.println("Found the egg!");
// set the egg somwhere on the board in a 2 piece radius from the start
public void placeEgg() {
Random generator = new Random();
eggY = generator.nextInt(7) + 2;
eggX = generator.nextInt(7) + 2;
// huntBoard.setPiece(eggY,eggX,this.eggPiece); wait dont do this it will show the piece
public String toString(){
return (this.getHuntBoard().toString());
public int getScore(){
return this.numSteps;
public int getSteps(){
return this.numSteps;
class eggHuntAction implements Action<eggHuntGame>{
private int posY;
private int posX;
private String pDir;
private GamePiece playerPiece = new GamePiece('*');
private int eggX;
private int eggY;
public eggHuntAction(String direction, int eggX, int eggY) {
this.posY = 2;
this.posX = 2;
this.pDir = direction;
this.eggX = eggX;
this.eggY = eggY;
// why is this a problem
public boolean isValid(){
if(this.pDir.equals("down") && this.posY > 8){
return false;
} else if (this.pDir.equals("up") && this.posY < 1){
return false;
} else if (this.pDir.equals("left") && this.posX < 1){
return false;
} else if (this.pDir.equals("right") && this.posX > 8){
return false;
} else {
return true;
public boolean checkEnd(){
if((this.posX - this.eggX == 1 || this.posX - this.eggX == (-1)) && (this.posY - this.eggY == 1 || this.posY = this.eggY == -1)){
return true;
} else {
return false;
// why is the coloring weird? I think that reason might be why its not working
public void update(eggHuntGame game){
if(this.pDir.equals("down") && this.posY > 8){
game.setPiece(this.posY, this.posX, this.playerPiece);
GamePiece E = new GamePiece(GamePiece.EMPTY);
game.setPiece((this.posY + 1), this.posX, E);
} else if (this.pDir.equals("up") && this.posY < 1){
game.setPiece(this.posY, this.posX, this.playerPiece);
GamePiece E = new GamePiece(GamePiece.EMPTY);
game.setPiece((this.posY - 1), this.posX, E);
} else if (this.pDir.equals("left") && this.posX < 1){
game.setPiece(this.posY, this.posX, this.playerPiece);
GamePiece E = new GamePiece(GamePiece.EMPTY);
game.setPiece(this.posY, (this.posX - 1), E);
} else if (this.pDir.equals("right") && this.posX > 8){
game.setPiece(this.posY, this.posX, this.playerPiece);
GamePiece E = new GamePiece(GamePiece.EMPTY);
game.setPiece(this.posY, (this.posX + 1), E);
} else {
System.out.println("What just happened? You can't do that!");
public String toString(){
return "Player is at: (" + this.posX + ", " + this.posY + ")";
class GamePiece {
public static final char EMPTY = 'E';
private char symbol;
public GamePiece(char symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
public char getSymbol() {
return symbol;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return symbol == EMPTY;
public String toString() {
return Character.toString(symbol);
public boolean equals(GamePiece otherPiece) {
return this.symbol == otherPiece.getSymbol();
class GameBoard {
private GamePiece[][] board;
public GameBoard( GamePiece[][] board) {
this.board = board;
public GamePiece[][] getBoard() {
return board;
public void setPiece(int row, int column, GamePiece piece) {
board[row][column] = piece;
public boolean hasEmptySpace() {
for (GamePiece[] row : board) {
for (GamePiece value : row) {
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return true;
return false;
public GamePiece getPiece(int row,int column){
return board[row][column];
// accepts a start row, a start column, direction to change row, direction to change column, symbol
private int numConsecutive(int row, int column, int dr, int dc, char symbol) {
int maxSequence = 0;
int currentSequence = 0;
while (isInBounds(row, column)) {
// we are looping down the sequence looking for chars == symbol
if (board[row][column].getSymbol() == symbol) {
else {
// the square does not belong to player
currentSequence = 0;
maxSequence = Math.max(maxSequence, currentSequence);
row += dr;
column += dc;
return maxSequence;
// find max number of symbols in a row
public int getMaxConsecutive(char symbol) {
int maxScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// for each row (left to right)
// start at row 0, column 0 , don't change row, change column +1
maxScore = Math.max(maxScore, numConsecutive(i, 0, 0, 1, symbol));
// for each column (top to bottom)
// start at row 0, column i , change row + 1, don't change column
maxScore = Math.max(maxScore, numConsecutive(0, i, 1, 0, symbol));
// for diagonal (top-left to bottom-right)
// start at row 0, column i , change row + 1, change column + 1
maxScore = Math.max(maxScore, numConsecutive(0, 0, 1, 1, symbol));
// for diagonal (top-right to bottom-left)
// start at row 0, column 2 , change row + 1, change column -1
maxScore = Math.max(maxScore, numConsecutive(0, 2, 1, -1, symbol));
return maxScore;
public boolean isInBounds(int row, int column) {
return row >= 0 && column >= 0 &&
row < getBoard().length &&
column < getBoard()[row].length;
* Returns a "visual" representation of a TicTacToe board
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
buffer.append( " " + board[i][j]);
return buffer.toString();
abstract class Game {
// Don't override this method
public final void start() {
// we will be adding code to this when we cover ticks and listeners
* This is the method to override for game specific start
* logic.
protected void onStart() {
// Don't override this method
private final void end() {
// we will be adding code to this when we cover ticks and listeners
* This is the method to override for game specific end
* logic.
protected void onEnd() {
* return true if the Game is over
public abstract boolean isEnd();
* It is expected that the Game return a status
* or String representation of its current state
public abstract String toString();
* Performs an action on the game.
public final void perform(Action action) {
if (action.isValid(this)) {
if (isEnd()) {
* This is the method to override if you need to do something
* different than the default update for the Action.
protected void onPerformAction(Action action) {
interface Action<G extends Game> {
* Returns true if this Action is valid to perform
* on the given state of the game
public boolean isValid(G game);
* Mutates state of the game according to the properties
* of this Action
public void update(G game);
// Add setPiece method somewhere
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