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Last active January 20, 2019 11:07
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πŸ“ Rapid ES6 Training β€” Notes
// Hoisting
'use strict';
console.log(productId); // undefined
var productId = 12;
// No hoisting with let keyword
'use strict';
console.log(productId); // ReferenceError
let productId = 12;
// let + block scoping
'use strict';
let productId = 12;
let productId = 13;
console.log(productId); // 12
// let + block scoping - ReferenceError
'use strict';
let productId = 13;
console.log(productId); // ReferenceError
// Block scoping
'use strict';
function updateProductId() {
productId = 12;
let productId = null;
console.log(productId); // 12
// Block scoping: let + for loop
'use strict';
let productId = 42;
for (let productId = 0; productId < 10; productId++)
console.log(productId); // 42
// Block scoping: var + for loop
'use strict';
var productId = 42;
for (var productId = 0; productId < 10; productId++)
console.log(productId); // 10
// var + loop (closures)
'use strict';
let updateFunctions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
updateFunctions.push(function () {return i;});
console.log(updateFunctions[0]()); // 2
console.log(updateFunctions[1]()); // 2
console.log(updateFunctions[9]()); // TypeError: updateFunctions[9] is not a function
// let + loop (closures)
'use strict';
let updateFunctions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
updateFunctions.push(function () {return i;});
console.log(updateFunctions[0]()); // 0
console.log(updateFunctions[1]()); // 1
// Arrow function
'use strict';
var getPrice = () => 5.99;
console.log(getPrice()); // 5.99
console.log(typeof getPrice); // function
// Arrow function with input (argument)
'use strict';
var getPrice = count => 2 * count;
console.log(getPrice(2)); // 4
// Arrow function with multiple inputs (arguments)
'use strict';
var getPrice = (count, tax) => 2 * count * (1 + tax);
console.log(getPrice(2, .07)); // 4.28
// Arrow function with multiple inputs (arguments) - in block
'use strict';
var getPrice = (count, tax) => {
var price = count * 2;
price *= (1 + tax);
return price; // note return keyword
console.log(getPrice(2, .07)); // 4.28
// Arrow function - this
document.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log(this); // HTMLDOCUMENT
document.addEventListener('click', () => console.log(this)); // Window
// this in function
'use strict';
var invoice = {
number: 123,
process: function() {
invoice.process(); // Object { number: 123, process: process()
// this in arrow function
'use strict';
var invoice = {
number: 123,
process: () => console.log(this)
invoice.process(); // Window
// this in arrow function - bind, call
'use strict';
var invoice = {
number: 123,
process: function() {
return () => console.log(this.number);
var newInvoice = {
number: 456
invoice.process().bind(newInvoice)(); // 123
invoice.process().call(newInvoice)(); // 123
// Rest
'use strict';
var showCategories = function(productId, ...categories) {
console.log(categories instanceof Array); // true
console.log(categories); // Array [ "a", "b" ]
showCategories(123, 'a', 'b');
// Spread ("opposite of rest")
'use strict';
var prices = [12, 20, 18];
var maxPrice = Math.max(...prices);
console.log(maxPrice); // 20
// Spread - Math.max for string
'use strict';
var maxPrice = Math.max(..."43210");
console.log(maxPrice); // 4
// Spread - chars
'use strict';
console.log("A", ..."BCD", "E"); // A B C D E
// for ... of loop
'use strict';
var letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
for (var letter in letters) {
console.log(letter); // 0 1 2
for (var letter of letters) {
console.log(letter); // a b c
// Template literals
'use strict';
let invoiceNum = '1350';
console.log(`Invoice number: ${invoiceNum}`); // Invoice number: 1350
console.log('Invoice number: ${invoiceNum}'); // Invoice number: ${invoiceNum}
console.log("Invoice number: ${invoiceNum}"); // Invoice number: ${invoiceNum}
console.log(`Invoice number: \${invoiceNum}`); // Invoice number: ${invoiceNum}
// Tagged template literals
'use strict';
function processInvoice(segments) {
console.log(segments); // Array [ "template" ]
console.log(typeof segments); // object
processInvoice `template`;
// Tagged template literals
'use strict';
function processInvoice(segments, ...values) {
let invoiceNum = '1350';
let amount = '2000';
processInvoice `Invoice: ${invoiceNum} for ${amount}`;
Array(3) [ "Invoice: ", " for ", "" ]
Array(2) [ "1350", "2000" ]
// Destructuring (it requires iterator!)
'use strict';
let salary = ['32000', '50000', '75000'];
let [low, avg, high] = salary;
console.log(avg); // 50000
// Destructuring
'use strict';
let salary = ['32000', '50000'];
let [low, avg, high] = salary;
console.log(high); // undefined
// Destructuring + rest
'use strict';
let salary = ['32000', '50000', '75000'];
let [low, ...remaining] = salary;
console.log(remaining); // Array [ "50000", "75000" ]
// Destructuring
'use strict';
let salary = ['32000', '50000', '75000'];
let [low, avg = '20000', high] = salary;
console.log(avg); // 50000
// Modules:
// module.js:
export let projectId = 99;
// index.js:
import { projectId } from './module.js';
// Modules - alias + import multiple:
// module.js:
export let projectId = 99;
export let projectName = 'BuildIt';
// index.js:
import { projectId as id, projectName } from './module.js';
console.log(`${projectName} has id: ${id}`);
// Modules - ordering:
// module.js:
export let projectId = 99;
console.log('in module');
// index.js:
console.log('starting in base');
import {projectId} from './module';
console.log('ending in base');
in module
starting in base
ending in base
// Modules - export default (works with alias (as keyword) as well)
// module.js:
export let projectId = 99;
export default projectId;
// index.js:
import something from './module'; // note curly braces are missing
console.log(something); // 99
// Modules - import *:
// module.js:
let projectId = 99;
let projectName = 'BuildIt';
export {projectId, projectName};
// index.js:
import * as values from './module';
console.log(values); // Object { projectId: 99, projectName: BuildIt }
console.log(values.projectId); // 99
console.log(values.projectName); // BuildIt
// Modules - imported variables are read-only:
// module.js:
let projectId = 99;
export {projectId};
// index.js:
import {projectId} from './module';
projectId = 100;
console.log(projectId); // ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable projectId
// Modules - ...but object properties are not read-only:
// module.js:
export let project = {
projectId: 99
// index.js:
import {project} from './module';
project.projectId = 100;
console.log(project.projectId); // 100
// Modules - objects are in sync within modules:
// module.js:
export let project = {
projectId: 99
export function showProject() {
// index.js:
import {project, showProject} from './module';
project.projectId = 100;
// Modules - functions:
// module.js:
export function showProject() {
console.log('in original');
export function updateFunction() {
showProject = function() {
console.log('in updated');
// index.js:
import {showProject, updateFunction} from './module';
// Class - typeof/instanceof:
class Task { }
let task = new Task();
console.log(typeof Task); // function
console.log(typeof task); // object
console.log(task instanceof Task); // true
// Class - method:
class Task {
showId() {
let task = new Task();
task.showId(); // 99
console.log(task.showId == Task.prototype.showId); // true
// Class - constructor:
class Task {
constructor() {
showId() {
let task = new Task();
// Class - classes are not hoisted:
let task = new Task();
class Task {
constructor() {
ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `Task' before initialization
// Class - as expression:
let newClass = class Task {
constructor() {
new newClass();
// Class - inheritance:
class Project {
constructor() {
console.log('constructing Project');
class SoftwareProject extends Project {
constructor() {
console.log('constructing Software Project');
let p = new SoftwareProject();
constructing Project
constructing Software Project
// Class - inheritance - super in method:
class Project {
getTaskCount() {
return 50;
class SoftwareProject extends Project {
getTaskCount() {
return super.getTaskCount() + 1;
let p = new SoftwareProject();
console.log(p.getTaskCount()); // 51
// Class - static method (this doesn't work with properties in that way):
class Project {
static getDefaultId() {
return 1;
console.log(Project.getDefaultId()); // 1
// Class - static property:
class Project { } = 99;
console.log(; // 99
// - typeof:
class Project {
constructor() {
var p = new Project(); // function
// Symbol:
Symbols created using Symbol() are unique and immutable, so the only way
you can reference it is by assigning it to a variable.
let eventSymbol = Symbol('resize event');
console.log(typeof eventSymbol); // symbol
console.log(eventSymbol.toString()); // Symbol(resize event)
// Symbol - equality:
let s = Symbol('Event');
let s2 = Symbol('Event');
console.log(s === s2); // false
// Symbol.for:
Symbol.for on the other hand stores Symbols in a global registry
list using the specified key, so for your example to work you need
to both create and access the symbol using Symbol.for
let s = Symbol.for('event');
let s2 = Symbol.for('event');
console.log(s.toString()); // Symbol(event)
console.log(s == s2); // true
console.log(s === s2); // true
// Symbol.keyFor:
let s = Symbol.for('event');
let description = Symbol.keyFor(s);
console.log(typeof description); // string
console.log(description); // event
// Object - setPrototypeOf:
let a = { a: 1 };
let b = { b: 2 };
console.log(a.b); // undefined
Object.setPrototypeOf(a, b);
console.log(a.b); // 2
// Object - assign:
let a = { a: 1 };
let b = { b: 2 };
let a2 = { a: 2 };
let target = {};
Object.assign(target, a, b, a2);
console.log(target); // Object { a: 2, b: 2 }
// Iterator:
let ids = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(typeof ids[Symbol.iterator]); // function
let it = ids[Symbol.iterator]();
console.log(; // Object { value: 1, done: false }
console.log(; // Object { value: 2, done: false }
console.log(; // Object { value: 3, done: false }
console.log(; // Object { value: undefined, done: true }
// Generator:
function *process() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
let it = process();
console.log(; // Object { value: 1, done: false }
// Generator + yield:
function *process() {
let it = process();
console.log(; // Object { value: undefined, done: false }
// Generator + yield:
function *process() {
let result = yield;
console.log(`result is ${result}`);
let it = process();
Object { value: undefined, done: false }
result is 123
Object { value: undefined, done: true }
Object { value: undefined, done: true }
// Generator + iterator delegation -- yield* (without asteriks, the whole array is returned)
function *process() {
yield 42;
yield* [1, 2, 3];
let it = process();
console.log(; // 42
console.log(; // 1
console.log(; // 2
console.log(; // 3
// Collections - Array.of:
console.log(new Array(9000).length); // 9000
console.log(Array.of(9000).length); // 1
// Entries (for returning indices):
let ids = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
Array [ 0, "A" ]
Array [ 1, "B" ]
Array [ 2, "C" ]
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