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Robin Berjon darobin

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darobin / ipfs-gitway.mjs
Created March 24, 2023 16:13
A very dumb and non-compliant IPFS gateway to git
// Adin (paraphrased): "If I take a script and wrap git so it prefixes its hashes with f017c1114,
// do we have IPFS yet?"
import express from 'express';
import process from 'process';
import { join } from 'path';
// path to a .git
const gitDir = join(process.argv[2], 'objects');
darobin /
Created December 14, 2022 20:01
Feedback on "Improving the web platform without third party cookies"

Third-party cookies are a key technology supporting tracking networks, which have been identified as a major threat to privacy [CITATION NEEDED].

The latest draft of the planned update to the cookies spec has some notes on this. It notably talks of 3PC has having "inherent privacy issues." You can also cite that section when you state that In this context, many browsers are restricting or completely deprecating the use of of third-party cookies.

Cookies were originally designed for recognising repeat visitors to a website. They have since been repurposed

I wouldn't bother listing all the use cases for cookies, I think that's going to be a long list and it still

It's more that we have a situation in which the simple solutions don't work, and people are up in arms that reality is being inconvenient to them.

Let's take consent, to start somewhere. Consent is just one tool in the privacy toolbox. It's not a particularly good tool, too. In the overwhelming majority of everyday privacy contexts, we don't use consent because that would be absurd: is it okay that I listen while you're talking to me? Is it okay that I see you when you enter the room? Is it okay that, as your doctor, I analyse the symptoms you just described to me? The answer to problems caused by consent isn't more consent, automated consent, or consent that covers more processing. It's to get rid of consent in all cases in which it doesn't improve people's autonomy.

The only reason that consent is used as much as it is is because it seems simple (why think when you can just ask people!), there is a small but vocal group of privacy absolutists who think that there should be practically no data in the digit

4.2 Messageable Opaque Identity (MOI)

One threat to user privacy and trust on the Web is the use of email for purposes beyond login and direct communication with the user. Email is often used as a login key, and has the valuable property that it can then be used for transactional messaging as well as for newsletters and direct marketing (where respectful). It is, however, increasingly being reused in order to recognise users across contexts to track and target them. This use is contrary to the expectation of users and leads to decreased trust which means users are less likely to want to share their email even to publishers who only use it for legitimate purposes.

darobin /
Created March 17, 2021 14:32
FLoC Experiment Notes


darobin / covid-observation.js
Created April 20, 2020 18:20
A quick and dirty JSON-LD of COVID reporting with (marked as being JS so the comments work)
"@context": "",
"@type": "SpecialAnnouncement",
"about": "",
"datePosted": "2020-04-20T13:45:00.000Z",
"diseaseSpreadStatistics": [
// deaths in France on the 19th
"@type": "Observation",
"measuredProperty": "",
"objectIdFieldName": "ID",
"uniqueIdField": {
"name": "ID",
"isSystemMaintained": true
"globalIdFieldName": "",
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102100,
<!-- reference -->
<a href="#scienceai:849710d4-749b-4cc3-82c3-589a59c9179e" id="fnref20" rel="footnote noopener schema:comment" about="scienceai:c4263261-83bb-4d3a-b4ad-d2042dc33fab" resource="scienceai:849710d4-749b-4cc3-82c3-589a59c9179e" role="doc-noteref"><sup>2</sup></a>
<!-- footnotes -->
<ol role="doc-endnotes">
<li typeof="sa:Footnote" resource="scienceai:35ff7c9d-f6a5-4899-b7d7-7d4dd8acbc9b" id="scienceai:35ff7c9d-f6a5-4899-b7d7-7d4dd8acbc9b" role="doc-endnote" property="schema:comment">
<div property="schema:text" datatype="rdf:HTML">
<p>also seen in tree-kangaroos (<em>Dendrolagus</em> spp.).
<!-- backlinks -->
<a href="#fnref11" rel="prev noopener" role="doc-backlink">⤣<sup>a</sup></a>, …
darobin /
Last active December 2, 2016 07:02
Old W3C/WHATWG peace proposal

A few years ago, the W3C reached out to the WHATWG in order to put an end to the continuous bickering, stop work duplication, end the confusion that developers (and many others) feel due to the split, etc. The proposal was made in private to avoid the acrimonious politics that it would draw and in the hope of eventually surfacing it as a bilateral proposal rather than an olive branch from just one protagonist. (This may have been a mistake.)

The founding principle of the proposal was that in a world of computers and automated publishing, the living standard versus snapshot divide is stupid: you can have both, with one generated from the other. There is no need to convince others that your view is best. There is certainly no need to condescend to Web developers because they may not behave the way you wish they did. You only need to make it clear which is which and what each is for.

darobin / _original_jats.xml
Last active October 25, 2016 15:09
Lists with headers
<!-- a JATS list -->
<title>A List of Stuff</title>
<list-item>Thing One</list-item>
<list-item>Thing Two</list-item>
<list-item>A Third Item For Good Measure</list-item>