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Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions using a persistent local MSAL Cache. Associated Blogpost
import msal
import jwt
import json
import sys
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from msal_extensions import *
graphURI = ''
tenantID = 'yourTenantID'
authority = '' + tenantID
clientID = 'yourAADRegisteredAppClientID'
scope = ["User.Read"]
username = 'yourAADUsername'
result = None
tokenExpiry = None
def msal_persistence(location, fallback_to_plaintext=False):
"""Build a suitable persistence instance based your current OS"""
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
return FilePersistenceWithDataProtection(location)
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
return KeychainPersistence(location, "my_service_name", "my_account_name")
return FilePersistence(location)
def msal_cache_accounts(clientID, authority):
# Accounts
persistence = msal_persistence("token_cache.bin")
print("Is this MSAL persistence cache encrypted?", persistence.is_encrypted)
cache = PersistedTokenCache(persistence)
app = msal.PublicClientApplication(
client_id=clientID, authority=authority, token_cache=cache)
accounts = app.get_accounts()
return accounts
def msal_delegated_refresh(clientID, scope, authority, account):
persistence = msal_persistence("token_cache.bin")
cache = PersistedTokenCache(persistence)
app = msal.PublicClientApplication(
client_id=clientID, authority=authority, token_cache=cache)
result = app.acquire_token_silent_with_error(
scopes=scope, account=account)
return result
def msal_delegated_refresh_force(clientID, scope, authority, account):
persistence = msal_persistence("token_cache.bin")
cache = PersistedTokenCache(persistence)
app = msal.PublicClientApplication(
client_id=clientID, authority=authority, token_cache=cache)
result = app.acquire_token_silent_with_error(
scopes=scope, account=account, force_refresh=True)
return result
def msal_delegated_device_flow(clientID, scope, authority):
print("Initiate Device Code Flow to get an AAD Access Token.")
print("Open a browser window and paste in the URL below and then enter the Code. CTRL+C to cancel.")
persistence = msal_persistence("token_cache.bin")
cache = PersistedTokenCache(persistence)
app = msal.PublicClientApplication(client_id=clientID, authority=authority, token_cache=cache)
flow = app.initiate_device_flow(scopes=scope)
if "user_code" not in flow:
raise ValueError("Fail to create device flow. Err: %s" % json.dumps(flow, indent=4))
result = app.acquire_token_by_device_flow(flow)
return result
def msal_jwt_expiry(accessToken):
decodedAccessToken = jwt.decode(accessToken, verify=False)
accessTokenFormatted = json.dumps(decodedAccessToken, indent=2)
# Token Expiry
tokenExpiry = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(decodedAccessToken['exp']))
print("Token Expires at: " + str(tokenExpiry))
return tokenExpiry
def msgraph_request(resource, requestHeaders):
# Request
results = requests.get(resource, headers=requestHeaders).json()
return results
accounts = msal_cache_accounts(clientID, authority)
if accounts:
for account in accounts:
if account['username'] == username:
myAccount = account
print("Found account in MSAL Cache: " + account['username'])
print("Obtaining a new Access Token using the Refresh Token")
result = msal_delegated_refresh(clientID, scope, authority, myAccount)
if result is None:
# Get a new Access Token using the Device Code Flow
result = msal_delegated_device_flow(clientID, scope, authority)
if result["access_token"]:
# Get a new Access Token using the Device Code Flow
result = msal_delegated_device_flow(clientID, scope, authority)
if result["access_token"]:
# Query AAD Users based on voice query using DisplayName
print(graphURI + "/v1.0/me")
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
queryResults = msgraph_request(graphURI + "/v1.0/me",requestHeaders)
print(json.dumps(queryResults, indent=2))
# Force Token Refresh
result = msal_delegated_refresh_force(clientID, scope, authority, myAccount)
if result is None:
# Get a new Access Token using the Device Code Flow
result = msal_delegated_device_flow(clientID, scope, authority)
if result["access_token"]:
print(json.dumps(queryResults, indent=2))
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tinmule commented Jun 6, 2021

Hello Darren.
You did a good useful job.
I'm working with your script for the purpose of getting and writing data to my microsoft todo instance.
For example: get all task lists with an endpoint

Step 1.
Set scope = ["Tasks.ReadWrite"]
Graph Explorer shows the correct result.
I insert the access token into the site and see scp,od,email, idtyp, etc.
The script outputs one default empty list that id doesn't match my default list id.

Step 2.
When I change my authority='' insted authority=''+tenantID i see all my tasks lists.
However, now an error occurs:
File "D:\Programs\PyOne\lib\site-packages\jwt\", line 183, in _load
raise DecodeError('Not enough segments')
jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: Not enough segments

Checking the token for shows an empty result (as opposed to step 1) similar to the token generated by Graph Explorer.

Is it possible to get the msal_jwt_expiry functionality in this case (Step 2)?

Thank You.
Sincerely, Vladimir.

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Hi Vladimir,
What version of PyJWT are you using?

  • PyJWT (we will be using this to decode the Microsoft Graph Access Token)
  • You will need v1.7.1 of PyJWT as Version 2.x + of PyJWT has breaking changes for jwt.decode.

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tinmule commented Jun 7, 2021

Hi Darren
Python 3.8.5 (default, Sep 3 2020, 21:29:08) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.19.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
PyDev console: using IPython 7.19.0
Out[1]: '1.7.1'

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tinmule commented Jun 7, 2021

For step 1, the token contains 2 characters '.', for step 2, the token does not contain '. '. So _def load(self, jwt):/ the string signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1) raises an exception.

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That is very weird.
I cannot reproduce what you are being returned from the STS with a badly formatted token.
Maybe something in the configuration of the Registered Application and the scopes you are requesting??


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tinmule commented Jun 8, 2021
"Be aware, however, that the tokens you receive for a Microsoft API might not always be a JWT, and that you can't always decode them."
This seems to be the case.
Thank you for participating.

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2 questions:

1 - The whole consent experience is bypassable, right? If the user is redirected to a browser, I can't see technical reasons this couldn't all be dealt directly by the application (although I can imagine legal/regulatory reasons). Am I missing something?

2 - I created a toy app using delegated permissions and after obtaining a token using only the "openid" scope, I'm able to upload and delete files in my OneDrive. Why is that? Shouldn't I have to send other scopes, such as Files.ReadWrite for this to work?

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