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Created March 16, 2018 22:49
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Extension to to turn them on and make them PINK
foreach ($light in $lights){
$status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($hueBridge)/$($username)/lights"
$currentState = $status.$light | select state
# "hue" = 46920 BLUE 56100 RED 25500 GREEN 12750 YELLOW 56100 PINK
If ($currentState.state.on.Equals($false)){
$body = @{"on"=$true; "hue" = 56100} | ConvertTo-Json
write-host "Light $($light) is OFF, turning it ON and change color to PINK"
} else {
$body = @{"on"=$true; "hue" = 56100} | ConvertTo-Json
write-host "Light $($light) is already ON, changing color to PINK"
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri "$($hueBridge)/$($username)/lights/$($light)/state" -Body $body
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