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Last active November 24, 2018 11:00
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Zig struct => JSON serializer
const std = @import("std");
const Buffer = std.Buffer;
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const TypeInfo = @import("builtin").TypeInfo;
const TypeId = @import("builtin").TypeId;
fn toJSONacc(buf: *Buffer, value: var) !void {
switch (@typeInfo(@typeOf(value))) {
TypeId.Bool => {
return buf.append(if(value) "true" else "false");
TypeId.Float => {
return std.fmt.formatFloatValue(value, "", buf, @typeOf(Buffer.append).ReturnType.ErrorSet, Buffer.append);
TypeId.Int => {
return std.fmt.formatIntValue(value, "", buf, @typeOf(Buffer.append).ReturnType.ErrorSet, Buffer.append);
TypeId.Optional => {
if (value) |payload| {
return toJSONacc(buf, payload);
} else {
return buf.append("null");
TypeId.Struct => {
try buf.append("{");
comptime var field_i = 0;
inline while (field_i < @memberCount(@typeOf(value))) : (field_i += 1) {
if (field_i != 0) {
try buf.append(",");
try toJSONacc(buf, @memberName(@typeOf(value), field_i));
try buf.append(":");
try toJSONacc(buf, @field(value, @memberName(@typeOf(value), field_i)));
try buf.append("}");
TypeId.Pointer => |info| switch (info.size) {
TypeInfo.Pointer.Size.Slice => {
if (info.child == u8) {
try buf.append("\"");
var field_i:usize = 0;
while (field_i < value.len) : (field_i += 1) {
// TODO: escape
try buf.appendByte(value[field_i]);
try buf.append("\"");
} else {
try buf.append("[");
var field_i:usize = 0;
while (field_i < value.len) : (field_i += 1) {
if (field_i != 0) {
try buf.append(",");
try toJSONacc(buf, value[field_i]);
try buf.append("]");
else => @compileError("Unable to toJSON type '" ++ @typeName(@typeOf(value)) ++ "'"),
TypeId.Array => {
return toJSONacc(buf, value[0..]);
else => @compileError("Unable to toJSON type '" ++ @typeName(@typeOf(value)) ++ "'"),
pub fn toJSON(value: var) ![]u8 {
var buf = try Buffer.init(std.debug.global_allocator, "");
try toJSONacc(&buf, value);
return buf.toOwnedSlice();
test "convert empty struct to JSON" {
var foo = struct{}(undefined);
assert(mem.eql(u8, try toJSON(foo), "{}"));
test "convert comptime string to JSON" {
comptime var foo = "foobar";
assert(mem.eql(u8, try toJSON(foo),
test "convert simple struct to JSON" {
var foo = struct {
x: u32,
str: [6]u8,
.x = 42,
.str = "string",
assert(mem.eql(u8, try toJSON(foo),
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