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Obsessed with variable fonts

Dave Crossland davelab6

Obsessed with variable fonts
View GitHub Profile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fontTools import ttLib
def writeFont(font, filename):
print "Wrote font to", filename
davelab6 / noto-deva-example.html
Created April 25, 2014 09:21
Colorful example of Noto Sans Devanagari
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
SplineFontDB: 3.0
FontName: unifont mono
FullName: GNU Unifont mono
FamilyName: GNU Unifont mono
Weight: Medium
UComments: "Line 1
Line 2"
Version: 1.0-1.84
ItalicAngle: 0
UnderlinePosition: -100
from __future__ import division
from mutatorMath.objects.location import Location
from mutatorMath.objects.mutator import buildMutator
Simple demo that can be run in Drawbot

OS X Preferences

#Disable window animations
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false

#Enable repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
from mojo.roboFont import *
from import EditingTool, installTool
from AppKit import *
# Original script by Christian Robertson
# RoboFont version by Travis Kochel
# Some chunks by Frederik Berlaen
# Crudely hacked together by Jackson Cavanaugh
# Instead of complaining you should help fix this shitty code
# Ted-Nudget version 0.4
davelab6 / FontForge Website htdocs directory (2012-07-09)
Created July 9, 2012 14:17
FontForge Git htdocs directory (2012-07-09)
filesize filename
1253 AA-Comparison.html
4751 AddLookup-Liga.png
4304 AmbrosiaFV-bm.png
7443 AmbrosiaFV.png
222 Anna.gif
141 Antigone.gif
1433 As.png
6265 BASEdlg.png
3200 BASEfeat.png
davelab6 / fontforge-features.txt
Created July 20, 2012 11:28
FontForge Feature List
[IN PROGRESS - J HANNA] Mac Feature: Make transparent PNG icons in menus not crash FontForge
Mac Feature: Apply all fixes in to the git master.
HUGE Feature: Make the Python object environment compatible with RoboFab.
Huge feature: add an automatic bug reporting tool that gets source code line number traces from a crash and submits them to a crash mailing list automatically
Big feature: Make key bindings interactive, so when the user clicks and holds on a menu item and the presses a key chord, that key chord is bound to that menu item, and stored in the current theme file
davelab6 / fontforge-preview_glyphs.txt
Created July 29, 2012 10:43
FontForge Related Glyphs Preview Layer
[glyph] _editing glyph_ glyph [glyph]
davelab6 / shell.txt
Created August 25, 2012 15:39
FF crash
$ fontforge
Copyright (c) 2000-2012 by George Williams.
Executable based on sources from 14:57 GMT 31-Jul-2012-TtfDb-D.
Library based on sources from 14:57 GMT 31-Jul-2012.
lookupsubtables ('ss01-0',)
len 1
Created A.ss01 83pc/16pc A/B with ss01 ss01-0