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Created January 18, 2010 20:56
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<target name="coverage" depends="clean, copy-coverage-so, copy-index-yaml-static">
<tempfile property="coverage.outfile" destDir="/tmp" />
<!-- Temporarily turns off the USE_I18N in, re-enabled when coverage has completed -->
<replace file="${srcdir}/" token="USE_I18N = False" value="USE_I18N = True" />
<!-- see comments in "test" target -->
<exec dir="${srcdir}" executable="python" failonerror="false" resultproperty="coverage.retcode" output="${coverage.outfile}" logError="true">
<env key="UNITTESTS" value="${tests}" />
<env key="PYTHONPATH" value="${test.pythonpath}"/>
<arg line=" test ${project} --verbosity=2" />
<!-- echo for teamcity to grep out tags -->
<exec executable="cat">
<arg line="${coverage.outfile}" />
<!-- make sure the output is as expected -->
<exec executable="cat" outputproperty="coverage.output">
<arg line="${coverage.outfile}" />
<!-- ${coverage.expected} -->
<propertyregex property="coverage.match" input="${coverage.output}" regexp="(?m).*(teamcity\[buildStatisticValue value='(.*)\.(.*)' key='coverage'\]).*" select="\2" />
<exec executable="bash" failonerror="false" resultproperty="coverage.test">
<arg line="-c" />
<arg line="&quot;test ${coverage.match} -ge ${}&quot;" />
<equals arg1="${coverage.test}" arg2="0" />
<property name="coverage.result" value="" />
<fail message="Coverage is at ${coverage.match}, required level is ${}." unless="coverage.result"/>
<!-- now check the return code for a coverage regression (exit_code=42)-->
<equals arg1="${coverage.retcode}" arg2="42" />
<property name="coverage.regression" value="" />
<fail message="At least one module has regressed in code coverage" if="coverage.regression"/>
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