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Last active January 4, 2025 14:55
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Tiny Python script to access the Bluesky Jetstream (MIT License)

Jetstream command-line utility

Connect to the Bluesky Jetstream, emitting one JSON line per message received.

To use, make sure you have Astral's UV installed.

Then, run it as:

$ uv run
# ... so much data!

Or, download the script locally and run it as:

$ ./
# ... so much output!

(Thanks to modern magic, you do not need to muck with installing Python, or with Python packaging, to run this script.)

The script provides a number of handy flags, including:

  • --collection Filter to only messages related to a specific collection type (like You can provide multiple collections
  • --handle Filter to only messages related to a specific ATProto handle (like You can provide up to 10,000 handles
  • --compress Enable compression with the endpoint (a 50+% traffic savings)

There's more; run ./ --help for details.

Because the script emits one JSON object per line, it's easy to chain it with other commands. For instance, here's a command that prints only the text of posts made by the Bluesky team:

$ ./ --collection --handle | jq -r '.commit.record.text'

My website has notes on fun ways to use this script as well as further notes about working with Bluesky and ATProto using Python.

#!/usr/bin/env -S uv run -q
# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.13"
# dependencies = [
# "click",
# "dnspython",
# "httpx",
# "httpx-ws",
# "zstandard",
# ]
# ///
import os
import platform
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import click
import zstandard as zstd
from httpx_ws import connect_ws
# Utilities to form Jetstream URLs.
PUBLIC_URL_FMT = "wss://jetstream{instance}.{geo}"
def get_public_jetstream_base_url(
geo: t.Literal["us-west", "us-east"] = "us-west",
instance: int = 1,
) -> str:
"""Return a public Jetstream URL with the given options."""
return PUBLIC_URL_FMT.format(geo=geo, instance=instance)
def get_jetstream_query_url(
base_url: str,
collections: t.Sequence[str],
dids: t.Sequence[str],
cursor: int,
compress: bool,
) -> str:
"""Return a Jetstream URL with the given query parameters."""
query = [("wantedCollections", collection) for collection in collections]
query += [("wantedDids", did) for did in dids]
if cursor: # Only include the cursor if it is non-zero.
query.append(("cursor", str(cursor)))
if compress:
query.append(("compress", "true"))
query_enc = urlencode(query)
return f"{base_url}?{query_enc}" if query_enc else base_url
# Utilities to manage zstd decompression of data (use the --compress flag to enable)
# Jetstream uses a custom zstd dict to improve compression; here's where to find it:
def get_cache_directory(app_name: str) -> Path:
Determines the appropriate cache directory for the application, cross-platform.
app_name (str): The name of your application.
Path: The path to the cache directory.
if platform.system() == "Windows":
# Use %LOCALAPPDATA% for Windows
base_cache_dir = os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA", Path.home() / "AppData" / "Local")
# Use XDG_CACHE_HOME or fallback to ~/.cache for Unix-like systems
base_cache_dir = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", Path.home() / ".cache")
cache_dir = Path(base_cache_dir) / app_name
cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return cache_dir
def download_zstd_dict(zstd_dict_path: Path):
Download the Zstandard dictionary from the Jetstream repository.
zstd_dict_path (Path): The path to save the Zstandard dictionary.
import httpx
with"GET", ZSTD_DICT_URL) as response:
with"wb") as f:
for chunk in response.iter_bytes():
def get_zstd_decompressor() -> zstd.ZstdDecompressor:
"""Get a Zstandard decompressor with a pre-trained dictionary."""
cache_dir = get_cache_directory("jetstream")
cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
zstd_dict_path = cache_dir / "zstd_dict.bin"
if not zstd_dict_path.exists():
with"rb") as f:
zstd_dict =
dict_data = zstd.ZstdCompressionDict(zstd_dict)
return zstd.ZstdDecompressor(dict_data=dict_data)
# Code to resolve an ATProto handle to a DID
def raw_handle(handle: str) -> str:
"""Returns a raw ATProto handle, without the @ prefix."""
return handle[1:] if handle.startswith("@") else handle
def resolve_handle_to_did_dns(handle: str) -> str | None:
Resolves an ATProto handle to a DID using DNS.
Returns None if the handle is not found.
Raises exceptions if network requests fail.
import dns.resolver
answers = dns.resolver.resolve(f"_atproto.{handle}", "TXT")
except (dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN):
return None
for answer in answers:
txt = answer.to_text()
if txt.startswith('"did='):
return txt[5:-1]
return None
def resolve_handle_to_did_well_known(handle: str) -> str | None:
Resolves an ATProto handle to a DID using a well-known endpoint.
Returns None if the handle is not found.
Raises exceptions if network requests fail.
import httpx
response = httpx.get(f"https://{handle}/.well-known/atproto-did", timeout=5)
except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.HTTPStatusError, httpx.TimeoutException):
return None
return response.text.strip()
def resolve_handle_to_did(handle: str) -> str | None:
Resolves an ATProto handle, like, to a DID.
We resolve as follows:
1. Check the _atproto DNS TXT record for the handle.
2. If not found, query for a .well-known/atproto-did
Returns None if the handle is not found.
Raises exceptions if network requests fail.
handle = raw_handle(handle)
maybe_did = resolve_handle_to_did_dns(handle)
maybe_did = maybe_did or resolve_handle_to_did_well_known(handle)
return maybe_did
def require_resolve_handle_to_did(handle: str) -> str:
Resolves an ATProto handle to a DID, raising an error if not found.
Raises a ValueError if the handle is not found.
did = resolve_handle_to_did(handle)
if did is None:
raise ValueError(f"Could not resolve handle '{handle}' to a DID.")
return did
# The actual CLI
help="The collections to subscribe to. If not provided, subscribe to all.",
help="The DIDs to subscribe to. If not provided, subscribe to all.",
help="The ATProto handles to subscribe to. If not provided, subscribe to all.",
help="The cursor to start from. If not provided, start from 'now'.",
help="The Jetstream URL to connect to.",
help="The public Jetstream service geography to connect to.",
type=click.Choice(["us-west", "us-east"]),
help="The public Jetstream instance number to connect to.",
help="Enable Zstandard compression.",
def jetstream(
collections: t.Sequence[str],
dids: t.Sequence[str],
handles: t.Sequence[str],
cursor: int,
base_url: str | None,
geo: t.Literal["us-west", "us-east"],
instance: int,
compress: bool,
"""Emit Jetstream JSON messages to the console, one per line."""
# Resolve handles and form the final list of DIDs to subscribe to.
handle_dids = [require_resolve_handle_to_did(handle) for handle in handles]
dids = list(dids) + handle_dids
# Build the Zstandard decompressor if compression is enabled.
decompressor = get_zstd_decompressor() if compress else None
# Form the Jetstream URL to connect to.
base_url = base_url or get_public_jetstream_base_url(geo, instance)
url = get_jetstream_query_url(base_url, collections, dids, cursor, compress)
with connect_ws(url) as ws:
while True:
if decompressor:
message = ws.receive_bytes()
with decompressor.stream_reader(message) as reader:
message =
message = message.decode("utf-8")
message = ws.receive_text()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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