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david-crespo/ai Secret

Last active November 8, 2023 16:23
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ChatGPT script
#! /usr/bin/env bash
~/repos/gpt-scripts/chat-gpt.ts "$@" | glow
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# save current conversation to file
~/repos/gpt-scripts/chat-gpt.ts -s >~/chat-gpt/"$1"
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# save current conversation to github gist
~/repos/gpt-scripts/chat-gpt.ts -s | gh gist create -f -d "${1:-GPT-4 chat}"
#! /usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-net
import { load as loadEnv } from ""
import * as flags from ""
import { readAll } from ""
import { type JSONValue } from ""
import OpenAI from "npm:openai@^4.3.0"
type Message = OpenAI.Chat.Completions.ChatCompletionMessage
// SETUP: put OPENAI_API_KEY in a .env file in the same directory as this script
// This program outputs Markdown, so to make it look really good, pipe it
// through something like Glow
async function getOpenAI() {
// needed to resolve .env path as being in the same directory as the script
// no matter where it's called from
const envPath = new URL(import.meta.resolve("./.env")).pathname
const env = await loadEnv({ envPath })
if (!env.OPENAI_API_KEY) throw new Error("OPENAI_API_KEY not found in .env")
return new OpenAI({ apiKey: env.OPENAI_API_KEY })
const codeBlock = (contents: string, lang = "") => `\`\`\`${lang}\n${contents}\n\`\`\`\n`
const jsonBlock = (obj: JSONValue) => codeBlock(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2), "json")
const HELP = `
# Usage
ai [options] MESSAGE
# Options
Pass \`-\` as message to read from stdin.
| Flag | Effect |
| --- | --- |
| None | Start a new chat |
| -r, --reply | Continue existing chat |
| -s, --show | Show chat so far |
| -a, --append | Read from stdin and append to MESSAGE |
| -p, --persona [str] | Override default persona in system prompt |
| -t, --turbo | Use gpt-3.5-turbo instead of gpt-4 |
const History = {
read() {
const contents = localStorage.getItem("history")
if (!contents) return null
return JSON.parse(contents)
write(messages: Message[]) {
localStorage.setItem("history", JSON.stringify(messages))
function printChat(messages: Message[] | null) {
if (!messages || messages.length <= 1) {
console.log("no history found")
for (const msg of messages.slice(1)) { // skip system prompt
console.log(`# ${msg.role}\n\n${msg.content}\n`)
const getStdin = async () => new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(Deno.stdin)).trim()
// === script starts here ===
const args = flags.parse(Deno.args, {
boolean: ["help", "reply", "show", "append", "turbo"],
string: ["persona"],
alias: { h: "help", r: "reply", s: "show", a: "append", p: "persona", t: "turbo" },
if ( {
const history =
if ( {
const directInput = args._[0]
if (!directInput) {
const persona = args.persona ||
"experienced software engineer speaking to an experienced software engineer"
const systemMsg = {
role: "system",
content: `You are a ${persona}. Your answers are precise and avoid jargon and filler.
Answer only the question as asked. Your answers should be in markdown format.`,
} as const
const messages: Message[] = args.reply && history || [systemMsg]
// in append mode, take direct input and a piped document and jam them together
const input = args.append
? directInput + "\n\n" + (await getStdin())
: (directInput === "-" ? await getStdin() : directInput.toString())
messages.push({ role: "user", content: input })
const openai = await getOpenAI()
try {
const model = args.turbo ? "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106" : "gpt-4-1106-preview"
const resp = await{ model, messages })
const respMsg = resp.choices[0].message
if (respMsg) {
History.write([...messages, respMsg])
} catch (e) {
if (e.response?.status) console.log("Request error:", e.response.status)
if (e.response?.data) console.log(jsonBlock(
if (!("response" in e)) console.log(e)
# wraps passed-in lines in a markdown code block
function codeblock() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "usage: codeblock [ext] [filename, - or blank for stdin]"
exit 1
echo "\`\`\`$1"
cat $2
echo "\`\`\`"
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