(function ($) { 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function() { console.log("The Playing with jQuery script has been loaded"); // Creating the new elements just a div and a button. $('#block-bartik-page-title').append("<input type='button' id='getting-bacon' class='btn-bacon' value='Bacon' />"); $('#block-bartik-page-title').append("<div id='bacon-text'></div>"); // Hide the block by now. $("#bacon-text").hide(); // Adding a click event to the former button. $('#getting-bacon').click(function () { // Hidding the block for the next load. $("#bacon-text").hide(); // Getting values in JSON format. $.getJSON('https://baconipsum.com/api/?callback=?', {'type': 'meat-and-filler', 'start-with-lorem': '1', 'paras': '4'}, function (baconTexts) { // We are inside the callback function for success in JSON request. if (baconTexts && baconTexts.length > 0) { $("#bacon-text").html(''); // Loop into the received items. for (var i = 0; i < baconTexts.length; i++) { // Creating the naming keys. var bacon_id = "bacontext_" + i; var new_bacon = "<p" + " id='" + bacon_id + "'" + ">" + baconTexts[i] + "</p>"; // Add the new element to the div mother. $("#bacon-text").append(new_bacon); } // Show the div mother show in a progressive way. $("#bacon-text").slideDown(7000, function(){ console.log("New bacon has been loaded"); }); } }); }); }); })(jQuery);