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Last active March 23, 2017 15:23
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import groovy.transform.Field
import hudson.AbortException
import hudson.scm.SubversionSCM
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
@Field int slaves = 4;
@Field int threadsPerSlave = 2;
@Field boolean coverageBuild = false
if (env.JOB_NAME.contains("coverage")) {
coverageBuild = true
env.DOCOVERAGE = 'true'
println("Doing coverage build")
threadsPerSlave = 1
createStatusVarTable name: "Suites", columns: [
[name: 'Time', type: "INTERVAL"],
[name: 'Status', type: "OBJECT"],
[name: 'Order', type: "NUMBER"]
stage name: "Begin", concurrency: 1
[$class: 'RequiredResourcesProperty', resourceNames: 'valex-unit'],
$class : 'BuildDiscarderProperty',
strategy: [
$class : 'LogRotator',
artifactDaysToKeepStr: '',
artifactNumToKeepStr : '',
daysToKeepStr : '30',
numToKeepStr : ''
List<SubversionSCM.ModuleLocation> scmlocations = new ArrayList<>();
for(i in scm.getLocations()) {
scmlocations.push(new SubversionSCM.ModuleLocation(i.remote, i.credentialsId, i.local,, false))
def localscm = ([
$class : 'SubversionSCM',
additionalCredentials: scm.getAdditionalCredentials(),
locations : scmlocations,
workspaceUpdater : [
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS') {
@Field Boolean[] stashed = new Boolean[slaves]
@Field Integer[] runCount = new Integer[slaves];
try {
node('unittests-master') {
sh "env"
def cwd = pwd()
if (!cwd || !env.MASTER_UNIT_WORKSPACE || !cwd.equalsIgnoreCase(env.MASTER_UNIT_WORKSPACE)) {
error 'Wrong workspace ' + cwd + " != " + env.MASTER_UNIT_WORKSPACE
stage name: "Checkout", concurrency: 1
retry(2) {
try {
checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: localscm
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e
withEnv(['PATH+COMPOSER=' + tool('composer') + '/bin',
'PATH+ANT=' + tool('ant') + '/bin']) {
sh "env"
settings = "${env.DATABASE_HOST}${env.DATABASE_NAME} -Dbaseaddress=http://${env.MASTER_UNIT_HOSTNAME}/ -Dseleniumserver=${env.seleniumserver}"
stage name: "Setup", concurrency: 1
parallel db: {
setStatusVar name: "Clean DB", value: "Running"
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
sh "ant -emacs ${settings} -Dcleandb=true cleandb update-database"
def end_time = System.currentTimeMillis()
setStatusVar name: "Clean DB", value: end_time - start, type: "INTERVAL"
}, setup: {
setStatusVar name: "Setup", value: "Running"
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
sh "ant -emacs ${settings} build-unit"
sh "setfacl -R -m mask::rwx . || true"
def end_time = System.currentTimeMillis()
setStatusVar name: "Setup", value: end_time - start, type: "INTERVAL"
setStatusVar name: "Installer", value: "Running"
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
sh "ant -emacs ${settings} installer vagrant"
def end_time = System.currentTimeMillis()
setStatusVar name: "Installer", value: end_time - start, type: "INTERVAL"
stage name: 'Test', concurrency: 1
def tasks = [:]
def y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < slaves; i++) {
tasks['tests' + i] = {
def i = y++
runCount[i] = 0;
node('unittests' + i) {
def cwd = pwd()
if (!cwd || !cwd.equalsIgnoreCase(env.SLAVE_UNIT_WORKSPACE)) {
error 'Wrong workspace ' + cwd + " != " + env.SLAVE_UNIT_WORKSPACE
retry(2) {
try {
checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: localscm
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e
withEnv(['PATH+COMPOSER=' + tool('composer') + '/bin',
'PATH+ANT=' + tool('ant') + '/bin']) {
sh "ant -emacs ${settings} build-unit"
sh "setfacl -R -m mask::rwx . || true"
def subtasks = [:]
for (def x = 0; x < threadsPerSlave; x++) {
subtasks['tests' + i + '.' + x] = {
while (runNextTask()) {
try {
parallel subtasks
} finally {
try {
if (runCount[i] > 0) {
if(coverageBuild) {
try {
sh "php -derror_log='' -dmemory_limit=10024M tests/unit/generate-coverage-report.php"
sh "sed -i'' -e \"s%`pwd`/%%\" tests/unit/build/logs/*combined.serialized"
} catch (Exception e) {
println("Coverage failed " + e.toString())
stash includes: 'tests/unit/build/logs/*-junit.xml,screenshots/**,tests/unit/build/logs/*combined.serialized', name: 'results' + i
stashed[i] = true
} else {
stashed[i] = false;
} catch (AbortException e) {
stashed[i] = false;
println "Stash failed for branch " + i + " " + e
parallel tasks
} catch(Exception e) {
println e
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} finally {
setStatusVar name: "Remaining Suites", value: null
setStatusVar name: "Running Suites", value: null
setStatusVar name: "Complete Suites", value: null
String[] runs = new String[runCount.length];
for(def i = 0; i < runCount.length; i++) {
runs[i] = "Slave " + i + " ran " + runCount[i] + " suites";
node('master') {
if (!pwd().equalsIgnoreCase(env.MASTER_UNIT_WORKSPACE)) {
error 'Wrong workspace ' + pwd() + " != " + env.MASTER_UNIT_WORKSPACE
stage name: "Report", concurrency: 1
for (def i = 0; i < stashed.length; i++) {
if (stashed[i] != null && stashed[i]) {
try {
unstash 'results' + i
} catch (Exception e) {
println("Failed to unstash " + i + " " + e.toString())
sh "php -derror_log='' tests/recordPipelineResults.php"
archive 'screenshots/**,testTimings,tasks.list'
$class : 'WarningsPublisher',
canComputeNew : false,
canResolveRelativePaths: false,
consoleParsers : [
[parserName: 'Ant Exitcode'],
[parserName: 'PHP Fatal Error'],
[parserName: 'PHP Runtime'],
[parserName: 'PHP Syntax'],
[parserName: 'PHPUnit Coverage Errors']
defaultEncoding : '',
excludePattern : '',
healthy : '',
includePattern : '',
messagesPattern : '',
unHealthy : ''
$class : 'XUnitBuilder',
testTimeMargin: '3000',
thresholdMode : 1,
thresholds : [
$class : 'FailedThreshold',
failureNewThreshold : '',
failureThreshold : '',
unstableNewThreshold: '',
unstableThreshold : '0'
], [
$class : 'SkippedThreshold',
failureNewThreshold : '',
failureThreshold : '',
unstableNewThreshold: '',
unstableThreshold : '0']
tools : [
$class : 'JUnitType',
deleteOutputFiles : true,
failIfNotNew : true,
pattern : 'tests/unit/build/logs/*-junit.xml',
skipNoTestFiles : true,
stopProcessingIfError: false
if(coverageBuild) {
try {
stage name: "Coverage"
sh "php -derror_log='' tests/unit/merge-junit.php\n" +
"sed -i'' -e \"s%`pwd`/%%\" tests/unit/build/logs/junit.xml"
withEnv(['PATH+COMPOSER=' + tool('composer') + '/bin',
'PATH+ANT=' + tool('ant') + '/bin']) {
sh "ant -emacs ${settings} coverage"
archive 'tests/unit/build/logs/clover.xml'
step([$class: 'CloverPublisher', cloverReportDir: 'tests/unit/build/logs/', cloverReportFileName: 'clover.xml'])
stage name: "Sonar"
withEnv(['PATH+SONAR=' + tool(name: 'Sonar 2.4', type: 'hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation') + "/bin/"]) {
sh 'sonar-runner xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=' + pwd() + '' + env.JOB_URL
} catch (err) {
echo "Caught: ${err}"
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: unitTestBreakersEMails() + " " + commiters(), sendToIndividuals: true])
@Field taskResults = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>()
@Field Stack taskList = new Stack();
def loadTasks() {
setStatusVar name: "Remaining Suites", value: taskList.size(), type: "NUMBER"
setStatusVar name: "Total Suites", value: taskList.size(), type: "NUMBER"
setStatusVar name: "Running Suites", type: 'NUMBER', value: 0
setStatusVar name: "Complete Suites", type: 'NUMBER', value: 0
for(def i = 0; i < taskList.size(); i++) {
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: taskList.get(i), column: 1, value: "Queued"
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: taskList.get(i), column: 2, value: taskList.size() - i, type: "NUMBER"
def runNextTask() {
try {
if(currentBuild.result == "ABORTED") {
return false;
def task = taskList.pop();
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
setStatusVar name: "Remaining Suites", value: taskList.size(), type: "NUMBER"
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: task, column: 1, value: "Running"
try {
incStatusVar name: "Running Suites", type: 'NUMBER'
sh "ant -emacs -file tests/unit/build.xml " + task
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: task, column: 1, value: "Complete"
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: task, column: 1, value: "Aborted"
throw e
} catch(Exception e) {
appendStatusVar name: "Failed", value: task
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: task, column: 1, value: "Failed"
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} finally {
decStatusVar name: "Running Suites", type: 'NUMBER'
incStatusVar name: "Complete Suites", type: 'NUMBER'
def end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
taskResults.put(task, end_time - start);
setStatusVar table: "Suites", name: task, column: 0, value: end_time - start, type: "INTERVAL"
return true
} catch (EmptyStackException e) {
return false
def dumpResults() {
def results = ''
for (i in taskResults) {
results += i.key + "=" + i.value + "\n"
println results
writeFile file: 'testTimings', text: results
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