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Last active January 26, 2021 11:04
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Custom CSV/TSV adpater example
package com.simplicite.adapters.Demo;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import com.simplicite.util.AppLog;
import com.simplicite.util.ObjectDB;
import com.simplicite.util.exceptions.PlatformException;
import com.simplicite.util.exceptions.GetException;
* Custom CSV (TSV here) adapter (using the demo objects)
public class DemoAdapter extends com.simplicite.util.integration.CSVLineBasedAdapter {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private boolean debug = false;
private ObjectDB sup;
private transient BusinessObjectTool supt;
private ObjectDB prd;
private transient BusinessObjectTool prdt;
private int nbLines = 0;
private int nbErrors = 0;
private static final int NB_COLS = 3; // Expected number of columns
public String preProcess() {
setSeparator('\t'); // Tab is the separator
sup = getGrant().getObject("adp", "DemoSupplier");
supt = sup.getTool();
prd = getGrant().getObject("inlog", "DemoProduct");
prdt = prd.getTool();
debug = getBooleanParameter("debug", debug); // Enable debug mode with "debug=true"
return super.preProcess();
public String processValues(long n, String[] values) {
try {
if (n == 1) return null; // First line with column headers is ignored
if (debug)"Processling line " + n + " = " + String.join(String.valueOf(getSeparator()), values), getGrant());
/* Line format: <supplier code><tab><product reference><tab><product name> */
if (values.length != NB_COLS)
throw new PlatformException("Line " + n + " has " + values.length + " columns instead of " + NB_COLS + ", ignored");
// Get supplier row ID from supplier code code
String supId;
try {
supId = supt.get(new JSONObject().put("demoSupCode", values[0]));
if (debug)"Supplier " + values[0] + " found, row ID = " + supId, getGrant());
} catch (GetException e) {
throw new PlatformException("No supplier found for " + values[0]);
// Product upsert (= create or update)
boolean exists = prdt.getForUpsert(
new JSONObject()
.put("demoPrdSupId", supId)
.put("demoPrdReference", values[1]));
if (!exists) {
prd.setFieldValue("demoSupId", supId);
prd.setFieldValue("demoPrdReference", values[1]);
prd.setFieldValue("demoPrdName", values[2]);
if (debug)"Product " + values[1] + " " + (exists ? "updated" : "created"), getGrant());
} catch (PlatformException e) {
AppLog.error("Line " + n + " error: " + e.getMessage(), e, getGrant());
appendError(values); // Rejected line
return null; // No XML processing
public void postProcess() {
appendLog("Nb processed lines = " + nbLines);
appendLog("Nb errors = " + nbErrors);
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